How Do I Catch A Jew And How Many Jews Will I Need For My Machine

How easily could you have hidden the fact you were Jewish to escape persecution in Nazi Germany?

Here is a wonderfully detailed, helpful chart from the Third Reich:It helpfully identifies who is a Jew and who is not under the Nuremberg laws. You know, you cannot just ask those pesky Jews... who knows what deception they are capable of. For all you know, they might even pretend that they are Christians and atheists, just so that they can continue to poison the blood of the Master Race with their presence. No, if you want Germany to be a country of racially pure Aryan Folk, free of Bolshevism, deviant art and other inferior Jewish influences, you must get rid of each and every Jew and not fall for their lies. And even if some Jews weren't practicing their religion, weren't enjoying deviant art, weren't spreading Bolshevik propaganda, even if some of them actually behaved like loyal citizens of the German Reich, you cannot afford to be sentimental... they are an inferior race, it is in their blood, and so long as you let them survive in the midst of the German Folk, the future of Germany is in danger.Well, at least that was the ideological justification for the Nurenberg laws and the ensuing industrialized mass murder. I find it ironic though that they identified so many people as Jews who themselves weren't aware of their Jewish ancestry, some people argued that there were more Jews as a result in 1945 than in 1939. It is also ironic that by persecuting Jews, they rid the country of some of its greatest scientists, at least some of whom ended up working in Los Alamos.Meanwhile, though, sadly, the algorithmic quality of the chart above did not go unnoticed: punch card tabulating machines of Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen Gesellschaft m. b. H. (DEHOMAG), IBM's German subsidiary, were working overtime in death camps, in occupied Holland and elsewhere, identifying Jews in the general population and ensure that they are properly accounted for when used either as a slave labor force or raw material in macabre factories. Here is another, almost perfectly Orwellian image from that era, an advertising poster by DEHOMAG:The text reads, in English: Oversight (or surveillance) with Hollerith punch cards. German Hollerith Machines LLC, Berlin-Lichterfelde.No, there was no easy escape.

Why are so many billionaires Jewish?

One historical reason is that, hundreds of years ago in Europe, the Church forbade usury--the charging of interest by money lenders--so people had to borrow money from Jews instead of Christians.

We often find that ethnic groups in different parts of the world who are considered to be different, who are often discriminated against and persecuted, whose property has been confiscated, who have been through seriously hard times again and again, who value education and help each other out in good times, often work a little harder at saving and investing money.

When other folks save for a rainy day, they make sure they have enough money to buy an umbrella if they need one. They like to have money, but they value other things more. So they go into debt to get their own apartment and a new car when they graduate from college, go out for a beer every now and again, instead of staying at home and investing the extra money they make.

I used to work with someone who was not Jewish, by the way. She bragged that after she had attended college on financial aid--grants and scholarships--she had some money saved up because she did not spend it all. I had just finished college, and although I lived very modestly compared to some of my friends, I certainly had not saved any money from my financial aid.

One day in the restroom, I saw a note taped to the sanitary napkin dispenser in which my co-worker said that she had lost a quarter in the machine, and could someone please return it to her. Now, if I'd lost a quarter there, I would not have taped a note to the machine with my name on it. I would have just thrown that quarter away, because some things are more important to me than money.

And that's why I'm not a billionaire.

Is it true that Jews can't ask others to help them do the things they're not allowed on Shabbat?

On the Sabbath, work is not permitted, including the making of fire and putting on a light is making a sort of fire (if you don’t think it is, try putting your finger into a socket that is on. Your finger will get burned.)The solution is not to ask others to do your work, or to “trick” them into doing it. Dishonesty is also frowned upon, 7 day a week.The way is to turn on your some of your lights before sundown on Friday, and leave them on. I recall watching people who followed these laws, turn on the lights and even pre-tear toilet paper, so no one else would need to tear paper (also not permitted on the Sabbath.) People also cooked extra food Friday afternoon, that could be eaten cold on the Sabbath.Or in this modern day, buy a timer that will turn the light on for you. Set the timer up any other day. To the best of my knowledge, a machine or circuit board is not a person and therefore can do its work by itself any old time.

Difference between: catholic, christian, jewish?

Catholics are a sub-group of Christianity. They are the original church founded by Jesus - they're the ones with the Pope. But, because of many people thinking that Catholicism had become twisted away from the true Christian belief, many other sects (Protestants etc.) were made.

Christians are just anyone who believes in the holy trinity (god, christ, holy spirit) and that Jesus Christ was the son of God and died on the cross to take away the sins of the world.

Judaism is a much older religion. The old testament in the Bible is the Jewish holy book (the new testament is the Christian addition). They have a fairly similar belief system as Christians as related to God but do not believe that Jesus was the son of God. They have been persecuted without end because of the hand that the Jews had in the death of Christ and also because of the questionable preaching of the old testament.

How can you tell if someone is a Crypto-Jew?

Oh… If you see somebody who want to dominate the world, and they are not reptoids, they are probably Crypto-Jews.Now Crypto-Jews are just as rare as reptoids but there were once times when you could find some easily - you know, when Jews got expelled from Spain and superficial converts were burnt at stakes…So you just have to take Time Machine and ask inquisitors for directions

Do jews get hanukkah off from school this year?

being a jew myself I want, no I need to know if I can get off of school since this year hanukkah is not during the christmas break. I am fairly sure that I can but I need to know for sure. Also because my mom wont let me so maybe if you guys could tell me or give me some evidence that can convince her to let me stay home from school.