How Do I Graph The Linear System And Put In Y=mx B Form For The Following Problems

Write a system of inequalities for the following graph. ?

First find the equations for the two lines. I would recommend using slope-intercept (y=mx+b) form for this particular graph:

Remember slope=rise/run



You can now by test a point (0,0) to determine the inequality sign. Since the lines are dotted, you know the signs will be either < or >.

0<3 (since (0,0) lies IN the shaded area, you want the inequality to be true)





What is the double intercept form of a linear equation?

In the double-intercept form of a line the x-intercept is a and the y-intercept is bThe given line (x/4) - (y/9) = 1 can be written as (x/4) + (y/-9) = 1so the x-intercept is (4, 0) and the y-intercept is (0, -9)the slope = (-9 - 0) /(0 - 4) = -9 / (-4) = 9/4BUT the way the question is worded I think they want you to find the x and y-intercepts then note that they are the a and b in the equation so I'll do that by writing the given equation in slope-intercept form y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept:a) (x/4) - (y/9) = 1Multiplying both sides by 4 x 9 = 36:9x - 4y = 364y = 9x - 36y = (9/4)x - 9so slope = 9/4y-intercept is (0, -9) ←←[the corresponding x-coordinate for the y-intercept is ALWAYS zero]the x-intercept is when y = 0so subsing:0 = (9/4)x - 9(9/4)x = 9x = 4so the x-intercept is (4, 0) ←←[the corresponding y-coordinate for the x-intercept is ALWAYS zero]b) comparing the results from part (a) with the given equation written in the double-intercept form (x/4) + (y/-9) = 1a is the x-coordinate of the x-intercept of the lineand b is the y-coordinate of the y-intercept of the linec) 5x + 2y = 30To get the y-intercept set x = 0 and solve for y:so when x = 0, 0 + 2y = 302y = 30y = 15 → so for the double-intercept form of the line b = 15to get the x-intercept set y = 0 and solve for x:5x + 0 = 305x = 30x = 6 → so for the double-intercept form of the line a = 6so the required equation written in double-intercept form is:(x/6) + (y/15) = 1

Graph system of linear inequalities?

how would i graph: y less than or equal to 2-x


how do i solve these problems to put them into y=mx+b form?



can you list steps? i need some clarification
thank you so much

How to graph equations using slope intercept form?

i have a math problem that says you have to graph the equation using the slope-intercept form method.
the problem is y=-3/2x-1. i don't know how to solve it with the fraction. i know you need to use the rise and run method but i don't know how. i need help solving it asap please!

In real life, how is the slope-intercept form used?

There are so many ways this can be used in real life. I actually asked my math teach this when he was teaching it to us a while back. I didn’t realize how present it really is.Have you ever been to an amusement or theme park? If you have then you have encountered the slope intercept. I’ll explain:You pay a fee to get into the park, let’s say it’s $20. On top of this $20 you might have to pay an extra $5–10 for riding certain rides. That is where the slope kicks in. Let’s say you go on a ride that is $7 per ride. The equation (y=mx+b) would then be y=7x+20. The slope is of the line would be 7.That is just one of the many examples of the slope intercept being used in real life. Another scenario includes; a job where you get paid an hourly rate with commission on selling x amount of cars or computers or whatever.Hope you can understand that.Happy calculating!

Help with a math problems?

Determine the slope and the y-intercept of the graph of the equation.

-x + 10y = 40

Determine the slope and the y-intercept of the graph of the equation.

x + 10y = 1

Use the slope-intercept form of the linear equation to write an equation of the line with given slope and y-intercept.

Slope 9; y-intercept (0, 5)

I go to an online school and they switched my math teacher this semester and she is not very helpful as far as answering my email questions. My mother is calling the school tomorrow to see if I can get switched back to my old teacher, but I need some help going over these review questions. Thanks!

Alegbra 2 Linear Equations help?

2. The slope intercept form is the form y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the intercept.
2x+3y =9 becomes 3y = 9-2x then y= -2/3 x +3 thus slope is -2/3 and y intercept is 3 You can
do the graph by starting at y intercept (0,3) The slope tells you how to find next point. A slope of
-2/3 means as y goes down (since negative) 2 the x value goes up 3, so next point could be (3, 1)

3. supposing you have line correct the equation becomes 7x=12 and x=12/7, thus every point on the line
has the x value 12/7 such as (12/7, 0) and (12/7, 5) and the graph is a vertical line through these points.

4. 5. 6. You can use the formula y - y1 ={ ( y2 -y1)/(x2 -x1)} (x-x1) where the points you have are
(x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then write the equation in whatever form you want using what you get