How Can People Even Think About Voting For Billary After We

I have a theory as to why people have an irrational hatred of Hillary. What do you think?

People have an irrational hatred of Hillary because:

1) Hillary did not fit the stereotype of First Lady set by Barbara Bush, and Nancy Reagan.
2) When Hillary tried to promote a National Health Care plan, it was a direct blow to the male chauvestic egos in our society.
3) The Men who were threatened by Hillary's assertiveness, constantly complained, and lambasted her for 8 years, calling her names like a "B*t*h"
4) Women, around their Hillary hating husbands/siblings/friends/fathers, were influenced by the constant bitching and complaining, so that even they were conditioned into hating her.

What do you think? Do you think that explains a lot of the hatred towards Hillary?

What to call Hillary? Vote?

You should be the last person to lecture on insulting people.
I got a name for you.

Is Hillary Clinton a "child of satan"?

Your question piqued my curiosity, so I did some "Answers" research. These questions are a testament to reactionary orginality and Jerry Fallwell, one of your favorite evangelists, may have gotten them started:

-- is hillary really the devil, but worse smelling?
-- Hillary Clinton is the Devil and she is a racist?
-- is hillary clinton possessed by the devil?
-- Is Hillary Satan?
-- is hillary clinton satan's daughter?
-- Falwell compares a 2008 Hillary candidacy to having the devil on the ballot. Was he joking or mobilizing?
-- Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?
--Would Hillary Clinton be a worse President than Satan?
--Does anyone believe that Hillary Clinton is Satan?
--Would Hillary Clinton be a worse President than Satan?
-- Why can't everyone see that Hillary Clinton is really Satan?
-- Will Hillary serve two terms as president, or will Satan recall her back to hell after one?
-- Do you think Hillary has finished those box of chocolates that Satan gave her for Valentines day?
-- Falwell said Hillary Clinton is worse than Lucifer, does that prove he is more a politician than a Christian?
--Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?
-- Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist? Or is it Bill?
-- Do you think Hillary Clinton,the Antichrist, sleeps upside down and spins her head around and makes faces ?

Barack Obama, Hillary and Mccain. Who r u gonna vote for and why?

McCain of course.
He's the best candidate. He's someone I wouldn't hate when in office.