How Do I Get To Send An Email To Jet Li

An 8yr old who is raised to kill for pleasure. I need your thoughts on this.?

This storyline is somewhat similar to a movie called "The Professional". Perhaps watching that would give you some insight for your book.

When someone is separated from someone they have grown attached to and/or love, they will experience anxiety and sadness. This has proven to be true even in the case of hostage and kidnapping victims-not that they grow attached or love that person, but some 'strange' feelings often come into play. Perhaps if you tried to google such information, you would be more likely to come up with something.

Leaving one world and entering another, which is essentially what would be happening, would be a difficult transition. Try looking up information (from a psychological standpoint) about children whom have been raised by wild animals. Some of the same feelings as moving to a new school and/or country might be similar. I would assume that when teased or what not, she would easily feel the urge to kill as it had been pleasurable for her in the past.

Hopefully, a therapist would be able to help this child but even as a teen and adult it would be likely that she would have some severe emotional and psychological issues.

It sounds interesting. I wish you the best!

How can I directly send my message to Yogi Adityanath (the Chief Minister of U.P.)?

I am a PhD in philosophy and I would like to remind Yogi Adiytynath that ancient iā€™ndian heritage is not restricted to bhakti. Yogi Ji when will you name cities after Indian mathemeticians and linguistic philosophers Here are some namesPanini, Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara or even better his beloved daughterLeelawati, Bhartirhari, Kanad the atomist, or Madhava.How about naming cities after Indian philosophySamkhyanagar. Vaishesika, call Benaras Hindu uUniversity as Nyaya Darshan University.And most definitely the new airport in Jewar should be known as GBIGautam Buddha Airport

I am a male around 6' tall and I weigh 135 lbs. Is that ok?

I'm 6ft and my weight used to go from 120-140lbs when I was a rock climber. Switching to mountaineering/rambling/walking meant I needed more leg muscle and fat reserves so 160-180lbs is a good weight.At 120lbs I could do more pull ups on one little finger than most people can do with two hands and pull down over 4 times my own body weight.So it depends really, what do you need your body to do? If you are a competitive sumo wrestler, you may want to reconsider your career choice.If this is a sex/women question and not a health/fitness question, my missus is a lot happier when she can comfortably snuggle up to me and not have to rest her cheek on uncomfortable rock hard muscle and bone.As a climber the skin on my hands was very thick, very hard and very spiky, running my hands across her skin was like assault with a cheese grater, now that I have soft keyboard jockey hands, she purrs like a kitten.If this is a manly manliness question, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li were not exactly heavyweights, but I pity the fool that would insult them.Stop obsessing about your body image, it's no good for you. Go and punch some inanimate objects, your muscle mass will match your anger/insecurity level in time.

Are those fighter jets in Stealth movie real? The 3 and the robot?


Why isnt the movie "Hitman" played by Vin Diesel or Jason Statham,(Transporter)?

My household was WAY voting for Jason Statham. He has the attitude totally to play 47. I have to say that Vin Diesel sucks as an actor, but is bald already. I saw Die Hard 4 this weekend and also happened to see the preview for Hitman. Timothy Olyphant looks so awkward with a bald head. And he doesn't have the personality at all to play a cold blooded assassin...

How can i say AM FINE THANK YOU in german?

Ich bin fein, ich danke Ihnen. the equivalent of I'm fine, thank you.