How Come Most Young Americans Don

Why are most young Americans liberals?

It seems like 90% of people between the ages of 15-30 identify as liberal. But by the time they hit 30, 40% of them become conservative, completing the 50/50 split.

Is it true that most young Americans (18-29) dislike Israel and don't support it like adults do?

I don't think they necessarily actively dislike Israel. But it is almost certainly true that the under 30 crowd doesn't support it as much as the over 50 crowd. And as for your many other questions of concern for American intolerance toward israelis? I live in the ultra liberal Bay Area around plenty of people who feel that Israel is unjustifiably murderous toward Palestinians. And even here, we get along with Jews and Israelis fine (at least as far as I can tell). I don't think Netanyahu would get a terribly positive reception in some areas here, but being critical of policy and of individuals doesn't have to be related at all. The US, particularly in the coastal urban areas, has people from everywhere. If we held everyone to account for whatever evil their home countries were perceived as perpetrating, these urban areas would be very hostile places. But really, they aren't. It's mostly all fine.

Why did so many "young Americans" vote for Trump?

Because they wanted to prove the rest of the world wrong. If you thought that America had learned her lesson and would never elect anyone this dumb, arrogant and ignorant again, think again.Americans wanted to prove the that George Bush wasn’t the most idiotic President of the United States of America that they elected.“Sorry Mr. George W. Bush for thinking of you thusly. America proved us wrong.”— Every Non-AmericanI seriously thought there would never be a worse POTUS than Bush. Thanks for the reality check, America!I’m afraid to even imagine who they’ll appoint next.Imagesource: Thanks to my Best FriendThe Dude Abides

Why do u think that many young Americans became so vocal in their condemnation of the Vietnam War?

Freedom of Speech is a right, under the American Consitution. People became so vocal in their condemnation of the (undeclared) war in Vietnam because it was their right to speak up and challenge the so-called "Best and Brightest" politicians who should have stayed at managers at Ford Motors instead managing the Body Count for the "Five O'clock Follies."
Do I need to support the Constitution, or the right to speak out and challenge political leaders from ANY party? Do I need to remind you the Vietnamese people were fighting a war of Nationalism, with the goal of uniting their country?
Did Vietnam under a Communist government ever threaten the security of the U.S.A.? Now the "Dominoes" have fallen, or some are still standing up - is Asia any worse off for it??

Why don't more young African Americans like jazz music?

Some black people, including me, like the music, but the media has portrayed that the only thing that black people listen to is rap, hip hop, and sometimes other genre. While this stereotype isn't followed by all black people, a good majority does follow it.

How come most young Americans don't have a regional/local accent?

I think it's pretty obvious... with increased exposure to media and the rest of the world, our accents are becoming homogenized. Back in your grandparents' day, they might have watched TV a little bit, but the majority of the language they would hear was spoken by people in their town. Accents would get passed on by the majority of people who would live their lives in their hometowns.

But now, we all watch videos online by people around the world, we watch tons of TV produced by people with the "standard" American accent, and we travel and move to different places more than people used to. We are exposed to more types of people in the media, most of whom sound the same (from TV and movies produced in just a couple areas). This makes us pick up on their accents as well as our hometown accent, morphing it into a hybrid accent. Sooner or later, the hometown accents will sound the same as the standard media accent, and we will probably lose most regional accents in the USA. It's not a terrible thing... after all, the positives of being connected and informed outweigh the negative possibility of losing accents, in my mind. Plus, accents have always changed throughout history. It's just that for the first time we can easily communicate with people from all over so accents are actually becoming the same, instead of becoming more separate as they did in the past.

Why do so many young Americans live in bungalows?

I'm not really clear on why a house with 2 stories is better than a house with only 1. I've lived in both, I saw very little difference except that I didn't have to climb any stairs in the 1-story house to get to my bedroom. Is being able to climb stairs a source of pride for people in the UK? Gotta have a house with stairs to prove you can do it? I don't get it.