How Can One Better Stop A Heated Argument Battle Between Two People

How do I prevent a debate from turning into an argument?

So there are two parties involved here and one of them is you. When two individuals are debating, they are ready to listen to each other's point of view. And I hope so is the case with you. However, when two individuals debate, they in reality want to persuade the other for something. Now to avoid the latter situation, it is always better to keep few things in mind:What everyone else around you believes in, will not affect you in most of the situationsAnd what you believe in, will not affect people around you in most of the situationEven if you want the other person to believe in something that you believe in, then it is not the right time to make him/her realise/ understand anythingClearly, an arguement affect your mind (otherwise you wouldn't have asked this question). So, for your own peace of mind you should stop it as soon as you realise it. Make a conscious effort towards it. There is nothing in you that you can't control with your mind!

How can I stop arguing with my wife?

Been there, done that, got the scars. I now rarely ever argue anymore because I have learned there is simply no point to it. I can recognize it far before it reaches that stage and set it aside until cooler heads can prevail. Being able to do this is a thing of beauty.Letting an argument get to a heated stage is like letting a horse gallop out of control. It's not the horse's fault, it's the rider. There is no reason for an experienced horseman to ever let it get that far. The more experienced you get, the sooner you will recognize a potentially destructive argument and stop it before any damage is done.I learned to recognize this by repeating to myself, "nothing productive can occur when emotions are in the way." Even raised voices indicate strong emotion. Strong emotion blocks rational thought. Most of an argument is accomplished in the first few minutes; after that it's just repetition and volume. So just stop. Set it aside and go on with the rest of your day.How long it takes to cool down may be a few days at first, but today it may be a few minutes for me. I've learned to say "you may be right" and "I was wrong" both of which have helped me immensely.An argument should never get to the stage where one of you is making hurtful comments to the other. However, you claim the comments cause you pain. This is not actually true. Nobody else can control your emotions.  You let these comments hurt you. Accept responsibility for your own emotions, and head off any discussion before it gets heated. You will prevent a lot of hurt for both you and your partner.

What makes people shout when they are angry?

The explanation for shouting might be diverse. In the context of heated argument. I guess that shouting helps us to cope with our frustration for not getting our point admitted, for exemple when we are facing an unreceptive person and fail to converse with an intelligent and poised attitude, on the reverse when we fall short of argument and refuse to change our point of view we are also raising our tone.I feel like shouting acts like the tube vent works for the pressure cooker... Agreed shouting does not make us any more righteous, it is part of verbal communication tactics though. Try your luck you might end winning the argument at last.Afterall we are vocal since birth... as soon as we come as new borns we scream .... on and on untill we get enough vocabulary to speak our minds out... and bring the volume down why not...Agreed ideally grown-ups should not need to resort to shouting ... however culture and education are just superficial coatings over what our instincts are dictating us... How far are we able to keep command on our emotions? How do you deal with distaste, indignation, shame, prejudice, beign hurt, your own shortcomings? I guess you have to put up with your miserable self ... Personally I do shout on a timely basis, it does feel good in the nick of time, however chances are you feel not so great ... after. It happened that I broke down into tears after shouting unable to cope with the peak of emotions that overwhlemed me ...  Anyway besides temper I am also blessed with a forgetful mind... cannot hold grudge for long unless the pain inflicted to me is too significant to be brushed away that lightly. Cannot agree with the ahimsa monks around ... too human to pretend to be anything else ...

What's the difference between loving someone and being in love?

Loving someone is when you really care about that person and their well being...being in love with someone is when you can't stop thinking about that person when all you want is to be With that person and have them around you....when you wake up thinking about him/her and go to sleep thinking about him/her too

I think that you have love for your GF and love her but from what i read in your question i honestly don't think you are in love with her...that doesn't mean that you cant be in love with her that just means that you aren't yet

GOOD LUCK and I wish you the best!!!!

Do trucks really need more space to stop?

It is generally accepted that a heavy truck can't stop in the same distance that a car can stop. But from the perspective of basic physics, I don't see why this should be true.

If the truck's mass is 30 times that of a car, then its tires are pressed against the road surface with 30 times as much force.
And that force times the coefficient of friction gives the maximum amount of stopping force that can be applied, which is also 30 times as great as the maximum stopping force of the car.
And by applying 30 times as much stopping force to a mass 30 times as great, the truck's maximum deceleration should be exactly equal to the car's deceleration.
So why do trucks (supposedly) need more space to stop?
Is it that they can't achieve this theoretical maximum rate of deceleration? (They do, after all, have more moving parts?)
Or is it that they are harder to control at maximum deceleration, so drivers are reluctant to do a maximum stop?
Or is it just an old wives' tale to make us cautious?