How Do I Get My Guinea Pig To Eat

My guinea pig ate ham?!?!?

She's a animal, animals eat meat! It's okay now, but don't do it again, or feed any other human food to you guinea pig. Tell everyone in your family, especally your brother not to feed her anything without asking. It won't hurt her if you don't do it again! My hamster once ate a Fruit Loop because I gave one to my friend to eat and she gave it to him instead! (It was bigger than he was!!) If a 6-month old Roborovski Dwarf hamster (smallest in the world!) can eat a fruit loop and survive, so can your Guinea Pig.

Why won't my guinea pig eat hay?

Eating hay is really important for good health in guinea pigs (as well as horses and rabbits) so try your best to figure out why your guinea pig isn’t eating hay!The hay may not be very good. Make sure it’s good quality hay, and that there’ s nothing wrong with it—no mold, etc. Guinea pigs like most types of hay, but timothy or orchard grass hay is generally the best. I offer other types of hay like meadow grass hay, oat hay, or botanical hay as a special treat (my piggies are rather spoiled). My experience with alfalfa hay is that rabbits at least love it, but it’s pretty bad for them—it’s too high in calcium and protein for regular consumption.There may be something wrong with your guinea pig’s teeth or something hurting in their mouth. If they eat other food with no problem, then this isn’t likely to be the problem.It gets too much other tastier food—pellets, greens, too many treats. People often think animals will naturally eat what’s good for them, but like people, if given junk food, animals will prefer to eat the junk food! If you feed unlimited pellets, try cutting back and not giving as much greens/treats and see if your guinea pig tries the hay.As Whistling’ Wheekers suggests, being with another guinea pig eating hay will help your guinea pig learn to eat hay. Plus, two guinea pigs are just a lot more fun than one!

How can I get my guinea pig to eat?

I've had my guinea pig Izzy for about 4 or 5 days now. She's still pretty young and not fully grown yet. She doesn't have another guinea pig friend to play with yet, but we might be getting one tomorrow.

I know it's normal for them to not eat for a while when in a new home because they're scared and such. But she barely eats anything. I got her this pellet mix stuff (it's "Fiesta Max") but she has barely eaten any of it. I gave her about 1/4th of a cup the day I got her and most of it is still there. We don't have any Timothy hay yet, because my mom hasn't been able to get off work to get it, but we're picking some up tomorrow at the feed store.
She's drinking water at what I would think would be a normal amount for something her size.
This is what really worries me, though. She won't eat vegetables. All I can get her to eat is lettuce, she won't eat anything else. I tried putting a small piece of apple in her cage, half a baby carrot, Roma tomatoes...She won't eat any of it except the lettuce. And she eats a LOT of it. Usually about 2 leaves a day. I don't know how she can fit all of that in her tiny belly. And I know I probably shouldn't feed her that much, but she won't eat anything else.

How can I get her to eat something?

Can a guinea pig eat bananas?

Yes, a guinea pig can eat banana but should (like other fruit) only be given in very small quantities and a couple of times a week. Just a small piece of banana each time is plenty (a cm wide).Sugar can contribute to a guinea pig becoming obese which can lead to health problems and guinea pigs are actually much better without this in their diet. they don’t seem to crave sugary foods like we often do.Make sure they have constant access to hay. They should also have guinea pig pellets daily and fresh vegetables. Please see this page for more info: Guinea Pig Food: Daily Dietary RequirementsYou may also want to take a look at what fruit and vegetables guinea pigs can eat and how much they should have here Guinea Pig Food Chart

Why is my guinea pig eating paper?

He's not eating it, he is shredding it to make a bed. Guinea pigs are natural chewers and gnawers. There's not much you can do to stop this natural tendency. Make sure the cage has a little shelter where he can hide. Pigs prefer to have a cosy little hut to sleep in. In addition to pellets, give him lots of fresh vegetables and water. He will eat and chew on carrots, celery, lettuce, even grass. Have fun, they are great pets. But, don't let him unsupervised outside the cage, he will chew everything, including electrical cords.

My guinea pigs won't eat carrots!!!?

Introduce new foods slowly and only one at a time.

My specific advice on the carrots is to get some baby carrots, chop them up. and mix them in with the leafy greens. They'll eat around them, but may munch on one or two along the way. Once they get used to them, cut them in larger and larger pieces until you're giving them a full baby carrot.

You also may eventually have to come to the realization that they may not like carrots.

My guinea pig eats paper. Is that healthy?

Guinea pigs LOVE to chew and will chew on whatever they can find. It helps with their teeth which are constantly growing. Eating paper is OK, although the ink in the newspaper might not be the greatest for them (although mine got into newspaper, a paper book jacket that my sister left too close to their cage, and they tried to eat their plastic food dish and none of that ever seemed to hurt them). Consider providing something else for them to chew on. Guinea pigs enjoy having a place to hide - consider providing something like a wooden tunnel (available at pet care stores like Petco) that they can chew on as well as hide in.