How Do I Improve My Balance

How can I improve my balance for ballet?

There are a few things that were particularly helpful for me.One was to pick a particular spot on the wall and look at it steadily. Where your eyes go, your head follows, and since your head is surprisingly heavy, that can quickly throw the rest of your body off balance.The second was to tighten my rectus abdominus muscles.The third was working on my ankle strength. This is a nice one because you can work on it pretty much anytime; if you’re standing, you can just go up and down on your toes repeatedly, and if you’re sitting, you can trace shapes in the air with your foot (I like spelling the alphabet). This last one probably helped the most. If you don’t have strong ankles, you won’t have good balance. :)Good luck!

What can I do to improve my balance?

Exercise your sense of proprioception, which is our sense of perception of our body's location in space. Try a simple exercise - stand on one leg, then close your eyes, chances are you won't be able to hold the pose.  A cheap balance cushion is invaluable to improving your proprioception. First stand on it until you find your balance, then start adding movements, such as twisting from side to side, raising your arms and lowering them, throwing a ball against a wall and catching it back, squatting, closing your eyes...there are more, just vary the range.  It will be hard to start with, but you'll improve quickly.  This is very helpful to improve the body's reactive speed in motion and will help to avoid injuries.

How do I improve my balance for Judo?

Shut up and train. That is something that comes with the training. Your sensei will be able to show you better than we can tell you.

How Can I improve My Balance through the Finish of My Swing in golf?

Try widening your stance very very little. Do it at the driving range so you can experiment.Also, with your shorter irons, keep your current stance if balance is an issue only with longer clubs such as your woods.

What are some ways I can improve physical balance?


I don't know how many days a week you are practicing your martial arts...but try to do a few balancing exercises each day.
1a. Stand on one foot, trying not to wobble... for a minute each side...then as that gets easier, raise your knee (the leg opposite of the one you are standing on) a little higher...and a little get the idea. As this gets easier, try closing your eyes and doing the same thing.
1b. Put a piece of tape on a straight, long section of the floor (make sure you can get the tape up afterwards). Try walking the length of it heel-to-toe without wobbling. Take it slowly at first, and increase speed as you get better.
2. Work your core muscles to build up strength- strong abs are essential to great balance. (Crunches, situps, etc.) Also, your hip flexors help you in balance too, so something like side leg raises would help as well.
3. Keep your gaze focused on one area while balancing. Moving your focus all over the place causes you to lose balance.

I can't balance my arms while bench pressing, how can I improve my muscle strength?

Unbalanced, huh? Well, there are two things that come to mind. The first is that your dominant side is too dominant. One of the ways to correct this is to do dumbbell bench press. You might want to not go so heavy as to not be able to think / feel the weight. Not, too light either. One of the goals is to increase the mind-body connection. Double hand presses are fine, but you might want to mix in single hand presses, too. Incline, decline; whoop it up. They are variations on the theme.Another possible problem is that your "weak" side triceps is, well, weak. You might want to step up your triceps workout. Again, some single arm, isolation, movements may help. Again, there are many variations.The second thing that may be a problem, is that you are injured and may not know it. Back in the day when I was a serious bencher, I went through a period where I seemed to have a loss of power in one arm. The bench would start fine and level, but as I got toward full extension an angle would develop. It was even more pronounced when doing dumbell bench. Up would go one arm, the other arm would stall out and drop. To make a long story short, I eventually traced the problem to the rhomboid muscle in my back.I can't tell you how this affected my pressing, but it did. I ended up doing lots of lightish seated one arm pulls as rehabilitation.It worked. Now it is entirely possible that I was mistaken about the muscle in question, and that exercising the back as I did led to cleaning up the issue. Either way, it worked for me and maybe it'll work for you, too. Good luck and keep lifting.

How can I improve my balance and strength on pointe?

Taking more ballet technique classes will help, paying extra attention to barre work. To cross-train, you may benefit from Pilates, since it specifically strengthens the core muscles, which are needed to maintain proper balance and alignment in any ballet exercise. Yoga also helps to improve balance, in addition to strengthening. Ankle strength can be increased by taking more ballet technique classes that have primary focus on barre work. When doing barre work, make sure that you are pointing through the entire foot, which will help to lengthen and strengthen the muscles. You can also work with a Theraband at home to strengthen your ankles. I hope this helps.

EDIT: I found an article by Dance Magazine that may be helpful to you. It is specifically about Pre-Pointe Conditioning Exercises, and the information is from a physical therapist (Lisa Apple).