How Can You Spot A Sociopath When You Meet One

Have you ever met a sociopath?

I don't think what you're describing is sociopathy. I believe you are trying to imply (somewhat ineptly) that anyone who supports the war on terror is mentally ill. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Sociopathy is chiefly characterized by something wrong with the person's conscience. They either don't have one, it's full of holes like Swiss cheese, or they are somehow able to completely neutralize or negate any sense of conscience or future time perspective. Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires - selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme. Everything and everybody else is mentally twisted around in their minds as objects to be used in fulfilling their own needs and desires. They often believe they are doing something good for society, or at least nothing that bad. The term "sociopath" is frequently used by psychologists and sociologists alike in referring to persons whose unsocialized character is due primarily to parental failures (usually fatherlessness) rather than an inherent feature of temperament.

I have known a sociopath, and she was an office manager for a Psychotherapy practice! She worked with trained psychologists for years, and there never saw it until her behavior became overtly criminal.

The doctors who owned the practice thought they had a receivables problem, and hired me to install a new accounting system. Part of the task of course, was to interview the staff and document current procedures. The office manager as it turns out, had been stealing from the practice for years, and she realized that the new system would prevent her from doing so undetected in the future. At that point she began to steal MORE. So much so that checks started to bounce. The owners hired a forensic accountant, and discovered the truth of the matter. When the office manager was arrested, she had absolutely no remorse over her actions. She was ANGRY that they would dare to have her arrested. In her own mind she was such a good employee that she deserved more compensation than the salary she was paid, and it wasn't stealing because she was only taking what she "deserved."

Where did you meet a sociopath or narcissist?

A “support group” as they are now referred to. Those places are lousy with both as they're a happy hunting grounds for troubled and vulnerable people. The enabling of the “good people” is world class to boot.The groups take pride in their lack of accountability and their victim-blaming is legendary. Some groups even take on the dynamics of a cult.

Do you know any sociopaths? What is one exactly?

A Sociopath is not always a criminal. A Sociopath is one who doesn't care about others, EXCEPT when it is in their interest to do so. Sociopath is very misunderstood. I've heard people, as some other answers you received said, that confuse psychopaths and sociopaths because they have some of the same characteristics. A sociopath learns to express their needs in the easiest way possible for other people to meet them and in the easiest way for me to gage if their needs will be met.
Sociopaths want their needs to be met for free, however, it very rarely works that way. They are users, they are manipulators, and they are continually studying others to see which ones will meet their needs without them having to give much in return.
The MOST POSITIVE type of relationship possible for a sociopath is that of mutual use. Each person provides a service to the other, and can rely on the other to reciprocate. BOTH PEOPLE WIN! As long as no one CHANGES THE RULES, no one loses.
There is a movie called Girl Interrupted, and there is a character (Lisa Rowe) played by Angelina Jolie, and she is playing a sociopath. If you really want to learn more about sociopaths, I'll give you a name of a Great book which help explains it in clear and understandable terms.
All people have some of the qualities listed, the difference is how many of them, and how strongly they use those traits in life.

Can anyone define what a pessimistic sociopath is?

Just a guess...someone who is negative but gets along well with others let's say in a work place setting. But at home he is a tyrant...but seems to always have an ANSWER for everything. Kind of scary if you meet would NEVER KNOW for a while...then it is best to tell him over the phone.."I ran into my ex-boyfriend and we are getting back together"..and if he RANTS AND RAVES...just say .."I'm sorry, you feel that way, but me and my ex have a connection." Now I heard OJ Simpson is a sociopath which one I do not recall. He was a newscaster and got along well with everyone! Go figure!