How Do I Calculate The Average Show Rate Of Appointments Vs The Amount Of Appointments Booked

If you no show your appointment can the medical office bill your insurance or will they bill you?

No, the office cannot bill your insurance, because they didn't provide the service. This puts the doctor in a bad position: they need to be paid for their time, and they can't bill your insurance. To solve this problem, most providers ask you to sign an agreement when you come to your first visit. Along with the HIPAA privacy and insurance assignment forms, you sign a form that promises to cancel 24 hours in advance or pay some kind of missed appointment charge.The doctors know that some percentage of their appointments won't show up, so just like airlines that overbook flights, doctors overbook appointments to maximize revenue. This is part of the reason some offices run endemically late as the day progresses. Book early appointments to avoid this.If you miss an appointment, call the office manager and ask for a one-time forgiveness of the late fee. This has always worked for me. As long as you don't make it a habit, you shouldn't have a problem. But be warned that frequent appointment changers and no-shows still cost the provider money, so you could be "fired" for bad behavior.

Is One source talent a scam?

They had given me an appointment and I didnt go because so many people were saying that they was a scam...(sitting in a room with a whole bunch of people) and someone on here said that this agency is real and legit....I dont know who to believe.. could you give me some advice on where I can find legit agencies for modeling and acting in Dallas TX and how I can be on commercials

How do you call wedding venues?

I am trying to start planning my wedding but I am completely lost on something.....the venues. What do you ask them when you call? we aren't rich or anything so we need to talk about prices....but I feel like it's awkward to call and be like "we're planning our wedding and are considering your venue how much would it be" like what do you ask them? I don't want to sound cheap I just want to know how much places cost. what is the best least awkward way to ask about venue prices?