How Can I Write An Autobiography If I Don

How do you write an autobiography?


When writing an autobiography, you focus on three major things: who you are in life, what life means to you and what your outlook on the future is.

"Autobiographies have been written since A.D. 400 when an early Christian leader, Saint Augustine, wrote his." An autobiography is information about one's own life written by that one person. In it, it tells what that person's life is all about. When writing your own autobiography, use interesting facts to explain as much about yourself as you can.

The first thing you do when writing an autobiography is start off with a lot of facts about your life; for example, when and where you were born, where you live (city and state), where you go to school and who you live with. You have to give a lot of information so your reader can clearly understand what is going on. Once you have written this introduction, you are ready to start your first paragraph of the autobiography.

Who you are in life?

The best way to start an autobiography is to state your name. When you are writing this paragraph, you usually explain the type of person you are; use facts about yourself such as: have you won any awards? What types of awards have you won? Did you finish school? Do you plan on going to college?

What life means to you?

This is now your second paragraph. In this paragraph you should state how you see life--what does life mean to you. Are you happy or sad? Do you have a lot of friends or just a few? How do you make your school days go by? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What are your favorite places to go on dates? How long have you been dating? If you are involved in a relationship, do you think it will last forever?

What is your outlook on the future?

In this paragraph you should explain what you think the future will be like. Pick a year and explain how it will be but explain it through your eyes. Where will you be? How will you be living? Will you be married? Will there be any kids? Who will you be married to? What is he/she like? How long will you have been together?


The conclusion is the last paragraph of your autobiography and an important one, too. In the conclusion you usually try to re-word the introduction and add some type of closure to bring the whole autobiography together.

If you were to write an autobiography would would your title be?

Life My Way or No Regrets

Would you ever write an autobiography? Why or why not?

For me, after my plane crash, I had a lot of people around me that were struggling with PSD and knew I went through it heavily. They would ask me if I was ever going to write an autobiography and I was thinking about it, but I wasn’t sober at the time and battling so many demons. I’m one and a half years sober now and once I got six months under my belt, I wanted to write it because I could do it in the right state of mind. It wouldn’t have been right to do it when I was still a dumpster. I said If and when the time came, and I didn’t know if it would ever come, it just happened to come earlier than I thought. I figure I could share all my stories from whether it’s a musician trying to make it, what I did and what I faced, so they don’t make the mistakes that I did, or they follow the path that I did. I didn’t make too many mistakes, but at least hearing my crash course, they know what’s up. It’s hard b/c some kids may come from nothing, which I did, you have to find your way into the industry. So sharing that and my losses growing up, losing my mom at a young age to surviving a plane crash. It’s a survival story but there are a lot of other things in there like my relationship with my dad. I think it will be very helpful for a lot of people.

If you write an autobiography, do you have to get permission to mention other people by name?

I would think not, since those people entered your life and have affected it somehow. However, be very CAREFUL about any derogatory comments. For example, suppose I wrote about how my uncle was a dishonest crook. If he sues me in a court of law and I can’t prove he was a crook with solid evidence, he may be able to collect a judgement against me for defamation, character assassination, etc. But if I’m simply saying my uncle was married to my aunt and relayed non-inflammatory anecdotes about his life, then I’d be fairly safe.Tricky huh? If you want to really go after a person or persons, just change their names and call in Fiction, making sure to state in the beginning of the book that any similarities to real people is purely coincidental.Follow me at: Kirby Michael Wright, a Hawaiian Writer

I want to write my autobiography. How do I start?

It is good that you have decided to start writing an autography because it is a great way to tell the world about yourself. You don’t necessarily have to be a renowned public figure to write a memoir about yourself. You can pass it onto future generations and also to your friends and family.You don’t have to be a professional writer to complete your autobiography. Many people choose to write a memoir about themselves because they simply enjoy writing and some people simply want to treasure their life memories in black and white.It is a great way to leave a legacy from your mortal life for the generations that will follow you in the not too distant future. Writing an autography simply requires you to organize your life memories in a creative manner.You can commence writing your autobiography with following steps:Decide which aspect of your life you want to include in your autobiography; you cannot narrate your whole life story. Choose the best story from you life.Decide your intended readers or audience.Figure out the reason you want to write it (purpose).Take note of all the significant events and people.Be creative and work on ideas in which way you want to organize your writings to appeal your readers.Plan your essay and add more ideas if there’s any.Draft your writings (Epilogue, body, conclusion)Check if you have included every remarkable thoughts, emotions, dialogues and interactions .Make sure it is fascinating and more engaging.Don’t forget to be yourself.

How to write an autobiography anonymously ?

Well, if someone you know reads it, he or she will know you wrote it. They've shared incidents in your life. They know that you write "like" when you mean "so". You'll have to refer to them by name (or use aliases for their names.).
As to content, aysha said it. Write whatever you feel like. Write about what you remember. Write about what you like and dislike. Did you like the same things when you were two or ten? What do your parents and siblings remember about their lives with you? What do you remember about those incidents, and about them? Same with your friends? Write about your school years, from nursery school onward. Your church - if you went to church. Your neighbourhood stores, when you shopped for groceries or your school wardrobe. Your neighbours. Your first summer job. Whatever seems significant to you. I'm trying to stir up memories.

Ideas for writing an autobiography?

Don't underestimate how compelling everyday life can be. People want to read about things they can relate to, things like always just missing the bus, or your mother never remembering you don't like casserole. It may sound decidedly dull, but combined with your own thoughts and reasoning, it can be quite an interesting read.

How do I write my autobiography if I am not successful but have a unique story?

Pick up pen and paper.Throw fear out of the window or flush it in drain , whatever works for you.Write.Whenever you have doubt repeat above."कर्मणये वाधिकारस्ते मां फलेषु कदाचन । मां कर्मफलहेतुर्भू: मांते संङगोस्त्वकर्मणि" ।।

Is a person ever too young to write an autobiography?

If you want the public to read your autobiography, you probably have to get famous first. There are only a few exceptions (like Frank McCourt). However, it is never too early to start work. In fact, if you don’t write stuff down when you’re young, you will forget a lot of it as you grow older. My advice is not to worry about the overall structure at first (if only because, like David Copperfield, you can’t even be sure who the real hero of the story is going to turn out to be) but to record what happens and what you remember and what you think. Don’t throw it away when later you reread it and it embarrasses you. The time will come when you see that, like a sculptor’s block of granite, it has a shape hidden inside.