How Can One Islamically Deal With Jealous And Slanderous People

How do you handle people who get dangerously jealous of your happiness?

The first thing is to not let their insecurities get you down. You have a right to be successful and happy. You have the right to live a wonderful life and do whatever it is that makes you happy.My first piece of advice would be to distance yourself from this person. You don’t need people in your life who bring you down with toxic emotions such as jealousy. You deserve better.However, sometimes it’s not that simple and there are some people in our lives who are there to stay (namely, family). In this situation I would say be strong and know that you are better than their behaviour.Jealousy comes from someone who has low self-esteem and self-worth so, if you can try to empathize with them. In other words, remember that their jealousy is about them and not anything to do with you. By doing so you are seeing the vulnerabilities that they want to hide and seek to protect themselves from through their jealousy. This will make their behaviour less intimidating and hopefully less hurtful.You could also approach them and explain to them how their behaviour hurts and upsets you. Do this with kindness though, you’ll be surprised how effective connecting with someone in a genuine way can be. You never know, it may just stop their jealousy!Good luck :)

How do you deal with people that are jealous/envious of you?

How do I handle a deeply envious person?You don’t.Envious people have an agenda.They are not as simple as they seem to be.Before they express their envy (directly or indirectly) there is a turmoil of angry and hateful thoughts going on in their mind, followed by all kinds of plots on how to get what you have or at least cause you to lose it, so if they don’t have it, you won’t have it either.You don’t want to be around such person who secretly wishes you bad.If you watch their actions closely, you’ll find out exactly their points of envy, because it unsuspectingly spews out of them like the puss from an infection. It’s ugly and it stinks, but you have to see it for yourself to know who you are dealing with.Envious people are miserable, pathetic, never satisfied losers, they are like the global viruses that you protect yourself from, not welcome them with open arms. They are bad news, stay away from them, and keep them away from yourself.

Can being around certain people bring you bad luck?

Yes, and No.Yes, if you perceive all good happening in your life as a result of good luck and all bad a result of the opposite.No, if you are a practical person and ready to look pragmatically to what is going wrong or right in your life, esp. when you are around specific someone and why?I will give a few hypothetical examples.Ever heard "Behind every successful man there is a woman?" To some extent this is right. And to some extent, it's horribly wrong. Your spouse has as much of a role to play in your success as much he/she plays in your downfall.Life shall throw big ball of fires at you along the way, be it career, health or any other aspect of your life. If your spouse doesn't support you, and work through this with you, you are doomed. You may say it's your bad luck, but I would say you just don't have the right partner.The differentiating factor between the lucky and unlucky students is their peer group.People in not so good universities will say that Tier-I students are lucky. They are in Tier-I and then they get such good offers, while we keep struggling all the time.The difference we do not see is, a Tier-I student in his free time is either failing/succeeding to create a new company or disrupting the industry with his ground breaking research. They are pushed by each other and their surrounding to strive for more. They set high bars for themselves. Their surrounding is too evolutionary and demanding to help them succeed. It is not good luck.While other students may spend their free time with influence of their peers, procrastinating. Here you go. You are inviting bad luck.No offence to anyone. There is nothing as good or bad luck. Good or bad, it's just a phase. It's how we deal with it that makes it worth or worthless. And this to some extent depends upon who we have around us. Luck is nothing but an excuse. We just use it to reason our own failures and success of others.

How in Islam is fornication a big sin and is as bad as murder if you didn't harm anyone? Murder is like 10x worser of a sin then fornication?

If you kill one innocent person it will be like you killed the whole humanity. Fornication may harm yourself a lot and the other person, also it can lead to pregnancy out of marriage. And that can lead to children not having a stable family life. So in a way if everyone fornicate it may lead to many unhappy people and also it can lead to "killing your soul" - I mean if you keep on doing it blindly you may not be accepted to Paradise. An innocent pure person that dies may go to Paradise. But of course I think personally murder is worse, because it doesn't give people a chance to change their lives or do good deeds because they're dead. But fornication doesn't necessarily hurt other people than yourself and also you can choose to leave that habit - I mean people doesn't get hurt by something they don't know about, but if it becomes normal it may hurt society.Like no respect for women and no people getting married, and if one thing get's normal something else might get too The concept is that getting close to fornication may lead you to bad things, because most people like sex. So it's better to wait until you're married and have stability :)

Are there any restrictions in Islam as to?

What you can eat or cannot eat? Im trying to understand Islam, I think I get Ramadan. But aside from that are any foods or drinks prohibited (alcohol is a no no)? How about other things that are forbidden in Islam aside from food? Particularly practicing Muslims from Pakistan.

Why did Islam displace Christianity in the Middle East?

The converted by the sword. That is an established fact.
Islam gives 3 choices:
1- submit, become one of us
2- accept us as your masters, keep your religion. Become a dhimmy.
3- die

There are no other choices. That was then, and that is right now just the same.
Read up on Wikipedia about dhimmy and dhimmitude. The Neurenberger Laws were a walk in the park compared with what Christians and Jews had to endure.

Moslims didn't invent that much. Most of it was stolen from others, or done by non muslims living in muslim countries.

The word 'algebra' was, indeed, Arabic. Our numerals are called Arabic. But that is where it ends. Muslims didn't invent it. They took the concept of zero booty in India. They didn't do much with it. The major mathematical discoveries are not muslim at all. They were either Greek or Renaissance.

I think you are sincere, but you have to seriously read up on this subject. What you believe is called the "sugar koran". Islam itself means submittance (to god). The koran is loaded with very clear commands to conquer the world, and slay all those that do not believe.

The golden age of islam happened mainly because they looted the wealth of others. Once that was finished, it sank into what it is today.