How Come No Intelligent Person Has Never Blamed Bush For 911

Why do some people believe that George W. Bush was responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

There are many factors as to why people feel Bush was involved or complicit..1) He had prior warning that read “Osama bin Laden commited to using airliners to attack skyscrapers” in Aug on 20012) All but two jet fighters were unavailible to intercept any of the four hijacked planes. The two that were avaiible were sent out over the ocean during the attack.3) At the time of the attack, national defense was doing a training on what to do if we were attacked by terrorist , which confused the military.4)Bush used the attack to settle a personal score with Saddam Hussien, which he had decided to do BEFORE the attack.5) Bush grounded all planes except the one that he used to fly all Bin Ladens out of the country.6) The website “project for a new American century” posted a letter saying it was neccisary to have an attack on America similar to Pearl Harbor to spark an attack on the mideast. The letter was signed by members of the Bush (Paul wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, and many more) administration in addition to Jeb Bush.7) George Bush’s brother Neal Bush was in charge of the company that oversaw security at both WTC towers.8) The Patriot Act was passed within days of the attack. Showing it was already written and waiting for an event to scare the American population into accepting it.9) He allowed Osama Bin Laden escape at Tora Bora (ensuring the war would continue)These are just some of the resaons that rational people have to question the validity of the official conspiracy theory proposed by the government.Bush may or may not have been involved, but what is clear is that many of the conspiracy theories seem more plausible than the goverments story.

I saw a bumper sticker that said "No one died when Clinton lied" -- what does this mean to you?

It means Bush lied us into a war, and loads of servicemen died. Clinton lied about having an affair, and other than offending some peoples' delicate sensibilities, it didn't really hurt anyone.

Why are liberals so self centered? For example.......?

Because Clinton will never stop spinning. He has lived his entire political career obsessing about approval ratings. He does and says everything to be measured through the prism of public opinion. That's why during his administration, his cabinet and advisers spent more time on the talking head shows than they did in their offices or making any kind of policy decisions. They were out trying to get ahead of public opinion, trying to justify and explain and confuse people about their lack of an agenda. They tried to take credit for anything good that happened, tried to push away blame for anything bad and basically spent all of their time blowing hot air around TV network studios. They attempted to reassure the public that all was well, they were the good guys and that they were handling things.

Fighting terrorism was too complicated, dirty and nasty, and required guts, and fortitude, and persistence, and might upset some of their core constituency (listen to them howling now...) - and so it was easier to turn their backs on the gathering storm of Islamofascism and do nothing - just put in their 8 years and get off to the book writing - to try to get ahead of the historians who would eventually judge them for their conduct, or lack thereof...

If you notice, when Conservatives make mistakes, and we do make our share, we apologize and try to recitify. A liberal cannot admit to any shortcomings - none - they have this sense of denial that they are perfect, and any confession of error or misdeed is completely not part of their make-up. When was the last time a liberal apologized for anything? I rest my case.

Do you think George W. Bush was a good president?

Actually, Bush was a good president. He loved America (which Obama never
did) and did the things he felt was right for this country. Dems didn't like him
sending troops to Iraq, but Hillary Clinton and most Democrats signed on to
that at the time. It was right after 911 and he felt Saddam Hussein was training
terrorists (and he was). Hussein had WMD's but ;moved them all to Syria before
the UN Inspectors got over there (which took them a long time for some reason).
I might suggest you read George Bush's book as he tells all about his presidency
and why he made the decisions he did. He and Laura were decent, moral, and
caring first class folks in the White House. (Remember Clinton removed things
that weren't theres from the White House when they left, and tore up all the
computer keyboards. That wasn't acting like decent White House residents).

Oh, so now Khalid Sheikh Mohammed planned 9/11?

Okay okay okay......yes ALL of these guys are extremely effed up.....but WHY all of a sudden would Mohammed just come out of the blue and confess to everything???? All they can do now is kill him, and I would much rather be dead than tortured. Everyone knows what goes on in Guantanamo Bay, and if he's survived this long....I think he can handle more time in there. No....those people did something to him. I don't care how much they put the blame on him......everyone. focused. on. Osama......this is going to be one of those "conspiracy's" that some people are going to dedicate their lives to just like the effing Kennedy conspiracy. And you know what? It's never going to be explained and it's never going to be lived down. George Bush is an idiot and I believe he could be the downfall of this country, thank goodness there is only a year and 1/2 more we have to stand with this monkey-breed psycho....and before I get some stupid comments saying "OH! You think he's responsible??????" No......he's not smart enough to tie his shoes in the morning.

Did George Bush plan 9/11?

Yes he planned 9/11. Prescott bush -his grandfather- was director of the bank who funded hitler into power. His dad made his first speech for the "new world order" on 9/11/1991. Where he stated that the united nations should be allowed to exercises it's "peacekeeping promises" originally envisioned by the founders. It's founders were the founders of the federal reserve. They founded that on Jekyll island where all the attendees weren't allowed to use their last names.
Prescott Bush also tried to overthrow the united states for his overlords in order to set up a nazi style regime where people would be put in extermination camps. FACT. BBC reported on it american media didn't. FACT.
3 months prior to 9/11 the policies for norad air force and united states air force interception policies were adjusted. FACT.
WTC 7 (barely metioned by media) fell at free fall speed without having been struck by a single plane. It supposedly fell as a result of fire, and fire has not caused a steel structured high rise to fall ever before this or since. FACT.
Lou Dobbs -the first person to report on bush's signing of the north american union without congressional oversight resigned shortly after reporting this. However, what the media didn't report on is that his house was the target of a drive by shooting prior to his deciding to resign.

Why did President Bush really go into Iraq?

There was an event that has not been talked about that had as much or more to do with the invasion than all the others. My theory: At the end of desert storm, after the signing of the cease fire, a mistake was made that allowed Saddam to fly helicopters for practical purposes. Medical supplies and essentials needed to be delivered in a timely manner. Saddam used them to slaughter the Kurds escaping to the north. The reports, including graphic video were horrendous to watch. Women and children being cut to pieces by gunships. There was live footage of an Iraqi woman begging Pres. Bush "Please help us". The Kurds had courageously fought against the republican guard and fully expected U.S. protection at wars end. Rightfully so. The help never came. I believe this effected George W. Bush in a profound way. After all it was his father's decision to abandon these refugees and leave them at the mercy of the Butcher of Baghdad. I believe G.W.Bush carried those images with him and does to this day. How could he not? When the savages killed thousands on 9-11, the wheels were set in motion. I believe he vowed to God and to himself that those things would never be repeated on his watch. And I am one American who says God bless you President Bush for that! I think this explains his single-mindedness during this war. He would never speak of this out of respect for his father,a great war hero who felt he made a wise decision under the circumstances. This is my theory and I believe it to be true.