How Do I Get My Mistakes To Stop Bothering Me

Can't stop thinking about past mistakes?

Okay so I know this is going to sound really stupid, but it bothers me almost everyday. Whenever I make a mistake I get so frustrated with myself, I start to wonder what would have happened if I hadn't done it. I wish I could reverse time sometimes. If I make a mistake by saying something, I "beat myself up" over it. At times I think about some horrible things that happened to me and I just think how if I hadn't done x or y, then it wouldn't have ever happened.
Here comes the really stupid part. Today I went to a root canal specialist (I had a root canal done in July last year). I don't have insurance so I had to pay $150. When I went to pay I paid $160 so I would get $10 back. The receptionist said it was fine and to just pay $140. Then I looked into my wallet and found one $10 bill I had and gave it. Small things like that bother me all the time. If they already said I didn't have to pay more than 140, why even look? and give it? (OK I don't want to sound like a horrible person but my mom paid for my consultation since I don't have a job & I don't know I just think it's stupid that I paid more than I had to) I paid that much just to be told I would have to get another root canal for $1,600. I don't have the money... so I have no idea what will happen there.
I've been looking things up about OCD lately, and I can relate to most and even extra things related to this illness...(obsession with handwashing/germs, health, sometimes I think of something and just say it- I tend to talk a lot without thinking then I regret it, but I'm learning to control that lately) and some other things. I don't know if I have it but I just wanted to know what are some ways that people have learned to accept mistakes and move on! I hate losing hours thinking about things that are so minor when there are much more important things (like looking for a job).... OK this is already way too long.

How can I stop letting my mistakes bother me so much?

I haven't made any huge mistakes in my life, but I make little mistakes quite often. And everytime I make a mistake, I'm really hard on myself. I'm kind of a perfectionist, and I don't know how to stop letting the little things bother me. I try thinking about how things could be worse and that I'm a good person, but nothing seems to work.

How do I stop feeling bad whenever I make a mistake?

The answer relies on this simple note of the movie Black Swan:What type of human being even tho he knows that he has flaws, still invalidates himself when he makes mistakes? The ones that are trying to be P E R F E C T.And aren’t we all, battling against this “disease”?! It’s almost as if ALL of us are so scared of imperfection because we are being seen all the time, like a reality show, and even this type of shows, are 90% editing, 10% reality. We were taught to see the perfect side of things on movies with the fake type of romances, social interactions where we all want to seem the “Knows-it-all” when we have no clue of many aspects of life, through fashion with the fake personas many of us are creating to ourselves trying to portrait famous people, without forgetting social media, the “KING” of them all in fakeness, with the wannabe “luxury lifestyles”.How can’t you not feel invalidated being surrounded by this type of “environment”?! I totally understand your pain but I won’t understand you (with all do respect) if you let your pain destroy you! Because honestly speaking if you want to live an healthy life, far from anxiety problems or other psychological problems you will have to choose: is it your perfect imperfection, or your fake perfection and it’s going to win?I believe you are smart and I know you will choose wisely. So LIVE, because our time in this earth is already short and at the end of the day it will be only every single one of us at the end of the tunnel.

People make mistakes, so your own errors do not bother you too much. yes or no?

Yes but I am able to move on and deal with things - let things go and be an adult, you know, like that! lol