How Do I Get Over The Grief Of My Cat Being Put Down

My cat is being put down to sleep?

So yesturday evening it was my dad's birthday and after a great night of cake and presents etc. my parents told me that my 15 year old cat Rosie was very sick and that they were putting her to sleep tommorow. which is now today. i'm crying as i write this. My sister said goodbye last night( She has had rosie longer than i have cause she is older) i told myself i would say goodbye this morning before school. i got up earlier and am all ready so that i can have time to say goodbye. When my parents told me what they were doing i was soooo sad but i was also mad at them, yelling, NO you can't. I always wondered if i would cry when Rosie dies because she only stayed in my parents room because of our dog( before our dog she roamed the house but i was to little to rememer) but i DID cry, a lot. It made me wonder and think about when our dog dies. sHE is only six but i have spent my whole life with her i am WAY more attached to her than rosie but that isn't my question, my question is how do i deal with this? and i have to be in school today wondering, did they put her down yet? is she stilll alive? maybe they didn't do it and she got better? i don't know and its killing me. pplease help

I put down my cat today and I can't stop crying!!!?

I am 17 years old and so was my cat. My mom purchased her a few months after I was born. We grew up together, I shared everything with her, and she was like a sister. Every time I came home, she would run out to the top of the stairs and greet me with a meow and rub against my legs. She would always sleep on me at night and stay around me. I am blinded by my tears as I type this and I don't know what to do! I am grieving so hard.

She started getting extremely skinny a few days ago and she stopped eating completely. She was very week and it was time to take her to the vet. We suspected kidney problems and we were right, sadly. We decided that the best option was the put her to sleep. When the vet lady left to give us some time to make a decision, despite her weakness, my kitty managed to jump into my lap and cuddle with me. She was purring extremely loud and it was the first time I heard her purr in weeks. It made me cry so hard and I can't stop thinking about it. I had to remove her from my lap and give her to the vet lady to be put to sleep. I feel so awful.

I don't know what to do! :-((((( she's gone.

Grief of cat - why cant i cry anymore?

I had to put my kitty to sleep 8 days ago and I cried A LOT for 4 days. I am still really sad, but no matter what I do, like look at pictures, thinking of memories, ect. it still doesn't make me cry. I miss my kitty sooooo much and I feel really bad for not being able to cry. I feel like I'm disrespecting her death. It feels like my tears have dried up and nothing I can do can make me fully cry about it again . I'm not ready and I don't want to heal and accept her death. I just want her back.

I feel like a terrible person and all I want is for her to know I love her.

any advice please??? :(

My boyfriend won't let me have another cat, What do I do?

My cat of 15 years recently passed away. She was my closest companion for so long and I have not been able to get over losing her and have been severely depressed. My boyfriend has a mild cat allergy and he has asked that we wait a while before getting another cat. However I didn't realize "a while" ,meant one or two years when I agreed. My grief over losing her has not passed. But I am home alone quite a bit as he works long hours and I now feel that the only way to heal the loss is to get another kitten. And he won't accept another pet into the house right now and doesn't understand how healing the unconditional love of an animal can be. I understand he wants some time to be allergy free in our home, but I cannot find any way to get over this depression and have tried extensively to feel better. I have never been without animal companions my whole life and it feels like it is killing me. I hate being home and in my house without them and I fear that his unwillingness to let me have another one now, is making me angry with him. It feels like in order for him to be allergy free, I have to suffer. For me not to suffer he has to deal with his allergies. I bought new HEPA air filters for the whole house, and agreed to vacuum multiple times a week and get the carpets steam cleaned regularly and he still objected. I just don't know what to do at this point. Any advice would be welcome.