How Can I Tell My Friend To Stop Encouraging Other People To Make Fun Of Me Even More

I'm a vegetarian, and my friends won't stop making fun of me?

That's rubbish! If I were you, I'd get new friends, but if you're after something a little less drastic, I'm sure there are things you can try.

1. Come up with witty replies to their complaints.
eg 'Why don't you eat steak, everybody loves steak!'
reply: 'Well then you should be grateful. If I don't eat it there's more steak for you.'

2. Act really annoyed and exasperated when they mention it. If it continues, maybe try losing your temper shouting at them. If they knew how irratating it was, maybe they'd stop. If they respond by telling you to take a joke, tell them you took it the first million times, now it's just annoying.

3. Cook them delicious vegatarian food and maybe get them to open their eyes to a whole new cuisine.

4. Whenever they eat anything (apples, crisps, chips) without meat, mock them back. ('Why are you eating vegatarian food you freak') and see if they like it.

Those are the things I would suggest, try whatever works for you. I would learn all of the arguements for vegatarianism, together with facts and statistics, because that can come in handy sometimes. However, if you are talking to people who you know don't take it seriously, don't bother. Until they grow up and form a rational viewpoint, you can't have a conversation about it with them.

Good luck!

How can I get my friend to stop idolizing me and copying me?

I had exactly the same problem with my best friend. It only lasted about a year because she grew out of it the more she blended with other people. Talk to him about it. It won't solve it right away, but he'll move on eventually (:

And don't worry about him moving on completely! Me and my friend where still best friends, practically joined at the hip, for 5 years. We have grown further apart because we are so different now, because we where quite young when we first became friends and changed as we grew, but we're still like sisters.

So, the moral of my little true story is to wait it out, give him some friendly encouragement, a little bit of nagging, and introduce him to some new people with new views and styles. (:

My best friend is making music and people make fun of him behind his back. Should I tell him?

Let me tell you something.There are two scenarios how this may go but in the end you are going to lose a side!First:You keep your mouth shut and for the moment you have the friends support.In the end he finds out and than he won’t speak to you for the rest of his life!Second:You tell him.You earn his friendship and the general population sees you as a traitor or a snitch.This from their viewpoint.I have been in a certain situation even before,not once but multiple times.A part of me was telling me to bail and leave this between them keeping this just between them.The other part was to be active and to find a way how to resolve this in a way to benefit each side including here even ME!So i Did it!Yep i really mean it!Now before i proceed you should know that i started judging by myself,if you don’t find it resolving or inappropriate you feel free to ignore this whole thing!Here it goes:I was in let’s say the same situation like this.First of all i saw this from their point of view.You need a purpose to bully or joke on somebody’s back.In the end it resulted that they were just doing it because they were envious.The other guy was kinda happy when he used to see me.Well i behave like nothing happened.The situation went smooth for about sometime.Now what i did i’m just going to put it as an advice that depending from what i said above.I tried to keep it hidden from him.They kept doing that for a long time and they spread that influence.It ended that they made the same to me,when i was doing something like this.So don’t take this as a sure thing but the thing is to get a bit of distance between you and them because you will be disappointed from them in the end!Understand i don’t want to push you to do anything that might jeopardize your friendship,but being surrounded by some people that are used to tease and speak behind peoples backs aren’t a good friendship fundamentals.Hope this Helps Solve your Issues!So Long!

How do I encourage my family to stop doing Gheebat (backbiting)?

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

I found you really have to just gently but firmly keep reminding. It's an ongoing process. Just say, "Well, we don't need to talk about that" or try to change the topic. If it is really bad, you have to tell them that you really need to leave the room until they change the topic because you don't want to get a sin by sitting with people who are eating the flesh of their brother or sister. Many will think you are "cuckoo" or "extreme", but you have Allah on your side, so stick to your guns and don't give up gently trying to correct their behavior, at least when you are around.

Fi Aman Allah,

Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

Why do people make fun of others when they cant drink as much?

My buddies always give me a hard time about drinking because they all drink a lot and i cant drink as much as they can. I had 8 beers in three hours and they made fun of me for being drunk off of that and called me a pussy lightweight. I am barely 130 pounds so its hard for me to drink as much. Why do people brag and make fun about how much alcohol they can drink.

My friends make fun of me because I don't have a girlfriend. What should I do?

These aren’t friends. See, friends will pay attention to the things you feel some sort of sensitivity about and encourage you to conquer your fears or at least organize your thoughts around the sensitivities.What I read here is a statement of fact: “I don’t have a girlfriend. What should I do?”And to that I respond: What do you want to do about not having a girlfriend? Do you care if you don’t have a girlfriend? It would seem to me that you do care about having a girlfriend since someone can’t possibly tease you about something for which you feel nothing.Let me put it another way… I have a tree in my front yard — in fact, I have three trees in my front yard — but nobody can get under my skin for having trees in my front yard, or tell me that they’re the wrong species, or tell me they aren’t good trees because they don’t have the right color leaves in the fall… Someone else’s opinion on this particular fact just doesn’t matter. If I was not happy with my trees, I could do something about them.It seems that you are sensitive about having or not having a girlfriend. Here’s the thing though, girls pay attention to guys whose personality attracts them. Feeling some sensitivity about NOT having a girlfriend is a great way to get into a very bad relationship just to solve the “pain” of being teased by other people.Be kind. Be responsible. Take care of yourself. Be a problem solver. Find ways to enjoy your life. Those are life skills that will actually matter when you do start to get a little attention from girls.Until you start attracting the girls who attract you, consider changing things up a bit for the person who will be attracting them (yourself) and work on making some new friends who can encourage you rather than tease you.

How do you deal with people making fun of you?

You don't deal with them, you ignore them.People who make fun of others all the time for no reason do lack a personality trait called “dignity”.You have to understand that, the one who is making fun of you all the time is indirectly bullying you. Reacting towards that in anyway would only encourage that person to make more fun of you.The best possible solution is to ignore him/her and their so called funny statements about you.Most of the time people make fun of us in order to get some attention from us. When we get irritated by their fun, they love it. That's their wish to make us losing our mind.Don't let the person to be successful. Let them rot in their own funny hell.Those fun makers will not stop there. They will start making fun of you, behind your back. They know the vulnerability of people who listen to others’ shit.Don't get angry when you hear any such thing from any third person. We can't expect people to live without bitching. We also can't change everyone to think sanely about people.The best way to deal with this indirect poking is again to ignore it. Thinking about such things will poison your own mind, nothing else.So “How to deal with people who make fun of you?”You ignore their existence. That’s all.

Why do my friends tease/make fun of me a lot?

Being made fun of, isn’t inherently bad. But be wary of the warning signs that suggest they are disrespecting you.Here’s what I’ve come to recognize, over the years.They can’t tell the difference between when you are being serious and when you are being silly.They brush off your problems as funny and make fun of you when you are in pain.They humiliate you in front of people you’ve never met before or people you are less acquainted with.They are always there to make fun of you but are nowhere to be found when you need them.When you look upset, they don’t stop. Instead, they keep going. Sometimes they will even threaten you or insult you for reacting negatively.Take away all these warning signs and you might actually have a pleasant experience out of other people seemingly making fun of you. I fell in love with my ex because she used to make fun of me all the time when we were alone. She occasionally made fun of me when we were with close friends. She’d never make fun of me when we were in bigger groups which had people I wasn’t that close with.But in your case, I’m a little bit confident that you might have looked sad when people called you autistic or weeb. If they continue doing so while showing some of the above signs, you might want to start ignoring them. If that doesn’t get them to stop, I would avoid them and start making new friends if I were you.

I am feeling very low. All of my friends have a better job and higher pay package than me. Its too intimidating. What should I do to encourage myself?

This might be not easy to listen (read) but bear in mind my role here is to provide my opinion or insight on what I believe can help you. I'm not supposed to tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear.Mind you, I'll be respectful, no trash, but no BS anyway.You need to make a reset. Really. Reset your way of thinking and by consequence your way of living.The world isn't about you, the world isn't about how much you have more than others. The world is about knowing where we're heading, why we're heading there and what do we aim to build, create and share. And in all this, there is no mention to money, jobs, grades, studies or companies.It's all about people. Money? cars? property? job titles? they's a bi-product. If you're ruled by them, and they're your sole motivation, you'll never fill fulfilled.You should never benchmark with anyone. This life isn't about competition. Don't compete with anyone. You shouldn't compete, but complete.The competition you can do is against the best version of yourself. Everyday, ask yourself "Am i the best version I could possible be?", ""could I have done a better job? could I have helped more?"You could get eventually the same pay or higher of your peers, than what? would be a better person? than you'd go for a higher salary, a bigger car, a bigger house, a bigger company and so on and so on and this would become a never ending story.Want to compare your standards? go to an hospital, see ill people, see people who had accidents, see people who lost beloved ones. Go out to the street, talk to homeless people, listen their stories.This isn't suppose to lower your ambitions or put you down. Its the other way around. This is to motivate you, to make you aware how life can swing on a second and how all you give so much value today, can go away in a blink of an eye. What do you have left? yourself. So change your perspectives. Ask yourself "who am I", "what do I want", "what is my purpose", "what am I grateful for".Change your habits, way of thinking. Ask yourself what drives you in life.Read, read a lot, change habits, step by step. Find your north.