How Do I Get My 2 1/2 Year Old To Tell Me When She Has To Go Potty

My 2 yr old hides when she poops and WILL NOT go on the potty. She gets angry and yells at me to go away.?

Sounds like this is a bit more then a "poop" problem. These little people can be hard to control at times as they are their own little person, but as parents control we must.... or try to control! #1 pear juice is a wonderful natural laxative which should help her out a little every day, plus it tastes good (much better then prune juice with the same effect) you can find it in the baby section at most store (Walmart and so on). Also remember you are the Mom she is only 2 don't let her rule you, right now she is developing the eating habits she will have for the rest of her life. Keep the constipating foods out of the house, you are the one with the money and the one who does the shopping, just say no and stick to it. Plus she is only 2 with the potty training its great she pees on the potty pooping will come soon enough (it always seems to be a tough one).

Keep it together potty training has driven many a mother nuts and then one day all of a sudden its over and they are fully potty trained! It will happen! You are only on day three it will likely get worse before it gets better! Maybe try having he clean her own mess or offer her new princess panties for when she does go potty.

Please don't let her get away with yelling at you or other people, if she can do it now she will do it when she is older, rein her in now.

Stay strong, and good luck, you will get through this!!


How do I get my 2 1/2 year old not to be afraid of the "potty"?

potty training is something that you cannot force. he has to be ready on his own. he still is pretty young, so i wouldnt get worried. as long as you have the potty out and around where he can get used to seeing it or even try when he is comfortable, then i wouldnt worry. going potty is a control issue. he knows what you want, and also that once he goes then no more diapers and no more being baby. i think that just as moms and dads dont want their babies to grow up, neither do they, to some extent. you just have to let it be his decision. i just got done potty training my 3 year old recently. it takes time, many accidents, and sometimes frustration. whatever his favorite things are, tell him that he can go to the store and pick one out if he goes. let him know that thats the deal and let him do it on his own, if he wants it bad enough he will try. also kids like choices, even if they absolutely dont want to do something, offer them 2 ways to do it, like see if he wants to go with you in there or not, or on the big or little potty. chances are he will pick one of them, and both are good for you. let him know that the boys in school or firefighters or someone he likes wears underwear, so he thinks they are cool. good luck i hope this helps.

My 2 1/2 year old daughter smells "down there"?

Let me ensure you that she does know her body parts, it was my wording for this question. I do make sure my daughter is clean, she showers with me and I make sure I clean her VAGINA and all of her body parts-i will not name them by each individual part so excuse me. I have read that you can be the cleanest woman ever and still get infection because of the things you eat. I am a good mother and don't frown on me because you are miss class A mother

How do I start potty training my 2 year old?

I started my daughter at a year and 9 months. I’d imagine girls are easier than boys with potty training but she was using the potty on her own with no accidents by the time she was two. Though, all children are different and if I have another possibly won’t be experiencing the same thing twice.I started off by getting her a little potty and letting her hang out in one designated room naked. Every twenty minutes I’d ask her if she had to pee/go potty then I’d put her on the potty. It’s okay if she didn’t go, but we would go through the motions of her actually having used it. The whole time I’d watch her carefully and pick up on the signs of her about to pee and rush her to the potty, we’ve definitely had some accidents, so make sure you also have cleaning supplies handy. We continued this for at least three days and then started putting underwear on her when it was clear she recognized when she had to pee. Don’t get mad at her if she has accidents or when they don’t make it to the potty in time. After a week or so of consistent clean underwear I’d let her go out shopping with me in underwear and just ask her consistently if she had to pee while out so we didn’t have accidents (definitely bring a few spare pants and underwear).

Potty Training issues - parents HELP please?

My 2 1/2 daughter is completely potty trained most of the time. She has been potty trained since 23 months. I would say about 7-9 times a week she has accidents; but she just does not care and will tell me "I pottied in my pants. I wanted to potty in my pants."

We praise her & give her stickers & hugs for every potty attempt or success. We tell her how sad we are when she has accidents & ask her to tell us to take her to the potty next time and she says, "I potty when I want to."

I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?