How Do I Make My Freckles Look Nicer

How do I get freckles?

A freckled complexion is one of the latest North American beauty trends, popularized by celebrities like Emma Stone, Emma Watson, and Julianne Moore. Some women have even gone to the lengths of having freckle-like marks tattooed on their faces. East Asian women may not be fond of this North American trend, however, being known to prefer clear, pale complexions. Whether you like them or not, freckles are a phenomenon that often sparks curiosity. Have you ever wondered what freckles are and what causes them? The answer lies in your genes.Skin color is determined by the amount of melanin in your skin; the more melanin you have, the darker your skin will be. Sometimes melanin can be more concentrated in certain skin cells, resulting in freckles. This explains why freckles darken upon exposure to UV rays from the sun. UV exposure causes certain skin cells to produce melanin, making skin (including freckles) appear darker.In the same way that you inherit your hair and eye color from your parents, you can inherit freckles. In fact, scientists have identified several genes that are known to cause freckles. One of the most well-known ones is called MC1R.¹ Sometimes this gene is referred to as the “red hair gene”, which explains why red hair and freckles often go hand in hand.It’s important to distinguish between freckles, sun spots, and moles. Freckles, also known as ephelides, first develop at about 2-3 years of age. Freckles sometimes fade with age, and can darken or lighten depending on sun exposure. Age spots, also known as lentigines, are seen much later in life, usually after 50 years of age. These spots are caused by accumulated sun exposure rather than genetic factors, and these spots don’t typically fade.¹ Moles are also caused by skin cells with higher concentrations of melanin; however, these spots tend to be permanent and don’t change throughout life.²Freckles, moles, and age spots aren’t inherent health concerns, but they should be monitored for abnormal changes. If you notice any suspicious changes in the border, colour, or size of a spot on your skin, seek the advice of a dermatologist.

How can I make my freckles look pretty?

You don’t need to do anything to them. I have freckles, too. Freckles are beautiful. Embrace them!

Freckles : Good or Bad?

What is everyone's views on freckles? Some of my friends have them and don't know if it is better to cover them up or to leave them, and I have a few on my nose. I don't particulalry like them...

How can i make my freckles look unnoticeable?

I have 5-10 horrible looking freckles on my left face. I have a dark color skin. Im chinese, but I hv tanish skin. My forhead is high,so it is extra dark up there. Can you help me make my skin whiter and freckles unnoticeable?! Im 10 yrs old, so I can't get or buy things without my mom's permission. Please help me!! Iim starting ice skating classes soon so I want to look good before 6-28-09. Thank you!!

I hate my freckles sooo much! :O?

- Rinse your face with sour milk. It will help minimize the darkening of the freckles.
- You may also try to use lemon juice to wash your face. It will lighted the freckles, but you need to be doubly sure you do not expose your face to the sun because your skin will be extra sensitive because of the lemon juice.
- Sour cream may also be used in your face as a mask. It will lighten the freckles. However you may not rinse your face afterwards, only wipe your face with soft cloth or tissue.
- Increase Vitamin C intake. This vitamin will make your face less sensitive to the sun. Therefore, you minimize the risk of developing more freckles than you already have.

I have alot of freckles on my face. It looks like I have a mustache. What can I do?

Use a mineral (powder) make up and also wax the blond hair away...Mineral makeup covers better and doesn't cake like drugstore or discount store makeup. bare minerals are expensive...Loreall has a great one on the one that is a little lighter than your actual skin tone...

How do I apply make up over freckles and not look chalky?

You need a primer and then you’ll need a good coverup / foundation blend. I know that Clinique makes a good one. But you’ll need setting power too .. the primer you can get really cheap like 5$ and the powder too 4$ is the coverup that’s like $26–40 but it will last. Go to a store like Ulta or Sephora. And ask for some help

Are freckles ugly?

Jayne Cobb has written the most stupid and condescending answer ever.NO they are NOT 'genetically inferior' and freckles are not ugly, however I will be blunt and say they are not entirely unattractive when you have an attractive/pretty face. But they are something that is naturally apart of the face with people who have it and you should embrace it.

Help, I hate freckles!?

Freckles are pretty and that is one of the things that makes you so cute.... some ppl are just born with smooth, flawless skin, but just because we have fair skin and a few freckles doesn't mean we aren't pretty too. The more chemicals and stuff that you put on your skin the more damage you will do to it. Just learn to be comfortable in your own Skin and you will be totally Beautiful.

Would a nose piercing look good on a woman with lots of freckles?

In my opinion, a nose piercing looks good on any woman! If you want one, get it! You shouldn’t worry about what other people will think.