How Can We Reduce Our Body Weight Test Question

15 Year Old Heart Attack Question?

It really depends on the cause of his heart attack. If it is an inherited problem you should be screened for the same problem. If not, it is unlikely that a 15yr old would have a heart attack.

If your family history predisposes you to heart attacks, a conscious, healthy lifestyle can lessen your risk significantly.

•aim for a healthy weight
•be physically active every day
•limit consumption of alcohol
•lower high blood pressure
•reduce blood cholesterol
•reduce stress in your life

Take care

Cardiovascular disease questions?

1) Sedentary life style (lack of exercise) and poor diet, particularly high in saturated fat. High cholesterol. Excess alcohol and smoking. Certain diseases. Family history of premature heart problems/cholesterol.

2) Red meat because it's high in saturated fat which increases blood cholesterol, which can lead to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

3) Males are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular events than females as female have the oestrogen hormone which is cardio -protective, until after the menopause where the instances of cardiovascular events converge to the same ias men. Certain ethnic backgrounds and diseases such as diabetes also increase the risk of heart disease

4) Eating a healthy diet low in salt and saturated fats, Exercise, Not smoking, reducing alcohol, staying as close to your ideal weight as possible, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and try to eat at least 3 portions of oil fish per weel

5) Your heart is a muscle and like other muscles, it will get bigger and stronger through physical activity - particularly cardiovascular exercise, like walking, swimming and dancing - which works the heart and lungs. The stronger and bigger your heart is, the slower it has to work to pump blood efficiently around your body. This places less stress on your heart, leading to a healthier and more relaxed cardiovascular system.

7) Exercise raises HDL.

A laboratory assistant prepared solutions of .8M, .6 M, .4M, and .2 M but forgot to label them how would she?

Take a sample of each solution and hydrolse with 0.1M HCl, then add sodium bicarbonate until it stops "fizzng"(all the acid is now neutralised). The sucrose will now have been converted to glucose and fructose (both are reducing sugars). To each hydrolysed solution add Benedict's Solution and boil. A precipitate of red copper oxide will be produced. The more sucrose you have the more copper oxide will be produced and so you know which sample is which.

Second method.
Place weighed potato strips in a test tube of each sample.
Leave for about 30 minutes. Take out the potaot strips, wipe dry and reweigh.
The stronger the sucrose solution the greater will be the decrease in weight of the potato due to water loss by osmosis -thus yuo can identify the samples.

Help/Tips on reducing 1.5 mile run time?

my current 1.5 run time is 13:52 which I don't think is to bad considering I have quite a big build. but I need to get it down to 10:30 for the royal navy. my training involves running about 2miles on Tuesday then running 1.5 mile on Saturday which i time myself for it. I also go to the gym concentrating on cardio workouts such as bikes, cross trainer and treadmill and also weights focusing on upper body strength.
so my week goes like this-
Is they anything I should add or do different?
also my diet is fine and I get plenty of water.