How Do I Fix This Situation With My Ex

How do I manage my situation if my ex-boyfriend still texts me even after my marriage? He keeps on annoying me and threatens that he will end his life. I didn't and can’t tell my husband about my ex.

You are such a poor soul who failed in both chapters. You failed to get a friendly husband with which you can share your problems or past. You failed because fear suppress your life.At this crucial phase, you have such options to do,First, block all the ways where your ex boyfriend can contact you. (If you are sure that he has nothing such blasting proof like sex tape or nudes which can ruined your life.)Second, if he blackmails you about ruining your married life, then there is something he have like proof of your relationship with him, which acts like a weapon to blackmail you. Make your husband in confidence, share with him, and show him your middle finger or lodge a police complaint.Third, remain with your fear and find answer of your life on quora.Best wishes.

What is the best way to behave in a situation where my ex-girlfriend starts dating a new guy, but I still have strong feelings for her and want her back? Should I try to ignore her or persist in getting her back?

I'm a girl, and can very well relate to your ex girlfriend. I was in a long distance relationship, full of love and full of fights. Though fights were very frequent and we both wanted to end it we somehow was not getting a closure. After 3 years he proposed another girl just to put an end to our relationship. We finally broke up.It was very hard for me, the fact that he actually left me for another girl. I struggled a lot and ignored all his mails asking me to continue as his friend. We didn't have any contacts for a while.Then I was finally able to accept the fact that he belonged to someone else now. We again started contacting each other, just as friends. But I soon realized he wanted us back. I guess he regrets giving his word to another girl when we could still work things out. So presently we're just friends when we both know how badly we want each other. But it's too late for us, and he's trying to move on and be faithful to the other girl. If she hadn't come in between we would have happily gotten back.Your girl must be going through the struggle that I went through. Give her some space, let her vent it out, and give her a call after say 2 weeks, and tell her you love her. She's expecting it. Please don't give up on her, 3 years is not a short time. Work it out! My sincere wishes to you both. :)

My ex boyfriend is mad with me, how can I fix this situation?

Depression makes it hard to deal with your own emotions and almost impossible to feel comfortable in dealing with someone else’s, even on a good day. That’s how things are for him, which you shouldn’t think of as a “situation.” It’s what he deals with all the time. By distancing himself, he was probably trying to limit the complications in his life. That might have been the best he could do for both of you at the time.Knowing that you can’t handle a relationship with a depressed person should help you accept whatever happens between you from now own. You can’t expect him to sustain a friendship either, but you’ve done the right thing by telling him you want to. It’s up to him to decide what he wants and needs. He might have found your relationship stressful for a long time, so friendship would be too.You told him how you feel. Now it’s up to him to see if time heals his wounds. Hopefully his depression will lift and he’ll be decide he wants to stay friends with you. You’ve let him know you’re there for him, which is exactly what a friend should to.

Do you ever imagine certain situations with your ex?

Yes. And all of the scenarios ended with tearing out his tongue and then slitting the throat of his mistress-turned-wife, but not before having her gang raped while he watches, helpless in his chair. Then I off him, executioner style.Admittedly these scenarios were the demented imaginings of someone who doesn’t let go of a grudge, ever.Unfortunately my dark daydreams didn’t amount to much more than several typed pages of writer’s block.I learned to move on because there’s nothing else to do but move on. At one point the memory of my ex was so strong I hired a shamanic witch to perform some rituals to cast out his presence from my life for good. It worked for a bit, then the memories slowly crept back. I repeated the rituals once or twice more and gradually the specter of my ex became easier and easier to ignore.If you’re having repetitive memories of your ex or imaging made-up scenarios it’s your body’s way of coping with unresolved trauma and finding closure.It wasn’t until my subconscious unearthed several clues revolving around our breakup that I was finally able to release my ex back into the void of the distant past.Do I still hate my ex? Kinda, sorta. If I could kill him cleanly of course I’d do it.But do I obsess about him? No, not anymore. Occasionally, to satiate a sick curiosity, I’ll check up on his Facebook. I make sure we’ll never cohabit the same space at the same time. But once my subconscious was absolved of the nagging clues that forced my imagination to replay these demented scenarios over and over his ghost has pretty much remained in the photographs locked underneath my basement.If you’re imaging scenarios about your ex don’t take them too seriously. Chances these phantom replays are your gut’s way of solving the problems from your past that don’t benefit the beliefs which you carry forward into the future.

Advice or insight into my situation? I keep letting my ex bf use me for sex because i love him...?

We were together for years and have been broken up for about 2 years but he was my first everything so of course I still love him. We have never really lost contact and I haven't moved on one because I'm not ready and two I'm shy and don't meet men. He called me one night about 8 months ago and said he broke up with his gf and really needed me, to see me and talk to me that he missed me. Well we had sex and the next day they were back together like nothing happened I was devastated. We didn't talk for a while then I kind of got over it and we could speak to each other well over the course of 3 months we've kind of started having sex and now he's been with his gf for a year and she doesn't know. He says he's not happy but he could have left a hundred times over so I've realized he doesn't miss me and is just using me the problem is I do miss and love him and I'm so happy the hour a week he comes over but the rest of the week I feel miserable because he doesn't call or text or anything, but if I tell him not to come over anymore I don't ever get to look forward to seeing him or talking to him. Why am I so pathetic?! And how do I stop?

Any advice on my situation with my ex having Borderline Personality Disorder?

We got married Feb. 6th 2009, and we only dated for 6 months before getting married. It was her 3rd marriage and my first. We have a 16 year age difference, but by the way she treated me while we dated I felt like I was put on a pedastil and she kept telling me she loved me and would run towards me and make out for hours etc. she was my first. I lost my virginity to her when we got married and she got pregnant and had out son exactly 9 months after our wedding night.
But divorce was brought up 2 months into the marriage, and she had a fear of intimacy and she ended up sleeping in a different bed. She'd lock herself in a room for days. Eventually she had me move out and I kept paying her bills cause she was pregnant with our son. She asked me to come back after our son was 3 months old or so, and we made it for about 6 months until our marriage counselor told us we needed to seperate.
2 days before the divorce was final she asked that we still get a divorce but then asked if one day I would ever reconsider marrying her. She found some guy within like 3 weeks of our divorce being final April 3rd. And he's more her age and he's got a little money. She all over this guy and she keeps saying he's such a good guy just like she did with me. My counselor said she has borderline peronsality disorder but I'm really scared the relationship could work because he lives 3 hours away and there getting married in 2 week and she's allready living there. I have legal joint custody of my son and I can't believe this is happening so fast. I didn't leave her because I didn't love her.. but she kept talking about suicide for being in a marriage where she didn't feel like she loved me and it was hurting her because she had so much guilt. So I made the hardest decision I ever made and walked away from it. She was no longer kissing me or hugging me again and I saw it going the same route as before.
So my question is, if she really has BPD, is there still a chance she actually will love this guy? Any storys or opinions or did I not provide enough info? She said she loved her ex-husband before me and he told me that she brought up divorce after 2 weeks of marriage but somehow they managed to be together 12 years..

I have a situation with my Fiance... Need advice please!?

OK, so my Fiance asked me to watch her cat when she was out of town… Well the thing is always trying to runaway, and I am very careful not to let it out.

Well one night when she was gone, I invited over my ex-girlfriend and couple of her friends and we partied all night… Well I woke up in the morning hung over as sh*t, and noticed that the cat had gotten out.

So we looked for it like a whole hour and no luck… Well my Fiance comes home and is understandably upset. So I offered to buy her a new cat. So she calls me a few days later and says I owe her $500 for a new cat. So I come over, and notice it’s a kitten!

I mean, that’s not right… I told her that her cat was a pretty old cat, and it really wasn’t right for her to expect me to buy her a brand new one! So, does anyone know what the average life expectancy of a cat is so I can pro-rate the cost? Any help would be most appreciated!

How can I repair the relationship with my ex-boyfriend?

So you mention that he doesn't really care too much about you. Why not? You would think hat at one point he cared about you right? So what happened? Why wouldn't he care about you now? I am pretty sure you did something that made him think you are not worth his attention or time. If you want him back you will need to convince him that you are worth his attention and time. You might actually be better off moving on. Personally, there really isn't any way my ex could convince me that she was worth my time or attention. There was a time when she could convince me, but I like myself now. I would never take her back. She could try to do whatever she could to convince me,but most likely I would take a blowjob and tell her I don't want anything else. I can't ever trust her or believe what she says anymore, I did that too many times and now I won't waste my time trusting her anymore. I am pretty sure she wouldn't waste her time either. But you may not have such a hard problem. If you can fix whatever went wrong and make him believe that he can trust you and respect you again, work out a plan and stick to it. It may take you a long time, but eventually you might get him back.

My ex wife took out her utilities in my name. what should i do?

If it's in your name, call, advise them fraud has been comitted, and as they are in your name, cancel them.

How can I fix a friendship that was ruined by my ex using my friend to triangulate me and discard me?

Since your ex was the catalyst, are the friend and your ex close or friends now? Assuming the situation was that your friend was mislead or misguided in thoughts and feelings about you by the ex, and you do appreciate and want to rectify this friendship, then what works best is simply telling them what happened and being truthful about it, (don’t have to stoop to his level). Sometimes a person has no idea how deeply they’ve misunderstood a situation because they’ve only seen it from one perspective.Just drop a text, can call if you’re up to it, hey wanted to talk when are you free.. miss you/ miss talking/ miss laughing… just whatever you would want to say, but don’t feel obligated to lead in with something heavy. From there, go with the flow, however you flow, apologize for misunderstandings or let them know what an important part of your life they’ve been, and either they’ll be open to the exchange or they won’t be ready. Don’t know until you try.