How Did World War 1 Start

How did world war one start?

A Serbian called Gavrilo Princip killed the Austro-Hungarian Duke Franz Ferdinand, in response Austro-Hungary threatened Serbia to give Princip up or else, but the Serbians didn't know who had killed Franz so could do nothing, Russia threatened Austro-Hungary not to invade, in turn the German Empire (who had a treaty with Austro-Hungary) threatened Russia, Britain and France threatened Germany as Britain and France had a treaty with Russia, Japan also helped Britain under the 1905 Anglo-Japanese Treaty. That was how it became a World War, the countries fell like a line of dominoes, that is what treaties can do.

How and Why did World War 1 start?

The proximate cause of the First World War was the assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand by a Serbian separatist, but the larger causes of the war were the interlocking defense agreements between the European major powers and Germany's concern over the growing strength of its rivals.
Germany was concerned by the growing power of France and Great Britain, so they were looking for an excuse to attack them. When the Austro-Hugarian Empire attacked Serbia to avenge the murder of the Arch-duke, it set into motion a chain reaction that eventually drew in all the great powers of Europe. Russia had guaranteed Serbia's independence, so they went to war with Austro-Hungarian Empire, which caused Germany to declare war on Russia, which then drew in France and Britain on the side of Russia.
Germany was concerned with the growing power of it's major neighbors, and wanted to end what it saw as the threat posed by France and Russia before these countries became too strong for it to defeat.
This was basically a war in search of an excuse, if it had not been the assassination of Arch-duke Ferdinand, it would have been something else.

When did world war 1 start and end?

the official start of WWI was June 28, 1914 when the Archduke and heir to the Austria Hungary throne, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia, were assassinated. The war ended on November 11, 1918 with the treaty of Versailles

Where did World War 1 start and how? How did World War 1 affect the world?

The world back then was a world of ‘alliances’. Each country had an alliance with another ie a promise to protect them should they be attacked.Germany had one with Austria-Hungary and Italy, known as the Triple Alliance. Great Britain had one with France, and Russia, known as the Triple Entente. Within those 2 major alliances were smaller ones or rather ‘promises’ to protect smaller countries. For example Great Britain had a promise with Belgiam dating from the 1860s and Russia had one with Serbia, to protect them should they become attacked/invaded.The buildup for war had started many years before the official outbreak in 1914 as each country wanted to be the best. Great Britain had the best navy, Germany had the best infantry and France the best aircraft. They were all competing with each other to be the best and the strongest and so naturally tensions were running high between them as the each fought for supremacy by improving their armed forces.The assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Serbia in 1914 was the really the spark that set off the war. It was seen by Austria as a direct act of war from Serbia and so Austria declared war on Serbia.Seeing as Serbia was buddies with Russia, Russia declared war on Austria, Germany was buddies with Austria so Germany declared war on Russia. France was buddies with Russia so declared war on Germany, Germany declared war on France and Great Britain being buddies with France declared war on Germany….you see how confusing this gets? It was nicknamed in the past as the ‘War of Alliances’.As for the war affecting the rest of the world, the real effects can be seen afterwards.It was the largest scale war the world had ever seen to date with the biggest number of casualties and with the largest number of countries involved.Germany was also blamed for the start of the war even though it was only one of many countries who were to blame. Due to this it can be argued that it was one of the causes of the rise of Hitler around 20 years later who, among many others felt Germany had been unfairly treated and gave rise to the hostility towards other countries in Europe.