How Come I Love Being Weak

How come I love being weak?

I completely understand where you're coming from as I have been in a similar position before. A lot of the time, feeling that problems such as losing weight, being over-emotional or even having a dependency on something is actually a sign that you're not feeling 100% and want somebody to realise that. These problems are ones which develop over weeks and months and so when somebody close to you finds out, they see that you haven't been feeling great for a while and actually it's starting to get a little serious.
Even though at the time, I didn't want to talk to anyone about this, I suggest you do. It could be a friend or a family member but try not to ask someone that you know will constantly pester you with worry because then you're likely to push them away. Trust me, talking helps. Counselling has never been my thing but it may help you - and it still shows everyone you have "weakness" but also shows you have a bit of strength for actually going. Good thing all round. I wish you luck

Love is for the weak...?

hahah love is more than that. You do not necessarily become weak by being beloved. But I get your point, however love is not about letting another person get power over you. but it is very common that the relationship becomes like that, there are however relationships were you feel more free than ever. You do just as you want, and act just as you want cus you know the other person loves you just like you are and wouldn't leave you for a silly thing you have done.
And one more thing we are dependent up on other people, being single doesn't make you less dependent. Humans have been living like this for a looong time. Alone we are weak together we are strong

What makes love weak?

We may grow older and bigger but everyone are still kids. We may change our interest but nothing could change what we are and how we get fascinated with things.

Like a new toy, kids would always get extremely excited while the toy is new. But as it gets played, worn out and broken, kids may feel bored and would want a new one.

This is what "love" to some means. Although, they are defining love in a very different way they are treating it like toys. This is immaturity of mankind. But there will always be a time where people will be drawn to fulfill and live up with their purpose. If that happens, their toy (love) would be stronger. Like wine. Most of the time, its a Herculean task to look for the right love, but its never impossible to find.

I wish you love and joy too. May we find it sooner and I hope its not going to be dang hard this time.



Does love makes you weak?

Yes, it does. It is absolutely worth nothing. It makes no sense in reality.No matter what the popular opinions are, what your life teaches you, that's the wisdom you really need.Each cell in our body wants its neighbor cell to be fine and fit. Does it love that cell? No, it wants that because it is necessary for its own survival.That's what human relations and humanity are all about.That's about the honest relationships. Even honest relationships are just very normal things, nothing as great as proposed by everybody.Now, if we talk about dishonest relationships. They are like cancer cells act as part of the same body, eat up the body cell's resources and thrive on them.Dishonest relationships are cancerous and there are I would say more than 90% relationships are cancerous.You are certainly stronger if you rely on yourself. All strength is within you. You don't need any support, any strength from the outside.In the name of love, you expect little formal support from the outside and you do that because you hope that and feel that it will give you strength. In reality, if that expectation gets fulfilled, you derive strength from your own belief, expectation and feeling. If that expectation does not get fulfilled, you do not derive strength from the inside.Ultimately, it is your belief, feeling only that is bringing you strength or stopping you from deriving strength from the inside.Your beliefs and feelings are the most powerful entities in your life. Relying on anything outside, like love, is basically setting your expectations and feelings in such way that you rely on a feedback from outside. In today's dishonest world, it is highly likely that you will end up wasting time and energy. Even if it gets fulfilled, it is not worth it because anybody will ever love you because of their own conveniences related to you.Your beliefs are most powerful. Depend on yourself. Outside feedback for strength is absolutely not required because no strength ever comes from outside.Even when you sometimes feel that you can or you are deriving the strength from any outside feedback, it is your belief that comes from inside is giving you strength from inside.Love makes no sense.. At all.. All relationships are like that of cells of body, they want their neighbor to live for their own good.

What are your weaknesses when you are in love?

When I am in love, I give everything, leaving myself a vulnurable mess.Every time I have been in love I have thought that this time was different. This time I will give a little and stay a distance away to protect myself and to keep the guy interested. I won’t give too much & certainly won’t give it all. But you know I don’t really want to do that, because that’s playing the “game” and I don’t want to play games. I just want real love. So eventually I let my guard down & start giving it all. You know what happens? They push away. They take you for granted.It’s disappointing that playing the “game” actually works. I’m referring to keeping my distance and being too busy a lot. But if you want someone to want you & they have already expressed interest- this is a sure fire way to keep them interested. Unfortunately I haven’t figured out how to make this work in the long run. When you get serious with someone it’s nearly impossible to keep your distance & still keep it going. Maybe I should try a long distance relationship.So my biggest weakness when in love is giving my all. I don’t mean flooding you overwhelming amounts of attention. I don’t mean stalking you on social media. I mean giving you my whole heart and not even looking or thinking about other men. When I am in love with you, no other man could compare or suffice. You are everything to me. I live for you.I believe that last sentence is actually where the problem lies.

Is love for the weak-minded?

My boyfriend is a very logical thinker, and I can be, but I can control my logic and step outside of my head and look at things the way less logic people would. I am deeply in love with my boyfriend; however, he admits he is not in love with me.

From this, I gather that love is simply not logical. You MUST be able to THINK with your brain and FEEL with your heart. If your mind tells you it is safe and reasonable to love a person, you should allow your heart to feel it. It sounds really messed up but the way I see it, you have to learn in your mind that this person is good for you, and then let your heart love them.

Puppy dog love is for the weak-minded. Real love is for the strong-minded. It's easy to become "infatuated" with many people you come into contact with but to allow yourself to feel real appropriate love and work through all the obstacles takes a very STRONG and DETERMINED person.

This is my opinion. I've faced the same battle before. It's okay to love someone who is right for you.

Do you think being in love makes you weak or makes you strong?

Yo Sport --
Being "in love" is like a circus act --- akin to a high wire performance ! Balancing on the thin wire of promise, one is definitely volnerable to the laws of gravity and risk ! You are "out there" with every hope and desire to "make it" to the security of that platform on the other side -- and as any good "wire walker" would tell you ---You don't Look Down (a sort of "mind trick" of "denial") !!
The very FACT that you're "out there" is a certain sign of strength on one hand --- because you've GOT to have faith and confidence to BE there --- but, PUTTING yourself out there -- can be seen as a sign of weakness for your allowance of High Risk to your very being !!
A fall from these heights can be deadly --- or at least severe !
One can definitely wind up "injured for life" in the aftermath of love's failure !! OR, with it's success -- can come the thrills of accomplishment against the odds (I understand that high-wire acts are paid quite well -- I can only guess -- I'm one of the guys in a body cast !!)
SO -- if it works -- it can make you stronger than Ajax !! If it doesn't -- it can make you weak as water !! And, the ACT itself has elements of both in its balances !!

This is just a "view from the grandstands" here -- one standing on the platform at the other side of the wire -- I'm sure -- will have a very different view !!