How Did The Plague Change Renaissance In Italy

How did the italian Renaissance change Europe?

the Italian renaissance changed Europe that is a huge question first Italy was the trading point in Europe people were up to their necks in debt to the Italians even the most power full monarchs in Europe were in the red. after the Italians helped in the destruction of the byzantine empire the got every little bit of the trade. so when the Italians got in to their renaissance and every one was trying to do the Italian thing so it spread extremely quickly.

What are the changes in Renaissance society in europe?

the Italian renaissance replaced Europe this is a extensive question first Italy grow to be the procuring and merchandising element in Europe human beings have been as much as their necks in debt to the Italians even the main means finished monarchs in Europe have been interior the crimson. after the Italians helped interior the destruction of the byzantine empire the have been given each little bit of the commerce. so whilst the Italians have been given in to their renaissance and everyone grow to be attempting to do the Italian undertaking so it unfold rather quickly.

How did the Black Death affect The Renaissance?

The Black Death pandemic ended, the population was much smaller, and the Feudal social structures could not be maintained. The gentry [those who survived] needed work done, and the work force was much smaller. Workers could demand pay, or go elsewhere for employment. Although this practice was illegal, there was no way to enforce it. Serfs started migrating to cities, also illegal, but this could not be enforced either.
So the social structure broke up and rearranged itself.
Also, once the Black Death was over, people had a transformed view of life. Disease and death had become very familiar, and yet they survived. The world did not end, and life was good. New vistas opened up.
By the way, it seems that the Black Death was not the common bubonic plague that still exists, but a different and very virulent strain. In the regular bubonic plague, there is usually only one bubo, while drawings from the time of the Black Death show patients with buboes all over their bodies. There been epidemics of bubonic plague throughout history, but none to rival the Black Death.