How Do I Convince My Aunt To Adopt Me

How can I convince my mom to adopt a baby?


so you want your parents to adopt, that's really cool of you. Maybe saying you're lonely wasn't a good idea but I think I know what you are trying to say.

You want the connection only siblings can bring. I have an idea, rent a movie called Madonna I am, it's about adopting and helping kids out in Africa.

This movie broke my heart and we are on our 3rd adoption. Wouldn't trade the joy and hardships for anything. Your heart is in the right place, there are so many kids that need homes! Just try not to mention what you will be getting out of it so much. When you talk to your parents concentrate on how much and how many kids NEED their help. You're a good kid. Good luck to you, hope they adopt 2 or maybe even 3.

They might also be lost as to where to start with adoption, read up on a few non profit companies - depending on what state you live in:

Good luck kid!

Can my aunt adopt me to live in the US? I am 18.

Yes, your aunt may adopt you as an adult. You both need at least one lawyer with specialties in both family law and immigration but more likely two different attorneys.Depending on the state in which she resides the procedure for adult adoption will vary. It may establish a closer next-of-kin relationship status for inheritance purposes but will not grant you the same citizenship as your aunt.This will have no effect on your citizenship. You will remain a foreign national. If you want to live with your aunt, you must apply for a visa to get here and be granted permanent residency to stay.You both should discuss this with an immigration attorney before taking any steps toward adoption. You wouldn't want the authorities to suspect that the adoption was completed as an ill-conceived, fraudulent and futile attempt to circumvent the immigration system, would you?

Can my Aunt adopt me?

I live in Australia and i'm 14 and i want to live with my Aunt and her family in America. I don't have any severe problems at home but i just think that it would be a better opportunity there for me. Where i live now there is no future for me and i don't fit in with all the other kids in my area (they drink, smoke, have sex, ect and they're only 12-14) and i cant take it anymore. What do i have to do to live with my family in America?

- I want to go by myself, and do i need to get citizenship?

How do I get adopted my aunt and uncle?

So first question: do your parents still have the parental rights to you? If so, what are the reasons you want them terminated. If they are abusing you, contact Child Protective Services immediately. The only way to get out of there legally is through them. They will help you to evaluate your options, including family resources. If there are other reasons that do not meet the standard for abuse, such as poverty or familial discord, then encourage your parents to seek out assistance. Adoption is not the go-to option in things like those last few.Secondly, why do you specifically want your aunt and uncle to adopt you? Are they really cool people? Have they been really supportive to you throughout whatever is happening with your parents? Do they have resources that you would like to have access to? Are you looking to maintain contact with your family?Thirdly, are your aunt and uncle even willing to adopt you or provide you support? Your question makes it seem as though you already know they are not. If you don’t know for sure, you are welcome to have a conversation with them. You cannot, under any circumstances (even if you are being fostered and believe they are the best possible parents), force them into it. If you attempt to make that happen, it will be a very unhealthy dynamic and is not a good way to become a family anyway.If and only if your parent’s rights have already been terminated, it may be a good idea to have a conversation with your aunt and uncle seeing if they are willing to foster you, with a possibility of adoption. If CPS is involved, ask that they be invited to family planning meetings. If your parents are not considering adoption and there is no reason their rights would be revoked, then adoption is not an option. If your parents, aunt, and uncle all are ok with it, you may want to have a family meeting and see if maybe you could see your aunt and uncle one day a week or something similar. This can give you and your parents a break from one another while introducing your preferred supports.

How can I convince my parents to let me have my dog inside the house while my parents are insisting that I keep the dog in a kennel?

Dogs are pack animals, and it's cruel to leave them lonely in a kennel outside especially since weather affects a dog like a human. If it must be in kennel is heated or shaded and airy? Your poor dog is likely miserable. If you can't reconcile this issue with your parents he would be better off with a different family.However dogs do like their kennels when they're inside. They are Den animals, like foxes. If their kennels are clean with clean blankets and cozy you can train them to stay in their kennel, but they can still be near you.Your dog needs regular baths and flea treatments, grooming of the coat and nails and even having his teeth brushed. He needs regular and frequent exercise that means more than once a day. Your dog needs regular veterinary check-ups . Your dog needs to be spayed or neutered .He needs company and play. In short it's like having a child with all the responsibilities of children. If you are not providing your dog these things even though he's kenneled outside you are not a good dog owner already.If you if you are really devoted and dedicated dog owner you will try to find a way to have your parents compromise over the dog such as letting him stay in at night in a kennel near your bed. You would not leave a child out by himself all night and dogs are vulnerable as well.if you cannot meet all these things and get your parents on board with these ideas you should probably find your dog another home.

How can i convince my parents to let me live with my aunt?

If you're in that bad of a situation your aunt can get a court order to adopt you. Talk to your aunt about this.

How to convince mom to let me get a Puggle puppy.?

As much as I love puggles, your mom is probably right they are alot of work, unless you are adopting an older one. They have extreme seperation anxiety so whoever is home will have the dog following them everywhere, you can't leave a room without them crying. Also I regularly visit and I have seen puggles anywhere from 15-35 pounds, and most are on the higher end of that scale. Mine is only 13 weeks old and she is almost 10 pounds. I think no matter what the size of the dogs 3 is alot to care for.

How do I find a daughter I gave up for adoption in 1987?

The phone rang three days ago. It was my sister who blurted, “ Have you heard the news? We have a brand new cousin and she is my age.”She told me a secret family story I had never heard before: One of my dear family members gave up her newborn baby daughter as a young unwed lady in 1969. My aunt deeply regretted it immediately afterwards, and attempted to get the baby back but the newborn girl had been placed up for adoption and she was unable to retrieve her. My aunt later married a wonderful man but never had more children.Flash forward to the present time and my uncle, my aunt’s brother, who has been very interested in our family history gives his DNA/blood to a company that helps families create a family tree and find out more about their ancestry. My uncle’s DNA information was placed into a databank of information and shortly afterwards the company alerted him of a new “match” as part of our family tree. It turns out the daughter has been trying to find her birth mother for some time, connected with the same company and now my uncle was able to get her in touch with her birth mother, my aunt.You might try connecting with some of these companies, such as, and perhaps your own daughter has been trying to do the same to search for you.

Can someone adopt me? I'm 17.

I’m so sorry your going through that. I knew people who were “late life” adoption. The problem I saw with those kids though was they got a new family, but couldn’t shake the impact from their old one(s). You might think warm meals, a nice bed & hugs will “fix” it. But as nice, wonderful & helpful as those things are they don’t change your past. They are bandaids for bullet holes. And unfortunately you might like it at first but then it will feel to good, so you’ll rip off that bandaid & hurt them, but mostly yourself, in the process.That being said, as hard as it is. I hate the idea of you or anyone not feeling the love of a family. But I don’t know how to help you find that. My only thought is to focus on your future and create your own success. Find your forever partner & create that family you dream of. But Remember if you had a rough childhood,you might need professional help to help you behave the way you what for yourself in the future.I wish you the best of luck!

How to convince my parents to let me get a rottweiler?

Well see in my house we have 5 dogs and 2 are my cousins (Doesnt take care of it) one is my aunts (barely takes care of it) and 2 are my grandparents (hate them dogs) but i pretty much take care of them all! And we live with my cousin and aunt by the way. anyway so in my house my cousins needs and wants come before mine so in order of wants and needs it goes Mom Cousin Grandpa Aunt ME!!! WTF!!! i always come after every one and it getting to me! im 14 and want a dog for myself and a breed of my choice. My b-day is coming up in july and thats all i want is a DOG! ive asked before and they said that we have toooooo many dogs and i agree with that but its not fair and i feel like the only way too make it up to me is by getting a dog! i would take care of it and it would mostly sstay in my room with food and water and i would take it out before school after schoool and like 3 or four time before i go to bed! im a good dog owner cuz i take care of there dogs and my cousins dog hate her and like me soooooo much better cuz i actually pay attention to it and pet it and take them out and feed them! i would train my dog and i would make sure it doesnt go with out i can get dog food by myself and i can get toys and such by my self i was gunna ask for a dog for my b-day by going up to my mom and asking and then she would say no then i would tell her its nt fair for me to come last and so thqat way she might feel guilty and if im good and keep up my grades and do extra chores i was hoping for a dog buuut, last year i did that it they gave me **** i DID NOT want iu didint use it and did nt like it so please just gimme some ideas on how to convince her i wuld really appreciate it! Thank you (By the way i have 6 months till my birthday)