How Do I Know If Im Going Through A Depression

How do you know if you're going through extreme depression?

Just my opinion, but I think you would know if you were going through severe depression. I have had spurts of severe depression and knew it without seeing a doctor about it. I never wanted to go anywhere or hang out with anyone. I listened to sad music and cried and wished I was dead. I googled different ways to kill myself. Everybody has different symptoms though. They're just phases. Is there something in your life causing you to be unhappy? I try to think of things that make me happy. No matter how sad I get, my dogs make me happy. I have 3 pugs. They're loyal and show me endless love. If I cry, my little Stella comes up on my lap and licks the tears away. I also try to do things I know I love. Photographing nature and posting the pics on my Instagram account. Nature is so beautiful. How can you not be happy when you're surrounded by it? Go outside and do something you love! And get a pet! Only if you can afford it, of course. They can be pricey, especially when you have 3 pugs and 3 cats, like me!

How do I know if I have depression or is it just a phase?

Hi ! Thank you for your question, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish ones feelings and understand whether it is Depression or intense Sadness. I will do my best to clarify the doubt.Depression is not just a phase it is a condition that consistently persist for a certain period of time. If you are suffering through the following for more than a period of 2 weeks consistently, it will give you an indication that you might be experiencing from mild to severe depression.So the following list is ..Your appetiteSleep patternSocial interaction/social lifeEnergy levels on a day to day basisMotivation to do things you would previously do, or wish to pursue in the futureIf you have experienced changes in the above mentioned arenas,with a feeling of deep melancholy,a feeling of helplessness and worthlessness,tinged with moderate to severe crying spellsreduced confidencelow level of concentrationloss of pleasureIt is then recommended strongly to speak to a Mental Health Professional at the earliest without delay.The minimum period of time is 2 weeks, if you have been suffering from these symptoms for more than 6 months, it is high time you seek the help you need.To give further clarity on this aspect kindly read the following article,Are you sad or depressed?The fact to remember is that you are not alone, it is important to share your feelings with a loved one.Should you wish to speak your heart out to someone, please feel free to connect to one of our life-coaches here at betterLYF, an emotional wellness platform committed to assisting people of all age groups from different walks of life with stress and anxiety.With over 34000 conversations across 35 countries, betterLYF continues to grow each day. Some of the key areas we help in are:• Self-esteem and self-confidence• Relationship/Family/Marital Concerns• Work stress• Academics and Career• General anxiety• Work-life balanceTo know more about us, please click here.Our Life Coaches are present 24x6 (Sundays excluded). Please feel free to connect with us and share anything, anytime, anonymously.In addition to this, you could also check out our interactive exercises by clicking here.betterLYF would love to hear from you, because we strongly believe that emotional wellbeing is just as important to us as breathing is!

How do I know if I’m clinically depressed or just “going through a rough patch”?

I think the time period is relevant.We all have “down” patches where we are depressed with all its associated problems.But like happiness, it should last only for a relatively short period of time.I’d say that if this feeling doesn’t shift after 4 weeks, it’s becoming a problem. That’s when I’d see first the GP to get bloods done to make sure that it isn’t simply a physiological issue like lack of iron or vitamin B.If they come back clear, I’d get the GP to refer me to a counsellor.It’s here that by talking what’s in our head, we can review our thoughts and problems in a new light. This is literally making new neural pathways.I wish you well.

Does everyone go through depression?

yes everyone is going to go through depression at least once in their life but always think in the back of your mind that things will eventually get better.

Best way to comfort someone going through depression?

don't irritate them. It gets annoying when somebodies forcing you to do something you really don't want to do.
But also don't ignore them.
Instead just be like, "Hey I really want to help you and I'd love to know if there's anything I can do to ease your sadness. Otherwise I'm here."
Its a fragile line to walk seeing as its not your responsibility to make him happy. Though it may feel that way.
Be sure to just let him know you're there for him if he ever needs to talk, maybe suggest he walk with you somewhere or play a favorite game or reminisce about a good ol time.
Just know that whatever the outcome may be, it's not your issue to deal with. Yes you can care for him but to make it your problem will ultimately cause you more grief than he.

How do I know if I'm actually depressed or just going through a tough phase? I've been feeling emptier lately, but I don't hate or want to hurt myself, and I don't want to hastily self-diagnose.

Hello dear….No feeling empty is not a sign of depression at all…it accompanies depression though…but even a normal healthy mind can feel empty. It is the situations at times that drain your energy, injure your soul and make you feel empty and low. It could persist or may happen intermittently on occasions. But all we have to see is… we have to overcome this feeling.Check one thing in you…my senior had asked this when he wanted to check whether i m really undergoing depression. Just check when you feel empty do you feel like doing what is your hobby. If not…then try it voluntarily…when that emptyness strikes you(it might happen all day as well…but times when u feel very difficult or when the severity is high) try to do something which has been you favorite past time. If you enjoy your hobbies still…congratulations you are not a victim of depression!!!You would think that every person likes doing his favourite job…what does it have to do with my emptyness… But that is what…I’ve seen people(even myselves) losing interest in hobbies…So the best way to keep out of your emptiness is…keep yourselves engaged. People often make one mistake…they try to look for more people and friends to fill their voids which is not totally wrong but should not be the priority. It is possible that you may get help from outside and feel good after that…but it will make you a dependent person…in case the person does not stay any longer with you…there you are caught!!!! And it makes you more vulnerable to depression…So make yourselves happy…keep busy…do something creative…. have a nice shower daily…sing, paint, make good hairstyles for you…and get to your desk!!!The principle is…brain needs something to think all the time…and it is the same organ which makes you feel empty…try filling your voids more with achievements and less with people…And just relax…its just a tough phase…it will pass for sure….but after making you a better person!!All the best….you are not unloved…!!!

How can i get suicide/depression help without my parents knowing?

I really need some help with my depression but my parents are a big part of the problem and I don't feel like there's anyone I know that will understand/i can talk to. Where can i find help and keep it a secret from everyone, especially my parents? I'm a junior in high school.

What is a way to tell if someone has depression?

Constant sleeping. Everytime you speak to them, theyll be one of four things: asleep, half asleep, just waking up or just going to lie (back) down. Show up to their house and you're sure to find them in bedclothesDrinking or taking OTCs like benadryl. Or, xanax/ativan if they can get their hands on it . Depressed people that can't sleep will drink or pop sleep aids or drink and pop pills in order to sleep or go back to sleep. Sleep is a sort of…escape? Friend of mine took xanax, benadryl and wine to stay in perpetual sleep mode. It scared me. That combo is dangerous. I took the xanax from her home to protect her. I did explain to her why I did and she understood my concern.Hanging out in bed all day. Every day. By themselves.Not leaving their home for days.Not wanting to do anything, especially, things they used to enjoy.Sleep-Work-Sleep-Eat-Work-Sleep-Work-Work. These types of people will do a lot of pretending in public. They're not okay. They only look like they've got it together. In fact, they just fall apart when they get behind closed doors. Very low energy when not “performing” for others. You've got to really pay attention to them because they will not tell you that they're depressed. You won't even know they're depressed unless you're in their personal space.IrritableOvereating or undereatingAlways complaining of tiredness or of being weary. They're always just “so tired”.House or room is untidy or neglected.Drastic change to dress and appearance, especially, if the person naturally likes to dress up.Forgetfulness and confusion.