How Do I Make My Parakeets Trust/like Me

How can i tell if my parakeet likes me?

One way you'll know if your parakeet likes you is if she tries to feed you. She might regurgitate her food at you, which is a sign of affection toward other parakeets! A parakeet that loves its owner will try to preen the human, picking through your hair and ears.

Some loving parakeets will try to play "tag" and run (not really fly) to the end of a table or other object, and quickly run back. The parakeet is not afraid of being picked up, but it wants to play just as a dog would want.

My parakeet used to pick out some of the treats in his seed (raisins, corn, etc) and place them near me, insisting that I eat them! A good parakeet eats when the owner eats, as they realize you, the owner is in charge.

A parakeets will "click" its beak when satisfied. Some parakeets will tap the bars of their cage when happy.

If she doesn't let you take her out of the cage, she hasn't realized who is in charge. She doesn't trust you enough. This doesn't mean she doesn't like you, after all, she knows where her food comes from.

Try this: do not let her out of her cage until she sits on your finger long enough for you to lead her out, yourself. Once she is out, she must jump on your finger to get back in. That is the hard part. Make sure she is very comfortable with being on your hand before ever letting her out. She obviously enjoys her time out of the cage, and must realize that you are the reason for her happiness.

How do i train my parakeet to trust me?

i just got a parakeet 2 days ago and i been watching a lot of youtube vids how to train a parakeet and lol i still don't get it can someone help me?

i have no clue how to let it trust me or teach it to trust me and does not be scared to let it hold her?


How do i know if my parakeet likes me?

Wow you're really lucky! It sounds to me like your parakeet really likes you -- are you sure he wasn't hand fed or previously trained/tamed from wherever you got him from?

At the very least he trusts you and thinks of you as part of his family/flock. At the very most he absolutely loves you. Keep an eye out for behaviors such as head bobbing while making burbling/warbling sounds, especially if he does this close to your face. He may land on your shoulder and run back and forth bobbing his head up and down close to your face, run away, then come straight back and bob his head some more as he's nose-to-nose with you (or should I say "beak-to-cheek"?)

Now this sounds gross, but he may even run up to your face and regurgitate (throw up) some food on you. This REALLY means he loves and trusts you! This is normal flock behavior for birds -- they'll sometimes share a tasty treat with each other by emptying their crops.

Will my Parakeet ever trust me?

I bought a parakeet a week ago and on the third or fourth day of just keeping my hand outside the cage I put it in. He didn't do anything but fly away from it so after that I left him alone for a while. The next day I (stupidly) thought may be I should try and get him to perch or go near my hand so whenever he flew away from it i just followed him with my hand. Now he freaks out whenever I go near him or anywhere I close and I'm pretty sure he is petrified of me and hates me... Then today, to attempt to make amends, I thought maybe the issue was that he felt trapped so I opened the door to let him out and he flew out faster than anything. I proceeded to chase him around my room eventually using a small box to corner him in and eventually got him back into the cage. It's my first parakeet and I realize now that that is definitely not what you're supposed to do. Is there any hope for redemption or should I just accept that I ruined it. He's SERIOUSLY afraid of me. HELP.

How do I tame my parakeets to like me? I've had them for about a year now.

To train a bird you have to get them used to you.The best way to do this is to sit with them while they are in their cage. Do this twice a day for three days.After a few days of doing this twice a day then place your hand in the cage, and leave it there. Do not do anything with your hand. Just let it sit in the door of the cage doing nothing. Do this twice a day for three days.A week has now passed. now you put your hand in and raise one finger to the bird and scratch it behind the head. If it moves away then go back to the last step for another three days. If it accepts the scratching, then do this when ever the bird offers its head to you.After three days of head scratching, move your finger in front of its belly and push backwards against its legs softly. It will either become scared and fly away from your hand, or it will step onto your finger. If it flies away then retract your hand and go back to the head scratchign stage another three days.If it goes on your hand then start to do it again for a week. It should be used to being on your finger after a week of this.You can now attempt to take it out of the cage on your finger. make sure you are in a closed room. so it does not accidentally fly away and get lost (at this stage it will not want to leave you, but may accidentally get lost). If it does fly around then it is easy to get it back by leaving the cage open and putting food and water in it.

I might have lost trust in my parakeet. Can someone help me?

I got my parakeet on the 17th of March. I let him live in peace for 5 or 6 days. During that time i did talk to him in a soft voice. He seemed to like me so i tried to get him comfortable with my hand being in the cage.
i didn't start petting him until a week after. I started at his feet then worked my way up to his chin. I know now that i wasn't supposed to pet him on his back or on his head, but i did a few times. Lately have been trying to get him to sit on my finger. I have had no luck with that. i have had about 8 session trying to teach him the "up" command. no luck there. Now i have done some research and have resorted to the finger under the abdomen area. Every time i do that, he just clings himself to the side of the cage. He also only gets 1 foot on my finger before fluttering around. He has only nipped at me once and it wasn't a bite. It was almost a love nip. He also has been out of his cage and walked around my room around 5 times. I really dont want him to hate me or have any distrust. He also just sits and squawks, no chirps. He also seems like he doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

I really need help! Please help, i dont want to lose him.

I would also love some tips to make him sociable!

Thanks for all of your support.

Do parakeets like to be cuddled?

Not generally, no. But they can be very affectionate and try to “feed” you….regurgitated food is a love offering.My parakeets trust me enough for me to kiss them on the beak and forehead, and pet their heads with my nose. Hands? Not so much, and I've never known a budgie that likes to be petted, although I think it's possible.

How do I get my parakeets to stop being scared of me?

I, too, had parakeets as a child, and to expand upon Gabrielle's answer: go slowly. First, just spend time in the room with them. Go about your daily business, give them food, talk to them. After they are less nervous when you're simply in the room, do the hand thing for a while every single day (put your hand in the cage, don't try to touch them). After a few days of this (or possibly a couple of weeks), you can start putting your finger up to their bellies so they hop on, but don't pull your hand out of the cage with them on it. When they're comfortable on your hand, you can move on to taking them out of the cage. It's all in steps. I did this with my parakeet, Buddy, when I was 9 years old. I followed instructions from a book, and it was quite easy. He was very attached to me.However, I should note that parakeets tend to bond with one other bird. If you want a parakeet to feel close to you, keep only one. Having two or more will make it more difficult for them to socialize with you (in my experience). When I got a cat, and found my attentions were split between the two, I decided to get Buddy a friend. He was very happy with his little girlfriend, and they fed each other and nuzzled very cutely. Buddy still would come out and spend time with me, but he became more aggressive and occasionally bit me. He would fly back to the cage to placate the calls of his friend. The second bird (Lil' Jinx) never really got used to me. She immediately bonded to Buddy and had no interest in me whatsoever. Taking her out of the cage made her very frightened. If I were going to get another parakeet, I'd only get one.

I gained my new parakeet's trust, but then lost it. How do I get it back?

When are we going to learn that birds that do not fly will never get good exercise and there for not live a good healthy life?
Sorry I do not agree with anyone who thinks clipping a birds flight is correct way to interact and train a bird. I believe in love and affection.
And they do not tell you that a small bird can still escape even with a complete clip if scared by something. The only reason it may not escape is because it is not fit and healthy.
Add to that the dangers clipping brings into the equation. Getting hurt because it cannot fly well. Keel bone damage. Blood feather damage from new flights growing in unprotected. Getting killed because it could not escape. To name just a few things.

You need to work with each bird on it's own if you want to hand tame them and bond with them.
It is best, but to late now to have one bird, tame and bond. Then get the second.
Look up Positive Reinforcement Barbara Heidenreich.
She is like me and prefers to work with non clipped birds as they are able to fly away from you when they have had enough.
Using force to train a bird is not fair on the bird and makes it hard for it to trust you and get that super bond.that comes with love.