How Can You Be Yourself If You Don

How can you be yourself when you don't know yourself?

Would you like a radish-salmon-cheese-sandwich? Rather that wondering whether you’re a “salmon” person or not, whether you’re a “dairy” person or not, or whether you’re a “radish” person or not, try this:Know your limits. Physical and mental limits. Everything from the languages you can learn to the instruments you can play to how many kilometers can you run with and without intervals.Listen to your limits. Allergies are real. So are foot casts.Follow your inner gut. Does salmon sounds good? Great, here you go. Does it sound like it opposes your vegetarian life style? Great, decline my offer.Fight your own fights. You cannot save the world from racists, meat-eaters, terrorism, climate change, and poverty (or at least not at once). No matter how strongly you feel about these topics.Don’t label yourself. You are you and you are already you for long enough. Just like that. You don’t need a bucket with a label on it to sit in. “Boy”. “Man”. “Rich”. “Funny”. “Vegan”. “Religious”. None of these words, nor another 1000 could even begin to describe who you are.Original Question: How can you "be yourself" when you don't know who you really are?

How can you make yourself throw up if you don't have tonsils?

It is not your tonsils that make you throw up, it is your gag relflex. This reflex is housed in the skin at back of your throat and your uvula (the thing that hangs in the back of your throat).

That said you should never make yourself throw up if you havent eaten something poisonous.

Making yourself throw up on a regular basis will start eating away at your esophagus and destroying your teeth. You can do serious damage to yourself this way!!!!

If you are doing this to try to lose weight, then speak to your parents about helping you adjust your diet and excercise. Making yourself throw up will make you very very sick and will not solve any problems at all.

Is it true that if you don’t love yourself then no one else can love you?

Loving oneself is like loving someone for the rest of your life.We all talk about the eternal love that will last this lifetime. Love that will trust you, hold you, laugh with you, soothe you, dance with you and no matter what low point you face, be with you.We all yearn for such love and in the pursuit of the same, we consume every ounce of ourselves, and when it leaves us torn and shattered, there's no one to pick up the bits. No one to pat us on the back and say it's fine, there's more to life. We tend to let go off everything and don't even realise how we choke ourselves to death.Despite of all the agony, do you think that your desperation will be approved of? Will that changed person attract new people? Will your hatred, self-loathing, bitterness and negativity about your-failed-in-love-self gain attention from people who could have probably introduced you to a new definition of love?The answer is a big NO. So don't forget to love yourself first, each day. Value the person you are. No matter what and who happens, you be the same and better, because someone else might not be there in all walks of your life but you will always find the inner you screaming, ‘We can still make this.’

Can people still love you even if you don't love yourself? Can you still attract the attention of others despite the love that you have for yourself?

Like most cliches, this one is true. Ish. It’s true-ish.Emotional cliches such as this one are often kind of true in certain circumstances and they are really just a quick way of verbalising a complex idea.Of course people love other people who don’t behave lovingly towards themselves ALL THE TIME.Drug addicts don’t behave lovingly towards themselves, yet they often have families and friends and partners who fall over themselves offering their addict all the love they have to give.Married couples often consist of a very insecure partner and their adoring other half who helps them navigate the difficult waters of a cruel world.Parents often love love love their children through the dark self-loathing of puberty and there is not a moment where that love falters just because the child doesn’t love her or his self at the time.What this cliche is trying to communicate in one quick sentence is that it’s hard to accept love when you don’t love and accept yourself as being worth loving. Sometimes, when a person doesn’t accept their self as being worth loving, they can feel contempt for the people who do offer them love. Like Groucho Marx, they don’t want to belong to a club that would have them as a member.It can also mean that not loving yourself can make you overly clingy and therefore people who are very independent may find your need for constant reassurance a burden.A confident secure person is often very attractive to others - but too much confidence can be seen as arrogance - and well, that’s not attractive at all.Like almost all of life, you need to take each emotional situation for itself and not try to apply a one size fits all bandaid to it. That’s boring and everybody knows that boring people don’t attract love.Just kidding ;)

How can you love someone if you don't love yourself?

I don't get that saying because I don't love myself yet I love my mom and close family. In fact I kinda hate the way I am the way I talk, look, and walk. But my mom says if I don't love myself I can't love others. I think its complete bull. You can hate yourself so much yet love god and other ppl. Can someone please explain this saying to me? I've never gotten the meaning of it. Please break it up and explain it because its confusing to me.

What happens if you don't clean yourself after sex?

Okay so everyone on here is Wrong! What you do for cleaning is perfect. You should always pee and clean up after sex. The reason is because penetration from sex can actually push bacteria into the urethra and cause a bladder or urinary tract infection. (Which is also why you should wipe front to back). The distance between the opening of the urethra and the bladder is very short compared to a mans. This is why women can so easily get bladder infection which are very, very painful. Going pee after sex washes any bacteria that may have pushed through right back out.
So keep doing what you are doing and let everyone else keep the infections to themselves! : )

If you cut yourself will you go to hell if you don't repent from it?

it depends on what youre cutting yourself for