How Can You Find True Friends

Do have true true friends?

I heard a wise person say once that you can count your true friends on one hand... this said, value that friend and tell them that you care about them. I had two true friends once. They are both gone now, i lost one to drugs and the other to... well, anyways, show them you care everyday

What is a true friend?

A best friend is someone who’ll listen to your mistakes and accept them. It is someone who you can trust.Being best friends is not something you can just explain. A best friend is someone you feel comfortable being 100% yourself around. It's also a person who accept your flaws and whom you can speak about your problems with.According to Dr. Klein and a Harvard study, you live longer with friends.Contrary to popular belief, your best friend doesn't have to be with you 24/7 or think and act just like you.Truly, a best friend can be the exact opposite of you, and this usually leads to fights and difficulties getting along, but somehow you still just love them to death anyway.Your best friend is the one person who could not speak to you for any amount of time but you still think of them just the same. Someone who, despite all the changes a person goes through in their life, will stick by you and always accept you for who you are.A person who will always tell you what you NEED to hear, even if its not necessarily what you WANT to hear. A person who can make you laugh even on your bad days, and who makes all the problems in life seem easy to overcome, as long as you have them by your side.A best friend can be many things, your inspiration, your hero; best friends help each other to become better people by using honest, constructive criticism that sometimes hurts to hear, but is all for the best in the end.Bestfriends are the ones that bring up touchy topics with you, even if it will risk you being angry w/ them because they care more about your well being. Your best friend is the one who you could piss off so badly, but in your time of need they'll will still be there for you.A best friend is someone who you have shared good AND bad memories with, but you just can't help but cherish each of them; a TRUE best friend is hard to come by, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

Why are true friends so hard to find?

Hey, I had fake friends my whole life (mixed with good friends aswell) although I was a good person who thrived on helping others. People just flocked to me and liked me because I was always so happy and helpful, therefore I attracted bad people as well as the good. In highschool I chose to stick around with a popular croud becoming close with them all and loving them dearly. But I found out a few years down the road that they were simply leaches, they wanted me for entertainment and to use my good advice and happy energy. I found out many things they had done to me behind my back after all I had helped them conquer throughout their lives. My world was shattered but I was picked back up by the people who truly did love me. My real friends. I obviously had friends other then that clique and soon found out which of these other people were truly my friends. I cant tell you why you dont have real friends, it could be that your not giving yourself fully to others (trust issues) or it could be a situation similar to mine in innocense, but to find real friends you must lay down all social hiarchys and really find people that match with you. You never know if their trustworthy, just give yourself 100% all the time, sometimes you'll get let down and people will betray you but at least you gave it your all so you know for sure. Keep giving your all to people, trust them with things even if they hurt you because through this youll find people who admire your trust in them and will trust you as well. You will make real friends through sorting through the bad ones picking your heart back up off the floor each time until you find ones that hold your heart carefully. Nobody said life would be easy, they just said it would all be worth it in the end.

How can I find good and true friends?

Be one  :) . Simple .Your life is a reflection of your deeds.If you do good, good will return to you and vice versa .And for those who say its a cruel world ,believe me even in this world of cruels there are many pure hearts ( cheers ).When it comes to finding a good friend it is a aloaw and mutual process. You can add anyone after a minutes meet on facebook ,share contacts numbers and what not .But the real bond building process needs time . It  builds slowly ,stone by stone .You know someone is your friend when you know that you matter to him/her.When you are sure that the love that you share is selfless . Friendship is not a buisness to look for profits .When you guys can have each other whenever needed. No excuses .When words are not needed. A friends knows better of you than you yourself do.If you can find someone like this in your life, you will  find your good  friend.

What is a true friend?

Friends, we all have them. Some of them are nice, some are not. Some you love, some are acquaintances. Really, what is a true friend?

A true friend is someone you can trust. Someone whom you tell everything to. Someone who can come over to your house at any time of day and spill their heart out.

True friends almost never abandon you. If they have other friends, they still come back to you. They are the people who share all secrets with you, even when they are not relevant. They wait for you at the end of the day, and you feel free around them. They don't make you feel bad at all.

True friend tell the truth all the time. They always do. If they think your bad at something they are honest. But the really true friend would help you become better. The true friend would think you were still great and not brag about anything. They compliment you even when they think someone else is better. They also don't mention someone else when they are talking about a Competition. They don't.

A true friend won't brag or pretend to be better. They always credit you.

You should always know your true friend's life. You are together forever and always.

P.S. If this is for school and not life read the following...

- A true friend is someone who always helps you, is loyal, and who never talks behind your back. They always believe in you, and never are mean to you.

How many “True Friends” do you have?

Me none. I don’t like to let people into my life. If you do there’s the chance they can screw you. I’d rather be the screwier than the screwed. I have aquatintices, people I speak to here and there. People that I’m cordial to. I must just be a cold and indifferent person.

How about you, how many “True Friends” do you have? People who have your back in fight, someone who will come to you in your greatest time of need, someone who will support you through all your endeavors.
Do you have one, any?
Do you have true friends?

What is "true" friendship?

I rarely quote but find this quote by a forgotten author speaks better than my own words.
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
You can know someone for years & they never are more than an acquaintance, yet meet another for the first time & have that warm & comfortable feeling of being with your old friend.
True friendship has a elusive quality that is difficult to define.
A man may have a 1000 acquaintances, but is truly blessed if he can count one true friend in his life.
Thank You for the song, I love the artist!
I offer the song below in return.
Many Blessings!

What's a true friend?

A true friend is someone who will listen to your problems and will give you advice when you need it. A true friend wouldnt lie to you and would keep your secrets and wouldnt tell anyone anything you told them. a true friend would let you cry on their shoulder when you need it, and will come over and will do anything just to cheer you up. you can tell them anything and they can tell you anythiing and you know they wont tell. and they dont care how you look, how smart or dumb, or how popular you are

Why is it so hard to find true friends these days?

TLDR: Because trust is difficult to obtain.Because people are assholes.Hold on, let me explain. As you get older, you become picky. As a kid you don’t care. You like baseball, Johnny likes baseball, so Johnny is now a friend. As an adult a friend is a serious investment. You have a job, you have responsibilities, you come home after work pretty much dead, pondering to just shoot yourself and be done with it.At the age of about 15 you learn the true nature of people: they put themselves before anything else. It sounds like a simple idea, but it’s a bit more complicated. People will easily betray you, people will spread rumors, people will do anything if they see you as an obstacle that needs to be removed.As you (and the people) grow older, cynicism comes into play. You learn to not trust people. You learn that strangers will betray you, stomp you into the ground for a measly dollar. Hell, they’ll do it for fun.You need someone you can trust and that’s one hell of a requirement.You need someone who, regardless of consequences or potential profit, or hell, entertainment will trust you and you can trust them to not suddenly stab them in the back. People do it “for the lulz” all the time. Finding that someone is difficult. It’s one hell of a quest. Finding a true friend these days is almost impossible.That’s why people pretty much give up once they’re older.You need to invest time and money into friendship and if the other party senses something shifty is going on, they pull out immediately and without any explanation.