How Did T-rex Reproduce

How did dinosaurs reproduce?

Some time back, one of the pop-science magazines did a layout using illustrations to depict how various dinosaur species "did it".
They used mostly observations of contemporary reptiles that were built along the lines of known dinosaur species, and more than a little speculation.
Here's one such article:

Can a T-Rex roll over?

Yes! Any animal species that cannot right itself if it falls down on its back is going to die if it ever finds itself on its back. Such a species would not be adaptive and will be eliminated quickly by natural selection. That is because accidents happen. If every individual should die because of a single accident, then the whole species could get wiped out within a few generations because there would not be enough indviduals to survive long enough to reproduce. Even though T. rex has tiny arms that are unable to help it get off the ground, birds face a similar problem because their arms are tied up with their wings. Birds may use their beaks or their tail to help right themselves. Since T. rex has such a massive head and massive tail, it could probably have used either or both to get itself off the ground.

Who would win in a fight between Ironman and a T Rex?

Unlike Superman , Wonder Woman, Vision, Martian Man Hunter, Spiderman et cetera , Iron Man is a notmal human being with out any Super Powers. He uses a Super Armour , an Armour with Super Technologies , When Some one put it on then he becomes a Super Powered Human Person. Tony Stark can invent a BUSTER ARMOUR of a Super Power Being and can defeat the Super Person say Hulk or Vision or else. So if Stark Interprise can invent a T Rex Buster Armour then he can defeat T Rex. So every thing is clear.If Irom Man makes a Wonder Woman Buster Armour he can defeat her.If he imvents a Vision Buster Armour he can defeat Vision.But if A can defeat B then it is not implied that B cannot defeat A. In general If A can defeat B then B can also defeat A. The fight can go either way.

What if two T-Rex, male and female, were cloned and released in nature today?

They would probably die. T-rex probably required an education from its parents on hunting and various other life-skills that probably weren’t instinctual. But let’s assume we managed to train them to survive in the wild just fine. They might end up dead from avian-dinosaur diseases. Modern birds have evolved along with the diseases they survive amongst, T-rex hasn’t had the opportunity. Okay, maybe we rigged up some system of innoculation for modern diseases then what? Most likely, they would starve. T-rex was a large and active carnivore. It would need a lot of protein and fat to survive much less thrive enough to raise a litter(?), clutch(?) of babies. Not many places have animals of the right size and quantity to support them. Elephants and rhinos are endangered species and would not likely be offered up for dinner. They wouldn’t be able to reproduce rapidly enough to provide a sustainable resource either. Most of our mega-fauna have the same problems of low reproductive rates and insufficient population sizes and the rest that we have are no where near as big as T-rex-chow from the Cretaceous. Maybe if we also had herds of hadrosaurs and ceratopsians and sauropods then T-rex might have a chance and in a warming world some animals of the Mesozoic might stand a good chance of doing well.

Did T. rex give live birth or give birth to an egg?

Neither.T. rex is extinct, so it does not give birth or hatch from eggs. There are no more T. rex living, so they don’t reproduce.If you are talking about 65 million years ago, then it’s most likely that Tyrannosaurs, like T. rex, were hatched from eggs, although as far as I know, no eggs directly associated with the species T. rex have ever been identified. Other dinosaur eggs have been found, and the modern day closest relatives of dinosaurs, crocodillians and birds, all lay eggs. There is no reason to think that T. rex, or any other Tyrannosaur species was any different.

How did two T-rexes along with their babies appear in The Lost World: Jurassic Park? It was clearly stated in the first movie that all the dinosaurs were bred female to prevent them from breeding.

It wasn’t explained too well in the second movie, which is why all the other answers only reference the first film. Basically, the lab on Isla Nublar, where the park was, wasn’t a real lab. That was for show on the ride. Why else would it be on the tour that would have been open to the public when the park opened? Scientists doing that kind of work aren’t doing it under those conditions, with screaming kids, and other distractions. The real breeding took place on Isla Sorna, where they had engineered the first dinosaurs, likely before figuring out how to (or even that they should) control the genders. It’s unclear if the Isla Sorna dinosaurs had also lived in paddocks before the island was abandoned (Jurassic Park III seems to suggest yes) but by the time Ian Malcolm reached it, they had become free-range animals. You can kind of see how this is the plan if you look closely at the dinosaurs presented versus the exhibits in the first film: there weren’t duckbills, anklyosaurs, stegosaurus, or the one who rammed the jeep (I can’t remember the name, sorry) listed on the original ride in the first movie (dinosaurs probably weren’t old enough to move yet)Grant even mentions this when he gets there, that the Spinosaur wasn’t on the original list. The animals the park did have are either children or clones of the ones from the second island: the t-rex that died in jp3 fighting the spinesaur was the same animatronic as the t-rex from the first film, so the one in the park was still quite young in the first movie, aaand it has been stated that the dead t-rex from 3 is not the baby from 2. There are more rexes on the island than we saw, or they breed fast, necessitating the gender controls. Same with the raptors: if the raptor pen wasn’t that far from the “lab” why was the crate in the very beginning of the first film airlifted to the entrance? Because it didn’t come from that lab. It came from the other island. (And was then driven in by forklift)As far as their breeding within the park? “Life finds a way.”