How Do I Get The Twitter Followers

How to get followers on twitter?

Just go through your friends followers on twitter and follow them for a while it'll say 20 followers but following 500 eventually it'll say followers 500 and that's when you unfollow them if you'd like and then it'll say 500 followers and 20 following lol. It makes you look more important and wanted (: that's what I do. But Make sure you have that many followers to always keep them interested. Hope this helped.

How to get more Twitter followers?

Make sure to tweet relevant tweets, i.e. not too much personal what you did for the day type stuff unless your twitter followers are all friends. Also make sure to respond to people's tweets even if you aren't following them. They usually will end up following you in return if you write something interesting.

How to get a lot of Twitter followers?

First thing is not to do what you just did and do follow for follow. The people who follow you are only interested in your follow and they will end up unfollowing you. The key to getting followers is to post good content with lots of hashtags. People will soon follow. You do not want to go down the route of follow for follow. What is the point of having followers if they are not interested in what you tweet?

How to gain followers on twitter?

Okay, so I have followed like 1,000 people on Twitter and hopefully they'll follow back! But I still need some ideas that could help me to increase my followers. Thanks.

Can I hide my Twitter followers?

Open up any public Twitter profile (including your own) and there are "Following" and "Followers" links on the left. As long as the profile and its tweets are public, these lists are viewable by any visitors with a Twitter account whether or not they are currently following you. If you are currently signed into Twitter, you can subscribe to any of the accounts listed by clicking the relevant "Follow" button.

Twitter, how are followers listed?

by the date they were followed, most recently on top

How to arrange twitter followers?

1. Log into your Twitter account.
2. Click "Profile" on the top menu.
3. Click the "Lists" button on your profile page next to "That's You!" Select "New List." Decide if you want it to be a public list (that others can see) or private for only you to see. Add a description if you'd like.
4. Click "Following" on your side menu bar. Click the first box and check the group you wish to add the followers to. The follower will automatically be added to the list. If you wish to remove them, follow this direction but uncheck instead of the check the list.

How do some accounts get so many followers on Twitter?

Keys to get followers:Have a personal and / or professional blogUse TwitterfeedPull your friends and acquaintancesMake guest-posts on relevant third-party blogsFollowbackPut your Twitter account on your business card, in the footer of your email, etc.Make a massive mailing to your contactsTake advantage of your Facebook and LinkedIn accountsShare Follow Fridays (#FF)Devaluate yourselfAsk for retweets for a good causePay attention to the impact newsUse offline adsPublish an eBook