How Do I Convince My Mom To Stop Forcing Me To Homeschool Help

How can I get my mom to stop forcing me to homeschool?

If you're just sitting around and getting depressed, your mom is obviously going to think that school is bad for you. Since you're now waking at 9.30 when you're NOT at school, but slept 14 hours last year when you WERE at school, she will naturally assume that you are actually psychologically better off at home.

Instead of moaning and complaining, why not make the most of your freedom to learn whatever you want, in your own way? Autonomous education/unschooling are very effective ways of learning, since the motivation comes from within, rather than having to do the tedious rote learning and busywork that usually goes with schools. Do you honestly want the peer pressure, aggression, boredom and tedium of a school curriculum?? Wouldn't you rather read whatever you want to read, study whatever you want to study, sleep whenever you want to sleep, and work on projects for as long as you please?

My sons were home educated during their teenage years, and although every year we considered school, they ASKED to stay at home, when they saw how little their schooled friends actually learned. They decided they'd follow a curriculum for an hour or so each day, in case they wanted to go to university one day - but one hour of home education (essentially teaching themselves) covers what takes seven or eight hours in a classroom. So, in addition, they also taught themselves programming, they wrote stories, they learned languages, did art, music, roller-blading... and by the time they were 18 had far more idea about what they wanted to do in future (and more motivation to do it) than most of their friends.

Maybe one day you'll go back to school - but if you want to convince your mom that you're ready for the rigours of high school and will cope with it, you need to demonstrate it by being enthusiastic to learn, and coming up with ideas of what you might do. I'm sure she just wants what's best for you - but if you don't even give home education a try, how will you possibly know?


How to convince my parents to stop homeschooling me?

Ok, so here's my story. I went to a private Christian school all through kindergarten. Then, my family and I moved to a different state. Instead of relocating me to an elementary school, they decided to try homeschooling me. I really enjoyed it a lot then. I got to be with my mom all day, and learn, which I loved. Now I'm in the 8th grade, and I'm still being homeschooled. Honestly I hate it now. Everywhere I go I get questioned for not being "normal", like I'm some kind if leper, because I'm homeschooled. I'm shut inside my house all day studying, without seeing a single person but my mom, and its depressing. I don't have very many friends, because well heck, I never see the light of day besides for going to church or shopping. I'm miserable! And it's not just socially, but academically as well. My mom did fine teaching me elementary grade level curriculum, but now that I'm starting more advanced studies, like Algebra 1, she doesn't know any more than I do. She tries to teach me, but really all it is is a big guessing game. She doesn't know what she is doing. It's not that she isn't trying, she is giving homeschooling 100% effort, but I'm falling behind everyone else my grade in every subject. I have my reasons on why I want out of homeschool, but my real problem is she will have none of it. She insists on holding on to her "baby", and coddling me by homeschooling me till college. If I even HINT at a desire to go to a public school, or even display interest, her temper flares. If I told her I wanted out, she would be so mad I'd never hear the end if it. No matter what I tell her, there is absolutely nothing that is going to change her mind. She is persistent. I've been mature about this whole issue, not bringing it up to often, and trying to put up with out studies, but I've reached my breaking point. I just want the satisfaction of making the school team, the honor roll, bringing home good grades and seeing the smiles on my parents. What can I do to convince them?

How can I convince my parents to homeschool me?

You WILL BE very isolated unless your parents are willing and have the resources to facilitate your socialization. You would need their support to become involved in homeschool co-ops and other extra-curricular activities such as team sports, community volunteer opportunities, special-interest clubs, etc.It is also good for you to gain some “social” experience with project- based group learning, but that can be accomplished by joining a 4-H club.Your parents would need to be supportive of inviting friends over for fun, which is how a lot of socialization takes place.Your parents may both be very busy with their careers and not have time to help with arrangements and transportation to activities. Some activities have an associated expense which may not be affordable for your family. It is inconvenient for parents to homeschool you and they might not have the energy.Basically, you can’t be well-homeschooled without full-out support from your parents.If you are a dedicated student of age 13 or older, you likely can self-direct most of your curriculum-based learning because of excellent book and online resources that are available to homeschoolers. But you will be hard-pressed to overcome your parents’ opposition to socialization complaints.This is the approach I used when well-meaning relatives questioned me about socialization deficits in my homeschool… I told them that homeschool socialization opportunities are superior to school-based socialization. Homeschool socialization is multi-age, multi-ethnicity, gender inclusive, and incorporates high moral standards. Homeschool socialization avoids bullying and the peer pressure to use drugs and have sex. Public high-schoolers have clinical depression at alarming rates. Try to convince them that it is worth it for them to invest in a better socialization experience for you.

Forced to be homeschooled?

So I've tried talking to my parents numbers of times to go to public school. They say it's a "bad influence", "peer pressure", "bad people there" etc. So I have to be homeschooled and private school is too expensive. I'm missing out on things that basically every teenager gets to do. I don't get to go to prom, see friends every day, interact with people, and do the things people take for granted every day. I'm trapped in my own home and I have barely any friends. I spend my whole day in my room. I feel like I'm living my life as a 16 year old in a box. They're has to be a way to persuade them because they need to stop being so against it. They aren't letting me live my life, I don't want to do any sports and I already do like 1 activity. But I still have no friends. Also, with school I could get good grades and be a more happy me. Trust me, it's annoying if you have to be around your family all day long. Please how do I persuade them to say yes to it?!?

How do I convince my parents to let me homeschool?

I recently moved and I hate my new school. The kids in my classes are far behind me,the school is overly crowded, I don't feel like Im learning anything,I have headaches everyday,and come home crying. The only time Im happy is on Friday when I have the weekend to look forward to. I cant take it anymore my parents just ignore me when I tell them I hate it especially my mom she just yells at me and says she went through school and I have to do the same thing but that doesn't help at all. I've completely lost all interest in school, I used to be an Honors student but now Im only down to one and I really don't care if I stay in that class anymore everytime I try talking to my mom about school she laughs at me and tells me I'll end up being nothing but how can I do well in an environment im not comfortable in?

Is there an online school I can do w/o my parents help?

Would my mom have to teach me anything?

Please Help!

BTW Im in 9th grade.

Thanks =]...

My mom is abusive and forcing me to stay homeschooled (please read document link). What should I do?

You are not only being abused but tricked into thinking that you can’t handle mainstream schools or society! Just because Child Services might place you in foster care (based on your description, that’s likely) or you might be adopted, doesn’t mean that you can’t join regular activities such as clubs, sports and socializing with people your age.The sooner you call Child Services and get help, the sooner you can begin getting counseling and getting into groups that help you adjust to normal life outside the home. They will keep an eye on your mother, let her know that she cannot keep abusing you unless she wants to end up in jail, and act as your advocates for legal proceedings and even things such as therapy and job counseling.With legal help, you may even get to declare yourself emancipated from your parents. Once you get the necessary skills, you can choose a school like your brother did, or some technical or other career path after you finish high school.I used to work with many foster kids who did very well in the regular school system and who went on to lead happy, productive lives.PLEASE call Child Services or speak to a counselor or teacher who can guide you through this process of getting help. Your mother is frighteningly violent and is committing serious crimes by abusing you!Here is a “gateway” site to help you choose how to report your abuse:How to Report Suspected Child MaltreatmentAlso, people like police officers and teachers MUST report abuse if you call them. Here is as site that explains it:Reporting Child Abuse - American SPCC

How do I convince my mom to let me stay in virtual school?

I was forced to home school my son and the downsides are huge.My son doesn’t need many friends, and I like him for it but homeschool an mean total isolation.  It’s hard to get much done at home, few kids have much motivation without peer pursue, trained teachers and a little healthy competition. Also you’re changing all the time, my daughter went from loner to social butterfly, if she was at home she would never have found her social side.You need to prove you’re mature, look at sports clubs and point out you’ll get a social life and get good grades. Tell her you’re willing to do a trial and if you find yourself gamming, snoozing till noon and not seeing anyone you’ll get back to school.

My mom is making me do home school and I don't want to. What should I do? Thank you for the answers! I have decided to do homeschool for now on!

Show your maturity and ask her why she feels homeschooling will be better for you. Listen to understand, not to object! Listen the way you wish your parents would to you, the way your friends listen to you.If she has several reason be prepared to write them down. That will show her you’re taking her reasons seriously. (You don’t need to agree they’re important. They’re important to her. I assume you want her to treat your concerns as important even if she doesn’t get them.)Ask her what would help her be more comfortable that you were achieving these goals while still in school.What are your objections? Make a list. Go over each one with your mother. Ask her for help with them. Or what alternatives she has in mind. Is there anything you can do right now — like homeschool groups — so you can get a feel for how homeschooling will go? If you can meet some new kids who have the same interests you do it might seem not so bad.