How Do I Build Strength I

How do i build upper body strength?

I would suggest doing both pushing and pulling exercises. Pushups are great. Do as many as you can each morning. But have a number to shoot for. If 50 is hard for you, decide to do 50 or even 60. When you can complete that many strongly it's time to move the number up by 10 or 15 more reps.
A good pulling exercise is pull ups or chin ups. With these do as many as you can but have a goal to shoot for. Then when complete try to hang on to the bar and feel the burn. When you are no longer getting sore from this do until the end of the week, then switch it up. You will need another exercise for pushing and another one for pulling.

When I was in the Marines I was doing 125 push ups straight. However, you will not get much bulky muscle this way.
I think you would need some good resistance training (weight training) to do that .

What is the best way to build muscle and strength?

For the first three months, you should be using light weights. You should be focused on doing three sets of lifts at 15 reps each with 2 minutes rest in between. If you can do 15 reps on the third set, you need to increase the weight the next time you can work out. If you can't manage to do 15 reps on the second set, your weight is too heavy and you need to back it down. Lots of reps with light weight during the first three months will help you build the endurance you need to build mass later on. You eventually will go to few reps with heavier weight and shorter rests. Bicep and tricep exercises can be done sitting or standing. You can easily do them at home with a basic set of weights. Barbell curls (standing) and concentration curls (sitting) are excellent bicep exercises. Overhead tricep extensions (sitting or standing), close grip bench presses (lying) and skull crushers (lying) are all great tricep exercises.

How can I build strength and stamina at 38yrs?

The best way to build strength and stamina at 38, assuming you have no been doing much exercise lately, is to start doing anything. Anything is a generalization but starting any form of exercise will help you get going in the right direction. Some more specific things you can focus on to build both are too:1. Walk a few times per week. Whether that's 30 minutes consecutively at the gym, at home, around the block, on your lunch break, does not matter. Or you could break that down into two 15 minute walks, three 10 minute walks…you get my point. Doing three 30 minute moderate pace walks per week will help build your stamina and will be a good way to ease into an exercise program. 2. Weight train 2 - 3x/week. If you're brand new to weight training you can stick to machine like the lat pulldown, leg press, leg curl, machine shoulder press etc… and perform 2- 3 sets of 15 - 20 repetitions of each exercise resting one minute between each.  Or if you're a little more comfortable you could use some free weights (dumbbells, barbells etc..) to go along with some bodyweight exercise like planks and pushups. Same rules apply in terms of set and repetitions. The focus should be to accomplish about 150 minutes per week of exercise using a combination between points 1 & 2. Hope that helps! If you have any other questions feel free to message me via or on Facebook .

What are exercises that build muscle and strength?

Are there kinds that if you do multiple reps and sets everyday, then they will build muscle and strength quickly? And if possible, could you explain how you do said exercise instead of just the name?

Build strength without size?

I'm a winger in soccer and i want to build my upper body body strength without getting big bulky muscles. I would prefer to bodyweight exercises to be lean but strong, like Bruce lee

Building strength vs building muscle size?

If I want to gain STRENGTH but not MUSCLE SIZE (so much). What should I do with my repetition's, sets and weight size? Should I be lifting really heavy weights a few times or a not so heavy weight with the 20 rep's of 3? This is for STRENGTH, I don't want to be hugely muscular. I've heard contrary evidence from both sides.

I have found a table on Wikipedia that says If I lift 80% maximum weight 1-5 reps with 4-7 sets I will gain Strength. But if I lift 40% maximum weight 20-30 reps with 2-3 sets I will gain Endurance. I'm guessing Endurance does not add anything to my strength but how well my muscles can perform in duration.

Any help?

If I have no upper body strength to do push ups, should I build strength with weights?

The best way to build up the strength to do full push-ups is to start with modified push-ups at an angle that you can do about 5 to 10 reps, and gradually decrease the angle (increasing the intensity) as you get stronger and work towards doing full push-ups with your hands on the floor.Modified push-ups involve putting your hands on something higher than the floor so that the angle of your body is more upright, which takes weight off of your hands and makes the exercise easier. The easiest level would doing push-ups with your hands against a wall and your body nearly upright. From there you could progress lower by putting your hands on things such as a kitchen counter, a table, a bench, etc.Avoid doing the commonly recommended modification where you perform push-ups on the floor from your knees, as that version removes a critical part of the standard push-up exercise, which is the requirement that you maintain a strong plank with your shoulders, hips, and ankles in line. Knee push-ups will not properly prepare you to perform full push-ups.The same problem exists if you try to use weights to build up the strength to do push-ups. The bench press or dumbbell press exercise will strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps, but it doesn't require you to maintain a plank for the entire time that you’re performing the exercise, therefore it’s not an ideal way to train towards doing full push-ups.