How Do I Get My Folders Tab To Show I Have An Unread E-mail In It

How do I delete all unread emails?

In the inbox , you can see a button with the title umread below the search box , please click to that , then click on select all button and press delete button .I hope this answer helps you .

My inbox shows 1 unread email even though I have no unread emails. I am using Google chrome. I tried searching "is: unread in:anywhere," but this doesn't work. Could anyone tell me how to fix this?

…and the answer made me smack my forehead.[math]~~~~~[/math]label:inbox[math]~~[/math]label:unreadEverything is done with labels in Google mail—everything.You’re welcome!—TDTAddendum: I saw the OP was 10/2015. I’m answering 8/2016. That’s a long time to wait for an answer! ;-)

With Firefox, the Yahoo mail inbox shows but the folders / compose button are hidden. Folders show normally on Chrome.?

When I first open my browser, the folder panel that’s normally displayed on the left is not visible. After I open an email in the inbox, the display returns to the normal configuration.

A quick comparison of the before and after states shows that the shellnavigation division is being set to display: none when I first open the browser.

When I use Chrome, the mail page appears normally.

The problem started a few days ago.

(I tried to attach a image to show the difference, but kept getting an error message).


Why doesn't the Gmail app have a show unread option?

It does, and as mentioned in a previous answer, it’s not very easy to find.An alternative to the “search” answer already given, if you find yourself wanting to have those unread emails float to the top of your inbox automatically instead of running an inbox search each time, you can reconfigure your inbox settings.Go to the settings gear icon, then settings, then to the inbox tab and for “inbox type,” using the pulldown menu, change it from “default” to “unread first.”EDIT: this technique only works on the desktop version of Gmail and not the app, thanks Harriet Condé for pointing this out!EDIT 4/25/18: The new version of Gmail now has this feature built in! Just ride your mouse over the word “inbox” while in your Gmail, then click the down arrow to the right for this and other inbox options.

How can you filter unread emails in the Gmail "Primary" tab?

Type in the search bar:is:unread label:primaryis:unread filters out all the unread emails, category:primary filters out all the emails tagged with the primary tag.

I can't move emails from my inbox to folders?

I click the small box to the left of the email I want to move, then, using my cursor, move it to the intended folder. When I do this, I can click the small box w/an "x", but cannot move the message. I also try clicking the intended message, and then clicking the "move" box on top, but nothing comes down from the move box like it used to do; it used to show folders I've created that I could move the message to. Now nothing.

Yahoo Mail Inbox Reads "1 Unread"?

If you have looked through all your emails, the last page for late arrivals and in folders and don't find any, then it's because Yahoo says this is a glitch and will clear on it's own. This has been happening to many of us in the classic mail while Yahoo has been upgrading the classic mail. It took a few days to clear but it did on it's own. Restarting the comp, refreshing the page, no tricks work, only time and Yahoo.

Is there a way to only see unread emails in Gmail?

Gmail allows for uses to use advanced search options in their mailboxes. Follow these steps:Login to your Gmail account.Type this into the search bar at the top of the Gmail page “in:all is:unread” (Quotes are not necessary)This will search your entire Gmail account for unread messages and display them in the search results. It will include all unread mail that has been archived, is in the trash or spam folders, or mail in any other folder you might have sorted it into.Other interesting searches include “before:yyyy/mm/dd” to search for anything sent before a certain date.Or for advanced users Gmail search can look at multiple items at the same time, for example: “in:all before 2018/01/01 -in:trash” which searches all mail received before January 1, 2018 that is not in the trash folder.Other common search items could include, or exclude, the senders name, email address, domain, keywords in the message or other date rages.For more on acceptable search options review Gmail’s official support page for acceptable Search operators you can use with Gmail.

Mail only showing old emails from october?

It's like it automatically deleted all my old mail but i receive new mail again? What if i had gotten the important mail these last few days? D: Also i have over 20k unread emails this have happened before.. Maybe its deleting a few mails to make room for more? It says i have room for like 54 million emails in the storage though..

My gmail says (1) Unread for over a year but there is no unread mail, how can I fix this?

Have you tried searching “label:inbox is:unread category:primary” in your gmail?Source: How can I only search the Primary inbox in Gmail?