How Do Beliefs In Any Way Contribute To Deviance

Deviant beliefs and desires...?

I think perhaps you are comparing apples and oranges, for example, we can be exposed to prejudice
such as racism or sexism and I believe we can make the choice to reject it, I say this because I did it. My family hated blacks, I didn't understand why, as a child I would listen to their comments and wonder why they had such anger, I don't think I am special, if I could discern the folly of their mind set as a child anyone can do it.
When it comes to sexual orientation, I don't think anyone makes a conscious decision to be gay, one day they become aware of their desires just as a straight person does.
I believe that most pedophiles were probably victims of this crime at one time in their lives, as with most abuse, it is passed on.
Serial killers and psychopaths again don't seek these feelings, but as with pedophiles have an obligation to seek help rather than act on them.
Hatred is never a good thing, yes we can hate the outcome of a crime, but when we hate people we become infected.

SOCIOLOGY... Beliefs and Deviance?

doing things that are deviant does not mean doing things that are wrong. Deviance is just doing things against what most of the society you live in finds to be the stata quo. The deviant behavior today may have once been the norm, and vice versa, the norm today may have been deviant 30 years ago. Consider drinking beahior today. It is the norm to drink alcohol, but that was not the case many years ago. Today if you dont drink it may be viewed as deviant. The movements during the 80s started out as deviant, wild hair, piercings, leather, drop outs, heavy metal etc. Soon it became deviant to be normal and have a job and wear a suit. Thats deviant, doing something against the norms of the society you live in. It can also change between countries, genders, religions, time, etc hwat is deviant from acceptable norms.

Did you know that Yusuf Estes is spreading the belief of the deviant sect called the Jahmiyyah?

LOuay: you seem like a matureedee.
you are not a sunnee and your websites are not correct either.
you are trying to spread the creed of the matureediyyah sect.
i also saw that these websites you have linked are propagating sufism to unsuspecting muslims, 'a'udhu'billaah.

Without deviance, society is doomed to fail. Without deviants progress would never be made?

No, because it expects the worst, and expecting the worst, creates a very troubled dynamic.

The big problem society has today, is that the glass is always half-empty, and that finger-pointing, and assigning blame have become so important, that nobody is getting to the solutions anymore.

Society can progress endlessly, and harmoniously, without problems, if people come from a constructive place, constructive things will happen.

What is the distinction between primary and secondary deviance and how does this guide the adoption of a ?

Who is to determine what is normal behavior in the first place?
What is deviant?

What are deviant groups?

To answer you simply, a deviant is a person or group of people who exhibit and practice beliefs and values that are vastly different from those of the majority of the cultural group. That is why in America a criminal is a deviant because the majority of Americans do no break laws but follow them. Good luck!

What makes a man become a sexual deviant?

Many things.One big one is excess of religious zeal. Celibate Catholic priests and monks living in a monastery both have sexual behavior that deviates very sharply from the norm. This deviance is inspired by the belief that—I’m sorry, what’s that you say? You weren’t thinking about celibacy when you asked the question? A bunch of men living in a small place that excludes women, all of whom have taken vows never to have sex, aren’t who you were thinking of as “deviants”?Well, that’s the problem with the word “deviant,” isn’t it? It’s a word that simply means “differing from the norm,” and vows of celibacy differ from the norm…but the fact that we think of people spanking each other as “deviants” but don’t think that about monks, even though there are far, far more people who spank each other than there are monks, just goes to show that “deviant” is not a value-neutral term.So a better question, one that isn’t dripping with fear of sex, is “what makes so many people have such a wide range of sexual tastes?”The answer to that is “our big brains, so good at abstract reasoning.”Human beings have a huge variety between different individuals. We have enormous range in tastes of food, music, entertainment, recreation, and sex. It’s because we are adapted for adaptability. Versatility is one of the things that makes us so successful.

A deviant personality is a person who does not conform to the?

They are indeed deviant, but only in terms of the larger culture. Deviance is largely relative to the group. So in a group where everyone has a mohawk, for example, having a mohawk is not a deviant act. Being a hippie is only deviant when compared to non-hippies.

One way to distinguish this is to talk about subcultures. A subculture is a social group that has values, beliefs, and/or behaviors that go against the broader social norms. Generally, the broader society sees subcultures as deviant due to their dress, beliefs, etc. However, within those groups, those specific ways of dressing, etc. are not deviant.

Hope that helps.