How Difficult Is It To Change Your Name On Every Account After A Legal Name Change

Is it possible to legally change your surname? If so, how difficult is the process?

Yeah, it's pretty trivial.  Depends on what State you live in, but typically it involves submitting a petition to the court, paying some fees, waiting a couple of months, and then attending a final hearing.  Again, it depends on the state, but it might cost a couple of hundred bucks, though you can get the fees waived if you can't afford them.  Then you have to get your driver's license and SS card changed.Deciding what name to pick is up to you.

How can I change my bank account holder's name?

Hello friend if you want change name in your bank account, you can visit to given link and change a name easily in your bank account .link for Change Name in Bank Account-

How do you legally change your name?

I assume you are a minor? You have to have your parent's permission until you have reached the age of majority (usually 18). These documents must be filed at the court - and so the cost would be filing fees (probate and family court?).
Check here:
Look up the number for your jurisdiction and call!:

Petition examples - Vermont - Minor:
Petition - Adult

How can I change my name legally in all documents in India?

Changing Name Legally is no more tough, What you have to do is just follow few Steps and Legally your Name gets changed.The Steps to follow are:Step 1- Make an Affidavit for Change in Name pertaining the valid reasons for changing/correcting the name and make it Notarized from the Notary Public.Step 2- Newspaper Publication- Publish the advertisement in 2 local Newspaper of your state and preserve the copies of that newspaper in which your statement is published.Step 3- Write the application to the departments where you want to change the name with the copy of Newspaper Publication.To get the affidavit for change in Name in Delhi you can refer this link-

How do I legally change my name back to my maiden name after a divorce?

My ex-husband and I are getting divorced and I want to legally get rid of his last name. He does not want me using his name any longer either. I changed my name to his 25 years ago when we got married and am not sure how to legally transition back to my maiden name, but it is of uttermost importance I do. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Good morning to all.

Can I legally change my last name? How much does it cost? Where do I go?

You go to the court house in your county. Ask for the paperwork. Lots of people are there standing in line doing the same thing. No pressure.
Fill out the paperwork and pay $100 processing fee. There is a schedual of requirement you have to follow to the letter. My freind has no short term memory, so they helped a lot being shure she had the dates properly filled in her memory book.
Fill out first form asking to change your name from this to that. Peg it on a public notice board with 100 other peoples. In a few weeks you go back and take it down and get it stamped. Fill out another form that gose to a judge. After the judge stamps it, you fill out a third form that says your name is changed and hang it back on the public notice board for a week or so. Take it down and get it stamped and they issue a great certificate saying you have officialy changed your name.
Then you have to go into Social security office and stand in line with the certificate and show it to them and they will have your legal name officialy changed on your social security card. Same number, new name
Get your ID changed to be legal. DMV changes your Drivers liscence and insures your new name is at this legal adress and gives you a new drivers liscence with new name. Costs about 20 bucks.
THEN you take the new drivers liscence ID and the change of name Certificate from the court house, to Social Security office and change it on your SSI Number.
Presto now you have a legal name change and everything is legal all around. Its Official.
Think carefully aobut what name you want because it becomes an important identifying feature of who you are. You can't help changing yourself with it.
Get a Personal Mail Box so all mail comes to that place and you don't have to broad cast your name change every time you pick it up at the post office and your family can't trace you to your new physical adress.
Most important. Make the life changes you need to be happy and leave the past in the past.

Do you plan to change your legal name?

I kinda did; does removal of middle name count?On my passport renewal form there was a field for what I wanted my name to be provided I could prove it was a name I actually used and was known by.Since a passport is just about the most authorative document there is after a birth cert, every other account/record with my name that I'm aware of has the middle name removed too.Also, I suspect that a considerable majority of English-speaking-as-a-first-language women who marry plan to change their legal surnames to that of their husbands.

Is changing your legal name hard & expensive?

It is not very hard at all and its costs depend on where in CA you live. Each county has its own fee schedule. See the site below for instructions and forms for the process. It's pretty straightforward - just takes some time.

Getting everyone else to change your name is the hard part. First take a copy of your court order to Social Security to get a new card. Then take the new card and the court order to the DMV to change your driver's license. From there, most things only require the new ID to change records.

How do you officially change your name after marriage?

I assume you mean the surname; that you are a woman and you are Indian.First use the marriage certificate (this will be required compulsorily in case of passport) and get your last name changed in bank accounts. Then you can use the new name bank a/c statement to get your last name changed in PAN, Aadhar etc.Before applying for change in surname in passport, you need to publish your name change news in 2 newspapers. Then you need to get an Annexure E made (basically a name change document on stamp paper). You will also need you Marriage Certificate and Proof of address and ID in your new name like new bank a/c statement, Aadhar card. Voter ID, your spouse’s passport copy etc (not all, either 1 of these or 2).You can find it on the official website: Passport Seva, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of IndiaAnnexure E: this helps