How Do I Make Fruit Juices For Weight Loss

Can fruit juice make me gain weight ?

Can fruit juice make me gain weight ?
I am thinking about starting restricting my calories again
I'm 18
I have EDNOS
I'm 5'3 94 pounds
I know I'm not at a healthy weight
My BMI is 16.6
I'm just wonder, will Hi-C Orange and Minute Made fruit punch make me gain weight ?
I know the sugar can effect me, Does sugar make people gain weight ?

Is juicing good for weight loss?

Juicing is great, albeit over expensive and waste full it will aid in weight loss provided the rest of your diet is healthy. don't expect to loose weight by having a smoothie a day and 3 or 4 cheeseburgers. exercises will greatly help if weight loss is your goal. if you are looking to build muscle you need protein. if you are just looking to loose weight have 7-10 (or every 2-3 hrs) 4-6oz juice or veggie shakes per day and do cardio at least 3-4 times a week for 20-30 Min's per session (interval training works if you cant run for extended periods) you don't have to exercises to loose weight but it definitely accelerates the process. avoid excess amounts of pineapple and watermelon as they contain extremely high levels of sugar. stick with berries and veggies since it takes more caloric effort to process them than they contribute they are excellent fat burners. you will still want some complex carbs (oatmeal, rice, granola, whole grain pasta) in your diet otherwise you will feel like a slug all day. if your going to make smoothies use 1% milk. to figure out good recipes just experiment try mixing different fruits and berries till you find your proffered combo. I like broccoli and chocolate flavored protein mixed with but i have different goals than most people and i eat 7-8 meals per day consisting of chicken, rice, eggs, pasta and tuna fish plus the broccoli and protein 3 times per day so its really a matter of your personal goals

A fruit juice drink is 5/7 water and 1/6 fruit juice (by weight). Other additives, primarily sugar, make up wh?

1 - 5/7 - 1/ 6 = 1 - 30/42 - 7/42 = 5/42

Does Fruit Juices increase Weight and add Fat?

Does drinking Fruit Juices like Tropicana, Minute Maid etc result in weight gain and fat accumulation on bodies? I've heard people say its better to eat fruit than drink juice which contain lot of sugar.

Please let me know your opinions. Thanks

Does juice make you gain weight?

If you are looking to lose weight stay away from juices. Here’s why…Just about all juices are full of sugar and calories.So many people think that orange juice is healthy but this is simply not true.Next time you are in the grocery store look at the label and see how much sugar “per serving” is in that container.Remember, it’s per serving. Most people miss this when reading a nutritional label.Now I’m not sure if you intend to gain weight but if that’s the case juice will help you but food will help you even more.If you could clarify that you want to lose weight or gain weight it would better help me to complete this question.