How Come Americans Are More Fixed On Racial Divisions

How can racism in the USA be fixed?

Racism cannot be “fixed” any more than ignorance or stupidity can be “fixed”. The United States is one of the LEAST racist countries in the world. We have historically been known as the “melting pot” for that very reason. Most of this “racism” you continually hear about comes from the mouths of the racists themselves.Real racism exists everywhere. Just take a gander at the middle-east if you doubt it. Visit Mexico, or Cuba, France, or 50 other countries to get a feel for the depth and breadth of racism against virtually EVERY race on earth.My personal belief is to REDUCE racism, stop elevating it beyond what it is… a small percentage of ignorant people and a whole lot of others driving wedges between groups in a systematic effort to benefit themselves.

If Trump gets elected, can he solve the racial tensions America is going through?

Two answers - even a person who had great personal qualities and the historical background and moment to solve these pronlems - President Obama - was unable to solve these problems. It’s a problem that has the weight of human history behind it. No one person can solve it. All we can expect is that things can better.I think you are a foreigner and don’t know how steeped in racism America is. I think it’s worse than you think.I do have hope that things will get better. But the lriginal sin of America is slavery and the nation would have to unite in sincere desire to make things different. It would have to be our national project; we’d have to fight institutional racism with the same zeal with which we fought ww2.So, no.Second, I don’t see that rolling back institutional racism is something Trump is particularly interested in. I do believey Clinton is an historical and intellectual dead end. I beleive that at this moment the American left, as led by Clinton can’t deliver. I think Bernie could have helped here. If only Bernie had inherited the Democratic party as his dowery I’d he excited to vote him into office.I am heterodox in that I believe a Trump presidency can make things better in this regard, better than under Hillary Clinton. I think he is the more genuine ‘democrat’ and man of the people than Clinton. I beleive any bettering has to come from the people.,Right now? He is more part of the problem than the solution. Let’s hope he gets better in office.

Is there more racial tension in America after Trump became president?

I suspect racial tension is indeed up somewhat. But mostly I think it’s more open. Trump's bigotry is emboldening other bigots.Minorities are fully justified to wonder what Trump will do next. He has repeatedly shown he is a bigot. And worse he has zero impulse control.His recent e.o. allowing businesses to discriminate based on the religion of the owner/operator will inevitability have consequences far wider than he envisions.

Will we ever repair race relations in America?

We can’t “repair” what was never good. Will we ever fix race relations in the U.S.A.? I certainly hope so. As a naïve child who survived the Civil Rights era, I thought everything was fixed back then. I was so wrong.I will say that things are very, very slowly getting slightly better. It’s frustrating how long this is taking, but within my memory we’ve gone from separate bathrooms and separate movie theaters to having the first black President of the United States, and I got to vote for him! How fantastic is that?In addition, with mixed marriages, we’re gradually producing a nation of people with an attractive diversity of skin colors. It makes it harder to oppress someone on the basis of skin color.The problem is, we humans will find something else to divide us. Politics. Religion. The clothes we choose to wear. Tattoos. The land our ancestors came from. We’ll find something to hate.

Can American society ever overcome racism and sexism?

I've learned the hard way that playing dumb is a fact of life in the workplace as a woman. I can't be smarter, that makes me competition. Now they need to put me back in my place.Who does she think she is?!She thinks she's better then me.She thinks she's smarter then meShe doesn't belong here.What is she doing here?This isn't the place for her.She's telling me how to do my job,What a bitch.I was unfortunate enough to overhear them yesterday. My heart is broken.They had been struggling for two weeks trying to figure something out. I figured it out, passed along the information, got them in contact with the right people. They all congratulated each other.Given the time crunch. I didn't even stop to think, I'm usually so much better at this, just how threatening it is, to them, for a woman, to figure out what they couldn't.I know this. How could I have been so stupid as to show them what I'm really capable of?They spent the rest of yesterday one by one going to speak to the managers.Today. I lost my position. They are downsizing the department. I was assured that it wasn't performance related, and it had nothing to do with my qualifications. I will be moved to another area. However my schedule will no longer be set. I'll have 30 days to figure it out.

Answers to questions for Jared Diamond's "Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race"?

I need to finish my summer homework for AP world history and I'm having trouble looking for the answers to some of the questions I have to do. So please help me out.

The questions are...

1. What is the thesis (main point) of Diamond’s article?
2. When and how did human “escape” from the hunting and gathering lifestyle?
3. In a sentence or two, explain the “progressivist view”.
4. What are the three main reasons that explain the negative effects of agriculture on health?
5. Why did, according to the article, farming cause deep class and gender divisions?
6. Why did farming communities win the struggle for survival against hunters and gathers?
7. Come up with an argument that would challenge Diamond’s conclusion.

Please if you know the answers to them, tell me. I know I should be doing these on my own but I don't have time to finish it before it's due.

Debate: Is America the most or least racist country in the world? Why?

Neither.There is a legend that America is a highly racist society. This is a misconception resulting from television coverage, all of which is created by our own media.We definitely have a problem with racism but it is right out front for the world to see because we are concerned about it. And don’t forget we elected a Black president, twice. We want to overcome our racism and are leading the world in doing just that. Most countries are far more homogeneous than we are so what racism they have is hidden from view.America is a true melting pot, so much so that our white population is fast becoming a minority. The US is the most popular country for immigration and the illegal immigrants keep coming as well.I frequently hear other languages being spoken when I shop at Wal Mart. Some sound Asian and others Spanish.I have worked alongside people from Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, and Germany.I have hired blacks and Hispanics. I would hire anyone from any race if they were qualified.I have had black and Hispanic customers as well as some from Vietnam, Germany, China, and India.My acupuncturist is Indian, my herbalist Chinese, my doctor Vietnamese.How many people from other countries can make a statement like this? I'm going to take a guess that it is close to zero.We all get along in this melting pot.I have read answers on Quora complaining about racism people have experienced in India, Japan, China, Russia, Poland, South America, and Africa and it sounds pretty bad but since it only affects a few tourists it does not rise to the level of broadcast news.Racism is a global phenomenon, not an American one, and it's not that bad in America.IndiaRussiaEnglandItalyGermanySwedenPoland “Europe will be White”Spanish athletes mimic Chinese “slant eyes”FranceRuben Navarrette says life in Mexico comes with more challenges for darker-skinned peopleApartheid

Why is identifying with a social racial label such a significant thing in American society?

Racism isn’t about acknowledging differences in ethnic backgrounds or skin color. It’s about making assumptions about a person’s character, work ethic, intelligence and/or other traits, BASED ON his/her ethnic background. It’s quite possible to refrain from doing this, without having to pretend that groups with shared ethnicity don’t exist in our society.It can be quite helpful, in fact, for the government to examine data related to those of a particular ethnicity, because it allows us to recognize trends that could impact the goal of equal opportunity for all. For example, some years ago it was discovered that some companies were using the term “all American” as code for “white,” in order to practice racial discrimination in hiring. Studies revealed that, in many cases, applicants of color were being shunted aside in favor of equally or less qualified white applicants.If we’re going to identify and address racial or ethnic discrimination, we must first acknowledge that racial and ethnic differences exist, and that they are visible to the casual observer.