How Common Is It To Get Your Appendix Removed

How long does it take to recover after having your appendix removed?

I had my appendix removed on Friday. Note that my appendix didn't burst, so my experiences weren't as bad as they could have been. I had my laparoscopic surgery on Friday morning. I left the hospital 15 hours after the surgery.The first 6-8 hours were horrible. I could barely walk. I was uncomfortable because I had to urinate, but was unable to.After 8 hours, I was able to get out of bed and walk, even though it was painful. Urinating was very painful, but slowly began to become easier.After 15 hours, I left the hospital. I could walk, but had to walk slowly. It was difficult to do anything that required strength from my abdomen, for example, leaning over, getting in and out a car, or sitting up while in bed. Urinating was still slightly painful.I've been taking acetaminophen hydrocodone (it was some other brand other than Vicodin) ever since I left the hospital and it helps a lot.About 2 days after the surgery, I was walking around pretty fine with mild pains. I was able to do non-strenuous activities. It was still slightly painful to do anything that requires strength from my abdomen.About 4 days after the surgery I returned to work and was pretty comfortable at work. I have a desk job though, so if my job required a bit of physical activity I would have waited a few more days.

Medicine and Healthcare: How long does it take to have your appendix removed?

Where are you starting and ending the time.. for managers that starts when the patient is sent for from the ward, for the operating room time its from when the anaesthetist meets you until the time you get to recovery.for the surgeon its time from skin cut to skin closure, and for the nurses its from the time you enter the theatre to the time you leaveIF you are slim, a simple inflammed appendix that is sitting anterior or on the top and not curled up under the kidney, from 7 min.. to 2 hrs for a complicated one.Ive scrubbed for probably 700 in my career, and helped with the beginning of them being done laparoscopically, which is done for the patients benefit so they can go home in probably 8–12 hrs

What happens to an appendix when it is removed?

i am not getting your question. What happens to appendix after it is removed. It is placed in formalin solution and sent to pathology lab. The gross specimen is examined, followed by conditioning, sectioning and staining. The sections are looked under microscope for detecting the pathology. Main cause for removal of appendix is appendicitis. So after surgery, it is very important to confirm that it is only due to appendicitis and not due to small tumors like carcinoid.

Is it true that astronauts have to have their appendix removed before going into space?

Years ago while I was taking a course on Medical Decision Analysis I came across a report that NASA explored this subject even while Apollo was still a project on the drawing board.A risk benefit analysis was done between a prophylactic appendectomy versus use of antibiotics administered in flight for a return to earth.The conclusion was that antibiotics to buy time for a return to earth was the better choice.I found the concept interesting because it involved extensive analysis of incidence of appendicitis by age or patient, the possible outcomes of peritonitis (ruptured appendix) treated with antibiotics with a surgical delay.Clayton Anderson may want to comment if the plan of emergency antibiotics was actually implemented by NASA

Can you still live if your appendix get removed by a doctor?

I'm living proof :D

I was up one night not feeling good (7th grade) and my side kind of hurt, and I started to throw up. My mom thought it was a bug or something, but I wouldn't stop throwing up even though nothing was coming out, so they took me to the hospital, had my appendix removed (almost burst) caught bronchitis and pneumonia the next week and turn into asthma :D fun times.

Get it checked! And no the Appendix is NOT a useless organ, that's a myth, it serves a purpose (however in the past it may have been more important than it is today), it clears out some bacteria from your intestines, that happen to get through the stomach's acid.


I had my appendix removed 4 weeks ago , i had open surgery because the doctor described my appendix of a size of a potato. When i touch the part where i had surgery i feel inside its very hard like a small ball inside. the skin looks normal no pain at all , but i feel under the skin its hard and kinda shaped like a ball but i dont feel any pain there.
Maybe the doctor forgot something ? i dont know lol. is this all normal ? is it supposed to be hard after 4 weeks of surgery? i mean i feel normal , im afraid it could be a tumor or something. guys help me will this go away? also my scar healed pretty good i was able to walk fine without pain after 2 weeks. so let me know thanks.

Can you die during the removal of your appendix?

Well, it is surgery, so yes, there is a chance he could die. But if it is a skilled surgeon that has done this several times, then the chances are very slim. It's not a major surgery so I doubt anything would happen. Your bad luck won't cause anything to happen to him. Just hope everything goes well. Good luck!

Is it possible to fly after having your appendix removed?

As the other answers have suggested, your question is a little vague. As a physician, I would need to know more to give you a good answer. For example, how is the appendectomy to be done--laparascopically (most common these days) or open laparotomy? If it has been done, were there any complications or additional surgery needed (sometimes one encounters an additional abnormality, such as a Meckel's Diverticulum, which is also removed at the same sitting)? How old is the patient, and what other risk factors does the patient have for subsequent complications, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism?Also, how long a flight does the patient contemplate? A two hour "hop" from Chicago to DC is a lot different from an 8 hour trans-Atlantic flight, and the risks may be different. The answers all assume the question is about being a passenger on a commercial airline, but does the questioner actually mean to ask if he/she can fly an airplane as a pilot? If so, then there are probably prohibitions to flying for at least 24 hours or more to be sure that all anesthetic agents have been cleared from the body. Will the patient be on medication for pain? Depending on what, this also could be a prohibition against being a pilot.

Will you gain more weight when your appendix is removed? Is there any scientific study on this?

Appendix operation is considered to be a major one. It'll surely make you bed ridden for some weeks if not months. Inactivity for long durations would make you fat. And all the anti biotic and pain killer doses that one receive during and after the surgery can also cause some weight gain. You should be able to recover from the surgery and start exercising soon and will be able to see the weight loss