How Can Knowledge Of The Internet Give You An Advantage In You Educational Career.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-learning?

eLearning could be of various types. I am giving below some advantages and disadvantages of self-paced, asynchronous eLearning. Advantages From training provider or organization’s point of view:Reduces overall cost: Once developed, the course can be run as many times, at as many locations and for as many learnersReduces learning times: Training can be provided in small digestible chunks right at learner’s fingertipsEnsures consistent delivery: across all locations and delivery times Offers expert Knowledge: if designed with the help of SMEs and/or instructional designers and goes through multiple rounds of reviews Provides proof of completion: can track learner’s progress throughout the courseFrom the learner point of view:On-demand availability: Can be taken at any time and any place Self-paced: Can be taken in one go or in parts; also any parts that are not understood can be run again & again Increased knowledge retention and engagement: If the course is designed in an interactive way, it will engage and help learners retain information Confidence: that refresher or quick reference materials are available thus reduces burden of responsibility of mastery. DisadvantageTechnology dependent: Delivery of eLearning courses depends on technology. Inadequacy of required infrastructure such as computers, high internet bandwidth, and also lack of relevant technical skills in learners would greatly hamper success of an eLearning course. Lack of motivation: Learners may not be motivated to take a course since they are in isolation and have the flexibility. It requires a high-level of self-discipline and self-motivation from learners.Lack of help/training support: due to absence of an instructor who can solve learners’ queries, explain in detail topics that are not understood, analyze learners' performance and provide detailed feedback Lack of human touch: since there is no direct interaction with instructor or fellow learners during the learning process Inflexible: It’s not possible to alter the course in real time based on learners’ reactions and comfort Start-up cost: involved in designing, developing and deploying a course Despite these, eLearning continues to grow in popularity and is considered as an effective training delivery method. Face-to-face training will certainly be more effective in certain types of training.  To ensure balance, the blended approach could also work well.

What are some benefits or advantages of learning programming?

If you think you want to go into programming there has to be something that attracted you to so think about that. If it's money then I wouldn't go for it, but if it's because you like to think out solutions to problems and then fix them than I would go for it.

What's the point of college now that the internet exists?

I can think of nothing you can learn in college that a sufficiently motivated person can't learn from the internet.

College doesn't teach you skills (unless it's a trade school, but I'm talking about regular colleges),you get that when you get a job..

The only point of the school itself seems to be getting the piece of paper that tells other people you learned it.

Am I missing something or is this just college now just one giant, super expensive, scam?

What are the advantages of the English language?

Advantages of English Language :1. English Opens New Career OpportunitiesFirst and prime , information English can help you pursue and access more career probability . These days, the job market is comprehensive many companies essential employees who can connect with partners and clients all over the world. Very generally , that means finding worker who speak English .2. English Is the Top Language of the InternetEnglish is the most used language online, with nearly 1 billion users chatting in the language. If you can accept and read English, you’ll be able to access and appreciate many more assets online .Email is also now a very basic style to talk with people all over the world . Email is the primary style for many companies to connect with customers or other businesses. Being capable to write emails or other comparability in English is another profitable asset for employers.3. Learning English Can Make You SmarterIf you determine English, you could read a book in English, take a class in English or do all types of other things. This will open up the expressway to many other experiences, help you determine new things and make you impression smarter.If you want to improve your English so visit our site English Speaking Course in Chandigarh Sector 34 .

What benefits are there for knowing multiple languages?

I hear this talk about people who know many world languages have a great advantage work-wise. My dad has said that having knowledge of at least two can significantly raise your pay in many fields. I'm just not sure how true it is, and I'd appreciate having some light shed on this. How good is it to know several languages?

Right now I've been studying Spanish for a while. Ideally, I'd like to learn at least a few more. I'm wanting to major or minor in linguistics or some other language field after high school.