How Did Muhammad End Up Sleeping With A Doll Playing Nine Year Old Child

Dream about mannequin/doll meaning?

Im not sure how we ended up with this mannequin in my house but I remembered being scared of it and My Dad, Mum or sister but it upstairs and took the head off(maybe because i was scared of its live like doll eyes) it was like a barbies head, easily removed. I went upstairs and saw it and it was turning towards me. I went back downstairs yelling and soon enough, the mannequin made its way to the bottom of the stairs with its head in tact.

This was like a doll a size of a mannequin, unclothed. and its body was not like a mannequins which would be plastic and skin coloured, it had sewn on patterns all over, which was neat.
Anyway, I was scared and decided to take it apart and put it in a big bag and dispose it.

It was all so strange. Anyone know the symbolism? (I am not afraid of dolls or mannequins fyi ha)

Muslims, how do you reconcile in your mind that Mohammad had such a young wife?

To address your comment Ayn Shnik, i am not an athiest, in fact far from it. Your presumption was a little premature hmmm?

So on that note, i will overlook you calling me a monkey shall i?

I will also have to assume all else in your answer is tainted with that kind of ignorance and presumption.

Is it true that the prophet Mohammed married a 9-year old girl?

Thanks, colder, wikipedia says it is true that Mohammed had sex with a 9-year old. How disgusting! And Canadian, the point is that Muslims follow the example of Mohammed who led the perfect life. Which explains why so many Muslim men marry children, and they treat women so badly. They are following the example of their leader. I'll take Jesus, Buddah, or Abraham over a child molester any day.