How Can People Live Life Without Caring About Others Feelings

I don't care about other peoples feelings?

Don't let societal programming fool you kid, there is no such thing as a Personality or Mental disorder, just a lack of true understanding of the matter at hand.

I don't know what you believe and all, but it's possible you've inherited this from a past life. That or emotion simply don't stir you quite like they do in others, and your threshold for emotional sensitivity is above average. In other words, your require a greater level of stimulus for your brain to register what you perceive as 'emotion'.

We are not all wired the same. I know for myself that in many cases it is hard for me to feel any sort of emotion and the like and such, at least as intensely as others do in situation where emotional discharge is most commonly present.

I'd recommend finding something or someone that excites that part of your brain if you are truly concerned with this. At the very least, do not start doubting yourself. TRUST ME when I say that it's not a good idea to go down that 'mental disorder' path. It will cause you more problems then any one person needs. Instead learn to adapt and overcome this obstacle that you've presented yourself with.

How do I stop caring about others' feelings?

You aren't looking out for the other person, you are looking good out for your self.. you get something from this relationship no ,a terrible how unhealthy that you aren't ready to let go of.. you hurt the other person either as a reaction to their behavior, or as as way to feel powerful over them you put them down and in return. You feel more in control. Then you comfort them and apologize to them so that they need you and forgive you allowing this to happen over and over.If you wanted to stop hurting them, you would.. love doesn't hurt. If you didn't care about their feelings it wouldn't bother you. You can walk away.. you can stop the cycle, you can change your environment if you want to. But I see a level of Co dependent behavior that is not going to change until you face yourself.. what do you get from it. How would you feel without it? How would you feel removed from the situation like a break up? … this is a two way street.. you can only change you, and how you react..

How does it feel to live life without concern for anyone's opinion of you?

I tried it for a few years. It's boring. Being neglectful of other people's opinions and feelings makes your actions meaningless, unless you're a child in a sandbox and making up your entire universe (see - solipsism). We're all going to die; Pascal's Wager gives us enough reason to believe in divinity, but even if you can't buy THAT, caring about other people's opinions means knowing that your life will be worse off if people think you're not a good person. This perhaps where sociopathy comes into play, since it means you'll be great at convincing people you care when you don't. In any case, you should know that people's opinions will make no difference when your last day comes - if you believe in divinity, it will judge you. If you don't, it won't. But at the very least you'll have to remember that even after you die, people will talk about what you did, so it makes sense to be a moral person.

Why do some people care so much about the other's feelings?

For some, we do it because we have no choice. By that I mean, doing so is not an effort, but rather a natural course of thought. For me, it happens in an instant. I see the whole picture very quickly and can see how different paths taken will affect others.Others may not have it come as naturally, but because the person sees the value in doing so and thus makes concerted efforts to keep them in mind when making decisions.I can also just summarize it in a few words for me: The Golden RuleI learned it quite young. It made perfect sense to me and so I still try to live by it.

Can humans live without each other? Are we capable of being entirely alone ?

I forgot to say that i am popular with both girls and boys and people seem to like me. But i don't really feel that i need them. Which i feel is quite bad. One should appreciate other humans. I am able to think like this, because i understand quite well how other humans want to live, but i can't say i feel the same way. At least not that much. I can show great empathy to animals, but not really with humans...

Are people that say they don't care what others think, lying or just incredibly arrogant & inconsiderate.?

You're right.
If someone says they don't care what others think, I think it is just wishful thinking on their part. If they say it enough, they might start to believe it because it is better to believe your own lies that to be affected by reality.
What other people think should affect you, especially what they think about you, even if you might think that they're too busy thinking about what you think about them to pay attention to you, well, you get my point.
What do you think of my answer? I care to know THAT answer.

Am I a bad person for not caring for the lives of others?

My father is a dying man, and last night he puked and then fell unconscious. He's got graves disease and hepatitis, he's also been smoking for 4X years.

Yesterday he stared me in the face and told me that last night in the bathroom while he was standing still, he puked without feeling a gag reflex and then fell unconscious for about 20 minutes.

I simply didn't care about anything he told me, like hearing a joke and waiting for the punchline, I stood there and the only thing I was thinking about was changing/stopping the conversation.

I sense his desperation and he must realize that soon he's going to die, and knows that nobody really cares. He's wasted his life and has concern from no one but his other son Curtis, but he's only 14.

Am I wrong to think this way, It's my natural mind after all, I sought enlightenment and purged myself of influence. I don't think I'm supposed to care for people. How is it wrong to just be me?.

It might be fair to let you know that I do have a highly developed Scientific mind. And that's on all fields of Science (all studies). If you think that might have something to do with my mentality.

Is it bad that I genuinely don’t care about other people’s feelings?

Actually, the inability to feel empathy or sympathy for others is a very serious problem in humans. However, if you're able to recognize this within yourself, there is hope through therapy. It's now known that empathy can be taught. For your own happiness, i hope you'll seek help with this issue.Why is this so serious? Because it means you will never be capable of truly understanding others, and therefore, your personal relationships will ultimately be doomed to failure. Nobody wants to be with a mate who has no interest in how they feel. Nobody wants a friend without a heart. Yet, you really don't want to live out your life alone. You may not care about the feelings of others, but you still have feelings about yourself or you wouldn't have asked the question.I'm not going to attempt to give a label to your condition because i don't have enough information here, but I'm sure if you look up the terms “psychopath” and “narcissist” you'll be able to see how well one or the other fits in reference to yourself. If neither term fits, then perhaps you care more than you currently think you do!Both character problems tend to be the result of childhood trauma, neglect or abuse that distort normal emotional development. This cannot be addressed on your own. I hope that you'll look into this and take action as soon as possible, for your sake!I wish you peace and healing,Adrienne aka Grinwhicket

How can I live a happy life without friends?

Keep yourself busy. Get a hobby or alot of hobbies and just submerge yourself in those. Eventually you may come across some like-minded individuals and develop a friendship that way. It's tough out there for those of us who have trouble making/keeping friends.

I for one got tired of the people who I considered friends who kept using me and disrespecting me, so I cut off all contact for a while. I found a few friends online and met my husband online.

The thing is you can't give up. The waiting is the hardest part.

Why are people so unaware of other people's feelings?

Your feelings are generally not part of other people's awareness because only you can feel them. That is why others may not be aware of, or even may not care about how you feel - because while you may feel "hurt", others are not. When you're depressed others are not automatically depressed, as well. Your pain is not their pain.
The people you are referring to either...
-Lack empathy, and may not be capable of imagining how they would feel in certain situations.
-Are not sensitive themselves, and/or have rarely been hurt emotionally throughout their lifetimes, so they are unaware of the possibility of other people's emotional pain.
Don't expect people to understand exactly what you think and/or how you feel.
"How can people treat other people like this? Don't they have morals? :["
I don't know, but they seem like they only care about themselves, and nobody else. I don't recommend associating yourself with these types of people. Hopefully they'll mature as they become older.