How Come European Americans Didnt Hate Vick Before He Got In Trouble With The Dogs

Why are pitbulls so popular in the African American culture?

Pitbulls are an intimidating and powerful dog and for many black males, they see their dog as an extension of their masculinity. A lot of them try to use their dog as a weapon or as added protection against rival gangs or drug dealers. Fighting goes on no matter what the laws are. Since many blacks have grown up in a violent neighborhood and use physical violence to solve their problems, they see this as normal behavior and say that their dog "likes" to fight. Again, if they have a winning fighting dog, they are a bigger, more macho male. The dog is a companion as well because many of these men did not grow up with fathers or stable homes, so they need some source of unconditional love. Usually pit bulls are quite friendly and good within the family.

Why do Irish and Italian Americans get along so well?

I'm a transplanted New Yorker from the south(anglo protestant) and ive noticed that Irish and Italian(mostly Siclians or Southern Italians in NYC) Catholics live in the same neighborhoods, intermarry and attend same churches and what not. Now I've always thought(before i moved to NY) for some reason that the Irish and Italians HATED eachother, I have no clue why, other then friendly banter, they get along well and I see they have very similar cultures (Blue collar, Catholic, Lower Middle Class, Hardworking, Tough..). I work with some Irish and Italian NYers that is how I noticed this, even the immigrants (from Sicily and Ireland get along well). So did the Irish and Italians always get along in New York? I know they were both heavily discriminated against when they immigrated here, "No Irish Need Apply" for instance, I even heard Sicilians were lynched and Irish Catholics were enslaved. Was there ever competion for jobs, status, or whatever?? I'm very interested in NYC culture..

How many examples of this kind of crap must we tolerate before calling "moderate" Muslims to account?

3/13/12 Al Ababiya News: Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry her rapist
A 16-year-old Moroccan girl has committed suicide after a judge ordered her to marry her rapist, according to Moroccan media reports.

Why a so strong and sometimes useless patriotism?

While the idea of America is great, in practice, we have done little to be proud of. The World War's were the only shining achievement of America. Lets be honest folks, this is a country built on the blood of Native Americans, and the backs of African slaves. While ridding the world of the Nazi's was a truly great thing, we did not do it alone, and we only did it in self-defense. Since then we have been responsible for untold millions of innocent lives all over the world. I read some of these comments and it seems as if we simply cannot fault anything our government does. Apparantly we Americans HATE history, and think reflection is a contagious disease. I'm not a 'crazy' liberal. I support the death penalty, I hate welfare, but I refuse to ignore my countries actions. I refuse to close my eyes and simply state that we are the best because we are the strongest. Being the most powerful nation does not mean you are the nicest, or the most correct nation. Just because our guns are bigger does not make us the 'best'. If anything, for the last century we have been little more than a bully. How many times do we have to catch ourselves overthrowing soveriegn nations, exploiting uneducated masses, disregarding the wishes of those less inclined, pandering to the 5% who are the richest in our country while ignoring everyone else before we realize our countries moral compass is in sad sad shape. We are brainwashed from kindergarden to high-school about how righteous we are, about how great and moral our country is. I read through my old Social Studies book from middle school the other day was enraged by how biased and untruthful the text was. The propaganda from page to page was unreal! It made me realize why we are so blinded about the truth of our nation. Please, take off the blind folds, stop watching the FOX news network, and do some independent research for yourself. It won't take long to see America for what it really is.