How Can Someone Gain Weight

How can someone gain weight but lose inches?

Hello! (:2 things I want to break down. Gain weight & lose inchesSo in order to gain weight you have to eat.Keep track of your calories. 2. TRACK YOUR MACROS. 3. Eat CLEAN (go on a low fat diet or stay under a certain amount of fat) You gain fat by gaining weight BUT the good thing about fat is that it’s an storage for your body in case of an emergency so BURN IT OFF!Lose Inches (i think by this you mean gain weight, lose fat)1. MACROS. MACROS. MACROS. 2. Eat Clean. 3. Train. Do some cardio! Do strength training; more strength = more muscle = weightThe more muscle you have, the less fat you have.Hope this helps!Stay Sassy, Strong & Swole! Xo.

Can jello make someone gain weight??

Yes. Jello has calories. Anything with calories can make you gain weight.

To gain weight, intake more calories then you burn everyday.

To lose weight, burn more calories then you intake everday.

If you are on a diet where you can't eat after 5, then don't eat after 5. Drink water.

Is it rude to tell someone to gain weight?

Im typing this off my phone so sorry for mistakes.

Ive been very thin all my life, i try to gain weight and have a hard time KEEPING gained weight, the same way overweight people have a hard time keeping the weight OFF. Telling someone to lose weight is rude, everyone can agree on that. But people never stop to remind me of how skinny i am and that i need to gain weight, eat a hamburger, and they say it so casually like it's no big deal. It's not pleasant to be reminded every so often how much my body disgusts them, and their comments are hurtful, even if some are not particulary mean. Like "wow youre so skinny" can be compared to as sayinh "wow youre so big" but the first one is 99% of the cases a compliment, but not for me (and seeing as i almost look anorectic, how COULD it be?), and when i say its hurtful they justify themselves by saying i should be thankful for not being fat. Thankful? I was bullied in school for my weight, and the agony of shopping seeing the shirt hang on my body as drapes, wearing sweaters and double pants/socks during summer just to hide my skinny body. I fail to see anything positive with being on either extreme sides of the weightscale.
Do people really see nothing wrong with calling someone who is clearly skinny, skinny? Or telling them to gain weight/ eat a hamburger, or saying they look like a skeleton? Your thoughts?

How can you make someone fatter/ gain weight without them knowing?

okay i know it sounds bad.. but I have a plethora of reasons. long story, but basically my mother is constantly harassing me about eating, when she is the one who refuses food constantly. she's a psychologist so she thinks she knows everything, and she claims she sees "rigid dietary changes" in what i eat, when I EAT CONSTANTLY. I am a teenager. She's the one who wakes up every day at like 5am to go to the gym, she's a vegetarian, she eats like 2 pieces of lettuce, she always makes excuses to not eat like "Oh i ate so much cereal this morning" meanwhile it's like less than half a cup. It drives me crazy cause she constantly accuses me of not eating WHEN IM NOT THE ONE WITH THE EATING PROBLEM. Even other people in my family see it and think she's putting HER food anxiety/problems onto me, because i dont gain a ton of weight. & before you say "oh shes just showing concern" Like no, she makes the nastiest comments. Like in a restaurant i wanted a latte rather than a frappacino and she remarks "What, because its less calories?" in front of everybody. There's so much more I could say, but it just makes me so mad. She's getting thinner and thinner by the day, SHE is the one with the eating problems. Anyway I could make her gain some weight, and trust me she could use a couple pounds. But nothing obvious, because she just refuses food, so dont say buy her favorite food cause she wont eat it.

How can someone gain weight in a small period of time?

One line answer would be - by consuming more calories than you burn.Here is a chart on daily calorie intake for reference.Now while doing so there are a few things which you would like to keep in mind:Try to consume as much calories as you can from protein sources. So that you gain muscles not fat.Start working out a little. This would induce a craving for protein in your muscles and thus would help in better digestion of protein.Include few natural digestives like curd etc. so that you get maximum out of what you consume.Drink lots of water. This could increases your metabolic rate to around 30%.For more details on what to eat, you may refer:Vishal Singh's answer to What should I do to gain weight without having any side effects?

How can someone gain weight even when they are fasting?

It depends what you mean by fasting. Most people carry 5-10 pounds of water weight. You can eat a pizza and magically, overnight put on 5-10 pounds because pizzas are salty and the cheese can constipate you.If you are fasting for Ramadan, where one neither drinks nor eats during daylight hours, often persons will under drink water. Consequently their bodies will hold on to water.Your body does not sense that it is starving, nor does your metabolism drop in any way - and the research backs this up - until you have fasted for 72 hours. See Brad Pilon's 5th edition pdf of his book Eat Stop Eat for info on this.I have found that personally my weight plateaued while I was fasting 3 days a week. But I continued to lose inches. I knew I was losing inches because I kept having to put holes in my belt with a hole punch.There are different kinds of fasting:Water fasting - this can be from one day to 40 days while consuming only water.Alternate day fasting - this can be literally every other day, with no calories consumed for 32-36 hours, or every other day while eating 120-125% of ones daily calories.24 hour fasts - once, twice, three times a week simply fast for 24 hour periods.Daily fasts - i.e.. lingering. This can be fasting for 16-20 hours daily, then eating during remaining hours.Ramadan fasting - not eating nor drinking during daylight hours for the length of Ramadan - about a month. Tricky in hot weather or for athletes. Critical is to hydrate well enough. I would drink lots and lots first thing in the morning, while still dark, then last it out. Not for kids, those who are sick, or pregnant women of course.To gain weight, you simply eat more calories when you eat. Lifting weights ensures it will be muscle weight. To get a better answer, you might provide more info with your question.

How can you make someone gain weight without them knowing?

1 can of regular soda ( such as coke or pepsi) will cause a weight gain of 10 to 15 pounds a year. So keep buying her cases of her favorite pop. Also you could do what they did on that movie "Mean Girls" and give her weight gaining bars but tell her they're to promote weight loss.
Or you could totally ignore the above and accept her new look. There are lots of guys out there who will if you won't. Thank your happy starts that she wants to watch her weight and is able to.