How Can We Cut Electricity When A Live Line Drop To The Ground Unexpectedly.

Why don't birds get electrocuted sitting on power lines?

Current flows in a loop[ which means the circuit is closed]. A bird sitting on a transmission line does not complete the circuit. If the same bird keeps one leg on one line and another leg (or any part of its body) on another line(or the neutral points), then it will get roasted.Consider this circuit where a bird sits on the wire:The values R1 and R2 are resistances of the line. Electricity takes the path of least resistance. The two legs of the bird which is perched on the same line does not complete the circuit. The R_Bird( resistance of the bird’s body) is much higher than that of the line, so the bird might not experience high current. The potential difference between the two legs of the bird is same( since the resistance of the line is the same throughout).The current flows on.The bird is safe.Now consider this scenario:A bird sitting on a line decides to fly away and raises the wings. With one wing touching the neighboring line and the leg on the first line, this creates a closed circuit. Thus electricity (following the path of least resistance) will detect a potential difference between the wing (which touches the other line) and the leg(which is placed on the first line). The current tries to take on that path creating a short-circuit. Eventually the bird gets zapped and falls off the line. Now the current will continue to flow on.The lesson we learn here is that when ever we play with electricity, make sure you (your body) does not close the circuit. When we poke our fingers into an electrical socket we get shocked because our body will offer a lower resistance . Thus a potential difference will be created between your finger and the feet( which is placed on the floor acting as a neutral point).

Question about current: If you took an electric motor and turned it by hand, what would happen then?

Question about current: If you took an electric motor and turned it by hand, what would happen then?

An electric motor and an electric generator have the same components.

In the generator, coils of wire are rotated in the magnetic field. This causes electrons to move in the wire. The energy used to rotate the coils of wire is transferred to the electrons in the wire. This produces the voltage which causes the current to flow from the generator to the receptacle the motor is plugged into.

When turn an electric motor by hand, the coils of wire in the motor rotate in the magnetic field in the motor. This causes electrons in the wire to move, so current flow out of the motor and through the wire that you use to plug the motor into the receptacle. You can use a voltmeter to measure the voltage.

a. There would be no current in the wires.
b. Current would flow in the wires. YES
c. The motor would rotate with a constant speed even if you stop turning it.

I used an electric pump that is used to empty an aquarium. I hooked the hose of the pump to a faucet. I placed a light emitting diode across the 2 prongs of the wire you use to plug the electric motor into the receptacle. When I turned on the faucet, the water pressure caused the motor to rotate, and the LED lit up.

The energy of water was transferred to the motor and to the LED, which shined brightly. As I decreased the water pressure, the light became dimmer.
Physics is FUN

What happens when a live wire and neutral wire came in direct contact?

It is called an “Arc Flash” very dangerous. Just google it!

Electrical Safety: What should you do if a power line falls on your car?

Definitely remain in your vehicle. Even if you must defecate and urinate, having your car shampooed afterward is better than being electrocuted.Do not let anyone, except a linesman approach your vehicle.There is only one reason to attempt exiting your vehicle in this circumstance, and that is fire. The way to do this is to open the door clearest from any wires, stand in the door way and jump as far from the vehicle as possible. If you have minors in the vehicle, bodily throw them clear. Again, a broken limb is better than electrocution or incineration. Babies should be held when you jump. Keeping your feet as close together as possible, keep jumping (or shuffling) until well clear of the vehicle. You are trying to make sure that you never make a connection with your body between the car's shell and the road at the same time.

What would happen if an electric power distribution line wire falls into a river?

Let's look from a different point of view. What if the relay fails to operate???Or takes few seconds to operate???The electricity will flow through the water. Depending upon the size of the water body and concentration of salts the potential will be spread throughout the mass. Yeah electricity will take the least resistance  path to travel to ground(earth) which is known as earth fault. Large amount of current will flow heating the wire, the path inside water to which electricity was traveling will be heated and the water will begin to boil near to that path. A person may get an electric shock if he is in touch with ground and water simultaneously. If he is swimming completely isolated from land then he will not get electric shock. So the fishes and other aquatic creatures will remain alive. Hope you get the point...