How Could I Get This Around Without My Friends Seeing

Can I post in open Facebook groups without my friends seeing on their timelines?

This is very annoying....maybe you can offer suggestions.

I have a few hundred friends which are a mix of family, buddies, schoolmates, and business associates. I have a lot of interests ranging from religion to politics to music and movies and I've joined several groups on Facebook which reflect this interest.

Every time I post in one of these open groups, my post apparently shows up on the timelines of countless friends. For example, if I contribute to a debate in a political group, many of my friends see this. This is especially troubling regarding business contacts. I'm not doing anything shameful....I just want stuff I post in a group to *be in that group*....not on the timelines of various acquaintances who have nothing to do with that group.

If a friend is part of that group, that's fine - I don't mind them seeing it. I'm not searching for 100% privacy -- I just want casual privacy. My friends don't need to know my deep thoughts on remote control airplanes, for example...

Is there some way to post to an open group without it appear in the timelines of people who aren't even in that group??

How do I get over the fact that my friends are hanging out without me and without telling me?

What is the point to get over? If they are hanging out without you, then that means they don't wan't you. They don't want you to be a part of them. Seriously, there is no point to even think about that, just let them hang out and you, you do something for yourself. Go out and enjoy with your own self. Enjoy the nature, the beauty and the sceneries. Develop yourself in some way. Go for a run, exercise or learn something new. If you seriously want to get over them, then don't give a fuck about whether they care about you or not. Care about yourself.Get good at something and start being busy, start learning new things. Remember, friends who are not interested to hang out with you are not the main people in your life. You have yourself, a great person, get yourself motivated and develop new hobbies.Even I am ignored by my friends lot of times. They hang out without me, they go out, have some fun and they never call me. I first felt bad and then realised that I should not waste time thinking about who cares about me or who does not. Learn a new language, learn a new skill, get into some groups or some ngo, you will find people who really like you. Get yourself up in your life, get successful, start reaching high in your life. And when they see you have become successful or you are in a nice position in life, they will get back to you. They will now want you in your life because you are successful than them or you have great friends than them. Make new friends,make a great network of friends. Why are you using Quora? Start reading answers and writing answers. Atleast it is a place of knowledge, not some gossip, time pass place. Always remember - Don't demand respect. But deserve respect.You have a lot of people in this world and you are struck with these people who don't care about you. Start learning new things, start developing your skills and stop worrying about them.And the last one.That's it. Lecture ends.

How can i add friends on Facebook without my other friends seeing it?

on your profile when your requests get accepted go to your profile and click on the activity and than click on hide and it will hide it

How can my friend tickle me without my mom seeing?

My friends visiting and I like getting tickled and he likes tickling but when he visits we have to be supervised but I wanna get tickled and I know he'll tickle me yet my mom has to supervise us and we can't leave her site, what am I supposed to do

Should I tell my friends I'm seeing a therapist?

There’s nothing wrong with therapy, be glad you’re actually addressing and fixing your issues rather than trying to convince yourself you’re ok and don’t need one, even if you really do.Don’t listen or talk about to the people who aren’t supportive of you, because that’s your biggest weakness, because you are insecure about it and because there is a stigma towards it they will pressure you, it can be easy to get stuck in your own head and feelings about it and let people exploit your emotions.I seen a therapist for a short time after some very dramatic changes in life and a significant loss in close family members, it was something I tried to avoid because I just wanted to handle it, and I’m a very resilient guy, I’ve seen myself take on things a lot of people avoid or can’t take on and I did it alone without any support, but everyone has their limit to what they can take and I knew when mine was reached for the first time in my life, don’t believe some people are super-human while others are not, it only takes the right combination of events and the strongest person will fall.I was open about it and told some family about it, but they didn’t really acknowledge it or talk about it. I think people just kind of ignored it or didn’t know what to say, they probably didn’t to an extent believe it even though I told them. So it kind of went in their ear and out the other.But I said it matter of fact like, without any shame, or without insecurity about it. If you don’t treat it with any shame people won’t jump on you for it, it’s how you handle and approach things, if they perceive you as a weak person or someone who is very vulnerable, they might feel more inclined to discredit you and say you’re just being emotional, but stay focused on yourself not what others thing, this is about you, not them.

I never feel like seeing my friends anymore?

im 16, and I've been dating my boyfriend for about 8 months now. hes my best friend. we do everything together, we go shopping, the beach, dinner, etc all the time. but for the whole time we've been dating the only person I ever wanna see is him. I even dread seeing my closest friends because I never seem to be as lively and fun around them as I am around my boyfriend. hes the same as me too, the only person he wants to see is me and he never goes out with friends (it doesn't bother me because he barely did that even before we were dating). I really dont wanna lose all my friends and I feel like im drifting from them, because now the friendships feel more like a burden then a blessing, but I know that I'll need my friends if me and him ever break up. I've tried to stop feeling this way by spending time with my friends but it never works. what should I do?