How Did The Political Theory Of Absolutism Seek To Enlist The Support Of Christianity

How did the political theory of absolutism seek to enlist the support of christianity?

Through the Divine Right of KIngs.

This was the idea that the king was king because God wanted them to be,so a subject should obey the king as they would God - unconditionally.Further,as the king's power was God given,no earthly person or organization had the right to remove any of the king's powers.

In Catholic countries,the head of religion was the senior Cardinal or Bishop,and thus ultimately the Pope,NOT the monarch.

What’s the difference between a “Democrat” and a “Republican”?

Democrat vs Republican : The Difference lie in their policies and beliefs. Here are the differences.Social Issues - Republican tend to be more conservative. They tend to oppose gay marriages and LGBT rights. Whereas their counterparts are more progressive in their views. Next US president is being viewed as one who will oppose these things.Donald Trump: Opposes Nationwide Marriage Equality | Human Rights CampaignTaxation Policy - Democrats believe that tax cut benefit should be given to middle class and low income family whereas their opposite number are of the view that there should be tax cut for everyone. Its “Targeted Tax cut” vs “Broad Tax Cut”.Health Care - Democrats prefer oversight of health care system like passage of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to make it accessible to everyone whereas republican don’t want too much government regulationIdeology - Democrats are generally viewed as left-leaning and conservation whereas Republican are right-leaning and liberal.Fear - Republicans fear that the government has too much control over corporations. However, Democrats fear that corporations have too much control over our government.Gun Control - Republicans oppose gun control whereas Democrats Favour it.Party Symbol - Not an important point. But just to inform, Republican Party symbol is an Elephant whereas Democrats Party symbol is a Donkey.Republicans v. DemocratsDemocratic Party vs Republican PartyDifferences Between Democrats and Republicans