How Do I Lose Extra Weight

Lose weight fast!!?

1. 20 minute walk ( NOT RUN ) everyday. walking or tread mill speed less then 3.0 possibly with incline will burn fat do not run. running will do cardio. you want weight loss.

2. park far as you can at work, grocery store, use manual door, useless elevator. ( this alone can shave off 5lbs in a year.

3.Drink water at least 8 cups a day. no more pop. diet soda is worst than regualr soda, aspertane is really really not good for you.

4. when you eat. do not watch tv, talk on the cell phone..etc.. focus waht you are doing, eat! enjoy the flavor. listen to your stomach. when it say i'm full stop

5. let the fork down while chowing!! slow down don't inhale food.

6. eat when you are hungry. do not starve your self. REMEMBER #4.

7. Always leave something on your plate. even if it's a bite.


for your graduation....

here is a trick. volumetrics..

how does your body know when you are hungry or not?

when your stomach is full, it's not hungry..

your job is fill your stomach with low calororie high volume food.

if the food is close to natual state, it's less calorie per same size, ( corn < corn mill < cerial < bread)

eat raw veggie, oatmeal, you will eat meat but lean meat, not fast food,

NO LIQUID CALORIES beer, coffee, soda, your bod'y does not count those calories because it goes right throw you.

AVOID CORN SYRUP. it's worse then sugar.


work out...

swimming is great and so is basket ball..

watch your diet..

add low fat burning accersices.. incline tead mill at low speed. / YOGA / and bodypump.

if you are serious about loosing weight in two weeks..

EAt breakfast, and work out everyday. ( treamill)

How do I lose extra weight naturally?

The best weight loss diet according to me is one where there is 500–600 calories deficit and one which can be followed in the long term. Weight loss is not just a destination, its a constant journey.Intermittent fasting: If you wish to have just two large meals a day instead of 3 small meals , which could leave you unsatisfied , intermittent fasting is for you. Fast for 6 hours after you wake up. Drink no cream coffee with no sugar or green tea till you are ready to eat. This helps you keep your calories intact and you can be on a deficit.Keto: keto has been around for a while, less carbs and more fat and protein. This puts your body on ketosis. It’s highly unlikely one can make this a lifestyle, but if you can you’re basically a fat losing machine. Again calorie deficit is a must.Macro-counting: This is a rather easy technique, you can each and every calorie you consume for a couple of months after which you'll get an idea of how many calories you consume. control the intake and workout hard.Most importantly train for strength, increased weights and low rep ranges.

How have you lost that extra weight and gained back even more? What did you do next to lose again and start back? How does it feel?

Your two questions are somewhat contradictory.  The fastest way to lose excess weight is extreme caloric restriction (eating much less).  This is the "biggest loser" template.  However, this approach is extremely short-sighted, and it results, ultimately, in a slower metabolism and a significant "yo-yo" effect in which you gain the weight you lose, and then some.  As you cut calories to very low levels, your body adjusts to the starvation it senses by slowing your metabolism.  This is why people usually plateau on a diet, and it is also why people generally gain back the weight they lost (plus extra) following a typical diet.So what should you do?  First, you should eat enough.  It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you eat too little, you will plateau quickly on a diet, and then rebound after.  I think you, personally, should aim for 2,400 calories per day to start with (approximately 11 times your bodyweight in pounds).  This should set you up for a consistent weight loss in the neighborhood of 2-3 pounds per week.  If you do not lose at least 1-2 pounds per week, you should start to make small adjustments (100-200 calories fewer per day).  As you start to get smaller, you will need to eat slightly fewer calories each day to continue your weight loss.  I suggest keeping the same multiplier of 11 to determine your daily calorie needs.The second thing you need to do is exercise, of course.  People often equate "exercise" with "cardio," but cardiovascular activity is merely one form of exercise.  While crucial (I recommend 4 sessions of 30-45 minutes per week), it is not enough to merely log a million miles on the treadmill to lose fat.  You also need to incorporate resistance training.  I recommend that you meet with a certified trainer or else do a lot of your own research to develop a balanced and progressive plan for resistance training.  This will spare (or even build) muscle mass, so your metabolism will stay fast and you will lose mostly fat as you lose weight.  This will also help ensure that you do not gain excess weight when you eventually end your diet.

Loose skin after weight loss.?

Question: How do I get rid of loose skin after weight loss?
Answer: Loose or saggy skin can be a common problem after losing a large amount of weight (more than about 50-100 lbs) in a short period of time. In time, you may see improvements in your skin's elasticity, but some people may require surgery to remove excess skin.
According to Plastic Surgery Guide Natalie Kita, the main factors involved in your skin's elasticity include:

•Age: As you get older, your skin becomes less elastic.
•Genetics: Genes influence how much firmness your skin retains as you get older.
•How much weight you lose: When you lose a large of amount of weight in a short time, such as with weight loss surgery, your skin doesn't have time to shrink along with your body and may be permanently stretched if you're overweight for a long period of time.
•Sun exposure: Your past, present and future exposure to the sun can damage your skin.
•Nutrition and water intake: Your skin may not be as healthy or firm if you aren't getting balanced nutrition, vitamins and minerals (especially Vitamins C & E) and staying hydrated.
•Smoking: Smoking can speed up the normal aging process of your skin.
What You Can Do About It

Because we're all different, each person will have a different response after losing weight. Some people may bounce back quickly while others may need to consider body contouring surgery to get rid of extra skin. Natalie recommends waiting at least a year after weight loss before considering plastic surgery to allow your weight to stabilize.

Remember that body contouring surgery is an expensive and serious surgery requiring a long recovery time. You may be able to make a difference with other options, such as exercise and a healthy diet. A basic cardio and strength training program can help you reduce body fat while building muscle. When you add muscle, you can improve how the skin looks and may be able to reduce some sagging.

Avoiding Loose Skin

The best way to avoid loose skin is to lose weight slowly, about 1-2 pounds per week. Slow weight loss allows you to maintain muscle mass while losing fat and it also allows your skin to adjust as you lose weight.


Will I have excess skin if I lose weight?

I'm 22 and I've been overweight most of my life. Will this decrease my chances of having excess skin and look good when I lose weight instead of looking like a deflated balloon. I'm not morbidly obese, but I am pretty big, like Mia Tyler was at her bigger days.
I weigh more than I look. I actually weigh 242 lbs last time I checked, but look 200 and I'm 5'8" with a large build.

I'm working out and eating 5 small meals a day with lots of water. Am I also on the right track? I'm not doing this alone, my bf is too and he has the same concern as me.


What diet or plan allowed you to finally lose extra weight?

The Flat Belly System!I had been struggling with belly fat for years now. I felt ugly, unhealthy, and not deserving of the life I got altogether. Yes, I know no one should think this way just because of being fat but I couldn’t help but think that there should be something I should do instead of giving in to what I had. So I tried dieting. I dieted like a madman. I starved myself to the point I barely eat anything in a day. I knew it was even dangerous to treat my body this way but I felt I had no other options. That is until I found Flat Belly Fix.It’s basically a program, which will let you discover simple secrets of losing the excess weight permanently. It will not require you to do strenuous activities or go to the gym. Also, it will not leave you feeling deprived as when you follow the latest fad diet.It can help you elevate the fat-burning hormone to aid in burning fat even when you are sleeping. It teaches the secret called “White Fat Fuel” which makes you burn your white fat to give you energy. It will also teach you about the technique called “Thyroid Accelerator”. This technique claims to help in achieving a dramatic boost in weight loss rate.A successful weight loss program is not supposed to make you look sickly or malnourished. It should, instead, make you look younger and vibrant. The 21-Day Flat Belly Fix helps you with that by reducing the “depression chemicals” in the brain. Aside from these, the program will provide you with meal-replacement recipes that are very easy to prepare.Here are my results: