How Do I Delete A Favorite Location When I Hit Delete Apply Nothing Happens.

Does anyone know how to delete channels from your favorites list on Comcast cable?

press favorite button on your remote - go to your list - at the bottom move over to the heart symbol (where it says add or remove favorite channels) - select that and remove the channels that you want.

How do I delete unused favorites?

hit "alt-v to toolbars and remove the check from favorites bar
did that help

Can I delete contents from the Temp folder that's in C:\TEMP? It's not in the windows folder, though. It’s directly in the C drive.

Yes you can delete the files in temp folder nothing will fall bad these are need for some setting storage & some of the files in temp can't be deleted because current application will using that file. It doesn't need to be deleted manually , windows will delete it periodically over a period of time.

What happens when I delete the contents of the prefetch folder in windows?

The prefetch folder contains data about the order in which sectors are loaded by various programs including the bootup process. On rotational hard disks, this speeds up loading of applications, by reducing seek time.If you delete it, it will slow down your boot and application loading times. As you launch each of your apps however, the data gets recreated.

What will happen if I delete

If you delete musically (Known as TikTok now) your privately saved musical.lys (known as drafts in the TikTok app) will be gone forever. You will still be able to log into your account if you delete the app, and your videos will still be on your account. Just not the privates or drafts.

What happens if you delete the System32 folder on Windows?

Tl;DrBecause it contains a large portion of the OS. If you delete it, the computer won't run.Some history.When Windows was still 16 bit (think Winows 3.1), the bulk of the OS was in the Windows directory. Unlike some vendors (Apple) Microsoft has taken great pains to maintain backwards compatibility. So when they developed Windows NT, they added the \system32 folder to hold much of the new, 32-bit components. So now the OS is largely split between the \windows directory and \system32.Oddly enough, though, when they introduced 64-bit Windows, they didn't create a \system64 subdirectory. (Though, if you look, you'll see a \SysWoW64 subdirectory which contains the 32-bit “Windows on Windows” subsystem.)WoW64 - WikipediaWindows NT (32-bit) had a similar WoW32 subsystem that allowed 16-bit applications to run.Windows on Windows - Wikipedia

What happens to deleted files in a computer?

Windows (and other operating systems) keep track of where files are on a hard drive through “pointers.” Each file and folder on your hard disk has a pointer that tells Windows where the file’s data begins and ends.When you delete a file, Windows removes the pointer and marks the sectors containing the file’s data as available. From the file system’s point of view, the file is no longer present on your hard drive and the sectors containing its data are considered free space.However, until Windows actually writes new data over the sectors containing the contents of the file, the file is still recoverable. A file recovery program can scan a hard drive for these deleted files and restore them. If the file has been partially overwritten, the file recovery program can only recover part of the data.If you’re wondering why your computer doesn’t just erase files when you delete them, it’s actually pretty simple. Deleting a file’s pointer and marking its space as available is an extremely fast operation. In contrast, actually erasing a file by overwriting its data takes significantly longer. For example, if you’re deleting a 10 GB file, that would be near-instantaneous. To actually erase the file’s contents, it may take several minutes – just as long as if you were writing 10 gigabytes of data to your hard drive.To increase performance and save time, Windows and other operating systems don’t erase a file’s contents when it’s deleted.

Emails won't delete in yahoo mail, they keep reappearing in my inbox?

I click on an email and then click on delete. Presto, gone. And then it's back in my inbox. sometimes up to five times. I click on trash and click to empty it, sometimes the trash empties and sometimes it doesn't. If the trash empties, it seems to take the email permanently, but it shouldn't come back in the first place when I initially delete it. I'm using Firefox, if that makes a difference.

Can I delete the AppData folder in Windows 7?

Appdata folder store information related to application data. For an example if you have Microsoft Outlook installed on the computer. If something goes wrong at any point with your Outlook and you created a new profile in Outlook to access your emails then you can simply navigate to Appdata folder and can copy all your information, customized settings, archive mails and paste it under new Outlook profile and you will be able to access everything in the way it was there previously. So if you delete Appdata folder then it will cause problem with application installed on the computer.  However while navigating to that folder if you find any folder those are still exist or left by an application that you have already uninstalled, in that case go ahead and delete that folder.

What will happen if I delete the "Android" folder in the file manager?

Won't make much of a difference. However, it contains the cache for most of your apps, so deleting it would be like deleting the savegames for your videogames, you'll have to start all over again, i.e., it will reset many of your applications…