How Do I Get My Child To Behave At Daycare

Daycare teacher being rough?

Dear Mommy,
I have worked in a number of child care programs and I am a parent. Any time you pay for a service and you are not happy you do something about it....child care is no different it is a gut feeling...a lack of appeal...if by chance you have spoken with the director and nothing has happened I think as a parent I would say something directly to the worker when it is appears rather ruff and I have voiced my concerns to the director...she needs to be reeled in

But honestly, if you have spoken to the director and nothing has changed and you still observe this I would simply make a call to one will know who called...but if a director is not handling this situation and you still see it occurring they both need a wake up call. Someone will go and talk to both the director and the worker, they may observe a bit pop in once in a while...

As a parent if you knew the parents of the children being imposed upon I would call and tell them what you observed...

See this just is not happening when you are their it happens all day and those toddlers are victims of her lack of professionalism.

I would come earlier stay longer observe more and change pick up time or drop off times so you could hang a little longer...just to observe...

in the meantime I would be encouraging other parents to do the should be aware of the education and experience she has...she might be under qualified for the position...also many kids age 2 she has and does she have help...I have been in a toddler room with 12 (3 year olds and no was crazy if I did not have materials and supplies and activities ready as well as a director who was attentive when I needed a helping hand...

I would also be checking into other places for child care...

It is a tough call but Mommy it is a gut feeling and either you trust where you leave your child or you doubt if it is a safe place...follow through on your parental instincts.

good luck


Do toddlers in childcare behave worse than ones looked after at home?

About your assumption, I can also say that because toddlers in daycare learn to deal with such social conflicts at an earlier age, they're more socially competent compared to kids who never learn how to share at home.That was just a theory. But a study in Sweden did find that children who entered daycare earlier generally performed better in school and rated better by teachers on several socioemotional measures. Several other studies I came across before had similar results.Effects of Day-Care on Cognitive and Socioemotional Competence of Thirteen-Year-Old Swedish SchoolchildrenHowever, it doesn't mean daycare is always better than home care. It also depends on the daycare's social climate and the care provider-child relationship. For example, a study at University of North Carolina found that kids' aggressiveness vary depending on the type of daycare they attended.Public School Aggression Among Children With Varying Day-Care Experience

Do you think daycare is the reason why so many Children miss behave?

In some cases it may be the source of the problem but a lack of guidance, structure, boundaries, discipline, and consistency are ultimately the cause of all misbehaved children. A child needs all of those things and love in their life to feel secure. If they are allowed to run a muck and do as they please or the parents break the trust by making empty threats and not following through after the first warning, the child will be lash out and misbehave.Daycare teaches the child to be social and get alone with others. My advice, sit the child down and find out if they are being bullied or picked on in any way at daycare. If that doesn’t pan out, look in the mirror and critique your parenting skills. Are you missing any of the important elements for raising an emotionally stable child? If so deal with it accordingly.

How are childcare providers caught in the act when behaving unethically/borderline abusively?

Wow, don't envy you. You are from Oregon -- but I would bet that things that are illegal for day cares here in Washington are also illegal in Oregon -- for the most part -- that would include forced feeding and then retaliatory starvation, hitting, name calling, etc.  I imagine that even in the absence of "proof" you could make a complaint to the state licensing people just on the basis of what your kids are saying; just be prepared for needing to get other child care.  It sounds like there are other parents who have their kids in this day care. Presumably their kids talk as well? People who have caught nannies in bad behavior have left a web cam or nanny cam aimed in a likely direction.  Absent video evidence I think interviews are the main way that the PTB will handle it; unless someone actually has marks on them from physical hitting.  I suppose that even if she doesn't get revoked the investigation may be a wake up call for the "care" provider;  but I would expect her to revert to old behavior after some length of time.  Good luck.  (Assuming you take the kids out but others stay with her, perhaps those parents could be encouraged to insist that she allow some nanny cams -- that alone might drive her out of business; which I suppose a really desperate parent might not want).  Are things really that bad for child care in your neck of the woods?  Maybe stagger a MWF community college student with a T-Th student? Even if they were just mainly doing homework while supervising your kids (which would perhaps bring down the pay scale?) -- it would have to be better than this.

How do I handle my 3 year old fighting at day care?

this is very difficult, especially as you are not there to see. sometimes children behave very diffrent in day-care than at home, this is normal.
Your child shouldnt become a push-over, I agree, however, a scred and wimpish child you would encourage to fight, but your son seems to be the type you tell to let go and give others a chance as well.
Maybe you could take hima t the weekend to the park to a playground and watch him over your newspaper how he interacts when you dont watch him. Look closely and when you see (even faintly) the behaviour the lady from the child-care described make it a big thing. Tell him you are shocked and disappointed and especially tell him HOW TO DO IT RIGHT.
Adults tend to alway criticize without telling how to do it right, maybe the child-care lady forgets...

The more mistakes you observe and criticized on your boy the better, as only this way he can learn how you really want him to behave.

HOWEVER, its up to a point perfectly normal and rather a healthy sign that he gives trouble. Listen with a friendly smile to Madame-Day-Care whil she is telling you all the staff - then put it behind you and have a nice evening with your son, he had already a hard time at the centre, give him a break.
Dont take away all his toys, he needs them to play really bad, but keep explaining your own frustration, eventually it will sink in.

He is only 3. Give him a hugg because he is all day without you to help him against this terrible Madame-child-care (at least thats how it feels for him).

Fix the problem by showing hime as often as possible alternatives.

Good luck, and relax - he is probably like you ;-)

Stay-home moms and better children?

If you want a good source, talk to Kindergarten teachers. They're in a good position to tell you which kids are likely to behave better. My mom was a Kindergarten teacher for 30 years and sees a noticeable difference when the kids start school. I've asked others including my daughter's teachers and friends who are teachers. They all told me the same thing.
I hope this link works, otherwise, Google daycare behavior study and there is a good article on msnbc about it.
I know this will get me a lot of thumbs down, but I'm really not trying to color it one way or the other. But between the two sources I listed, kids that went to daycare since infancy don't behave as well in school. Yes I realize that this doesn't apply to every kid, but it does to most apparently. I had more than one teacher tell me they could pick out the daycare kids "blindfolded". I researched all of this because I got tired of my in-laws telling me my kid was missing out by not going to daycare. I needed credible sources to help me defend myself and my parenting.