How Do I Deal With My Serious Daddy Issues

Do I have serious daddy issues?

When in bed, me and my boyfriend have this roleplay routine where he's my daddy and I'm his little girl. He "punishes" me by can guess. We don't do kinky or fetishy things, but being called his little girl really turns me on. I just think about him being my daddy and it's sexy.
I don't really get along well with my dad. We don't have a relationship at all. It's basically like not having a dad. But I never thought I had serious "daddy issues" until i read something that said those issues manifest themselves in stuff like sex.
So I'm just wondering if this is really an issue or if it's just kinky.

Serious daddy issues. (in a nutshell)?

i'll bullet point it, story is an epic poem.

-Dad was a prick to my mum when I was born (16 years ago)
-She walked out on him because he was doing drugs
-he kidnapped me and my brother and locked us in his mums house once
-he apologized after, and we started seeing him weekends
-found out he was doing heroin, still kept seeing him
-He got a new gf who hates me and my brother
-5 Years ago he just suddenly stopped seeing us
-heard hide nor hair from him
-my gran (his mum) died on tuesday night
-he rang up asking if he could see me before the funeral
-I didn't want to because i'm not ready to forgive him just like that
-He has now said I am certainly not welcome at the funeral if I won't see him (emotional blackmail basically)

Do you think I should just not ever bother talking to him?
He hurt my feelings so badly when he said I'm not welcome at the funeral.

How to deal with girls with daddy issues?

I hate to be blunt …man! ‘cause I have actually been in your shoes. I have to tell you that unless you have an abundant amount of time and lots of money …get out of the relationship. You’ll probably end up getting hurt!
Is not healthy …and the chances of becoming a toxic relationship are quite high!!!!!!! She needs lots of couseling before she can really be in a serious relationship. Is not you(though you could be less controlling) …is mostly her! The main reason …she has not define herself(and love) just yet(built a sense of responsibility and get to know herself) by being on her own. ‘cause people have been taking care of her …she thinks that’s the way things are. Is something you can’t help her with. You may have to let her be …if she comes back, hopefully she’ll be more mature and REALLY in love with you. Wish I am willing to bet, she is not right now.

Serious Daddy Issues...?

i can say i know where your coming from. my dad and mom divorced and he remarried. she had 5 kids of her own. my dad hardly spoke to any of his own time he borrowed money from me to buy a camper. well i decided to go to where they were camping to see them. his new wife was making remarks that i should not be there, that her family was there and i basically was not dad said nothing. my dad and his new family lived in the home my grandfather built and none of my brothers or sister and i went there. because we felt so uncomfortable. needless to say i was angry with my dad for a very long time. then one day i was at his home and he coughed and dropped to the floor. he was dead 2 days later. that's when i realized that none of that stuff mattered. i loved my dad as i know you do. i know the things he says and does hurts. but i will say this, let the little things go. it wont matter in the end.he loves you, you know that. maybe he is just trying to make her happy because he knows that if he don't they will get a divorced and she will take him for every thing he has. i know that's not an excuse, but it could be the truth. just be happy with the time you do get to spend with him. that's what will matter in the end.

It manifests itself in many ways, but the cliches exist for a reason.For men. Daddy issues-they tend to act much like their father as a parent. ie abusive, substance abuse, workaholic, etc or they simply go off the deep end. Mommy issues are usually two ways. One being that they are truly misogynistic. They treat women like objects or avoid them completely. The other being the man who becomes too attached to women (and often act quite feminine) and constantly having to have a girlfriend because they’re so clingy.For women.Daddy issues typically arise as sexual promiscuity, self-esteem issues and clinginess. They’re the ones who date older men (not for their money). Not a hard and fast rule, but its a stereotype for a reason.I’ve seen a few women with mommy issues, but it seems to be much less common. I commonly see whose friend group is largely men. Personally, they tend to be fun to be around because they’re the ones who always want to shoot guns, blow stuff up, automotive work, drink around a bonfire, and other masculine stuff. But they are usually oblivious to the men who are just their friends and those who are actually interested in them.

Is it possible for a woman with serious daddy issues to have healthy relationships with men?

I recently learned that my wife has serious problems relating to her father. She never told me about them before or even after we got married, but I recently caught her cheating and then, she told me. She fell for this guy who seems tough and powerful but elusive and even unfriendly -- a "bad boy." I've tried to understand where this need comes from (she has always been infatuated with guys she meets in clubs who drink, smoke, womanize, and push people around -- I'm very much the opposite). She seems to be aroused by the aggressiveness. She then explained that she was unloved as a child, that her father drank heavily and eventually left, and she has never heard from him since. She has never had any positive male figures in her life except for me -- and though I am loving with her, she ignores me much of the time. I think she chose me sometimes because I seem like a nice safe guy -- not out of real attraction. What can we do? Can it be solved? Is it a problem (or just me)?

Daddy issues? What to do?!?

Ugh. I hate how he acts so much. But i still cant hate him, i HAVE to love him, becuase he is my father. Let me explain: Im 14, girl, an my dad ditched me and my sister when we were little. We see him everyother weekend. Around his friends & girls he acts like a young (hes 50) fun rich guy. But with me he is poor, sad, stressed, clean freak. I have anxiety, and self harm issues, and eating disorder, which he doesnt seem to care about, because he is telling me "You pig" "start excersizing". I do excersize, eat good food, and am always watching my weight. If i straighten my hair he says " you care too much about looks!" if i dont he says "your hair is messy" or "you look funny". he wont let me date until im 16, which is fine with me, but he only wil allow me to date white or italian guys, when i love all races. He hurts my feelings alot, and im never good enough for him. I have an exchange student this summer, and im really happy to have her, she is like a sister to me! But my dad favorites her. Everything is about her. He doesnt even act like himself around her. He talks to her, and lets her pick all the meals, movies, games, etc. She is his perfect daughter. He never tells me anything, or talks to me. He spends allhis money on goldiggers, so i have to make my own money. I have to clean for them and do the laundry for her and clean the bathroom we share. Sorry i needed to vent. Please help? Sometimes i just want to leave forever, but then i wouldnt be able to see my little brother (who makes my life better) and then i would be nothing. I feel like cinderella, but no fairy godmother is coming for me...

oh hell yeah! Mommy issues usually arise later in life, I've found, when you realize that Mommy also had issues and she refused to discuss them so you are left wondering what the hell she had to endure. She would not tell me anything.Daddy issues are constant and for me arose from the distant father I had as a small girl. He was not around physically, and when he was, he was absent emotionally. I adored him.At one time or another, both parents could withdraw and left the child lonely and wondering. I just pray that I did not do this to my child.